Griddlers Knihy

Griddlers Color, Vol. 4
Pages:44Puzzles: 47
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ID | Popis | Autor | Datum | velikost | Body | vyřešeno |
1165 | Watch | kayray67 | 31.8.02 | 20x30x6 f | 55 699 | |
2600 | Hot Vegetable | kayray67 | 16.12.02 | 45x30x5 f | 23 310 | |
3118 | Beer | maarten001 | 18.1.03 | 20x20x4 f | 6 650 | |
3208 | Peacock | maarten001 | 2.2.03 | 20x20x5 f | 9 437 | |
6360 | Parrot | zukov | 25.10.03 | 25x25x4 f | 2 846 | |
6943 | Teddy Bear | ulka | 16.12.03 | 20x30x8 f | 3 524 | |
8161 | Fire | Robyne_Hud | 3.3.04 | 20x20x5 f | 1 203 | |
10611 | Mower | ulka | 9.6.04 | 20x20x7 f | 5 899 | |
10668 | Butterfly | 433 | 12.6.04 | 20x20x5 f | 5 631 | |
10740 | For My Loved One | rafal24 | 17.6.04 | 15x15x5 f | 648 | |
10899 | I Have a Flower for You | dado | 28.6.04 | 50x30x7 f | 93 369 | |
11575 | Smurf | yaaramann | 30.7.04 | 35x40x5 f | 23 165 | |
12102 | Loving Dolphins | humpback | 8.9.04 | 40x40x5 f | 81 237 | |
15423 | Water Circus | maristone | 27.12.04 | 40x40x6 f | 56 116 | |
17421 | Cheerful Pear | mickeybabydoll | 17.2.05 | 19x32x4 f | 15 458 | |
18437 | Parrot | Chemical | 28.2.05 | 15x20x6 f | 3 054 | |
22743 | Peacefulness | elimaor | 31.5.05 | 35x40x4 f | 85 920 | |
23582 | The Princess on the Pea | Amoebe | 28.6.05 | 25x50x6 f | 13 005 | |
24552 | Turtle | moran_84 | 26.7.05 | 35x14x4 f | 7 485 | |
24625 | Snow White | netty | 28.7.05 | 20x20x7 f | 1 221 | |
25115 | Carnation | shcalaway | 10.8.05 | 20x20x4 f | 4 966 | |
25700 | Surfer | Mulan | 28.8.05 | 20x20x8 f | 4 098 | |
28347 | Teddy Bear | Leila25 | 28.11.05 | 30x45x7 f | 25 868 | |
32059 | Wizard | netty | 25.3.06 | 20x20x8 f | 3 946 | |
33854 | Duck | Nicky | 26.5.06 | 20x10x6 f | 1 044 | |
36091 | Can You Stand on Your Head | mrenshaw | 26.7.06 | 40x50x4 f | 155 372 | |
37980 | Towel | mmp | 15.9.06 | 15x15x4 f | 952 | |
41114 | Native | hibrahimozer | 1.1.07 | 40x50x4 f | 160 467 | |
41388 | Blue Rose | elychiolo | 9.1.07 | 35x40x7 f | 26 191 | |
42997 | Flying Colors | chiacchia | 21.2.07 | 35x35x4 f | 59 868 | |
44931 | Washing Day | elderberry | 22.4.07 | 40x15x6 f | 9 612 | |
45251 | Cheerleader | tomtal | 30.4.07 | 30x45x8 f | 58 341 | |
45281 | Japan 3 | ElinaMaria | 1.5.07 | 45x50x6 f | 150 092 | |
45560 | Frog | starch | 9.5.07 | 20x30x7 f | 10 345 | |
45891 | Ice Cream | Nicky | 17.5.07 | 14x43x7 f | 7 002 | |
46819 | Love Letter | Ninnu | 10.6.07 | 35x35x7 f | 46 816 | |
47504 | Artists Supplies | Nicky | 25.6.07 | 30x50x8 f | 29 178 | |
50207 | Treasure Box | starch | 10.9.07 | 40x40x8 f | 47 449 | |
52275 | Tropical Fish | skybreezes | 28.10.07 | 40x40x6 f | 155 018 | |
53620 | Gray Kitty | Nicky | 20.11.07 | 35x50x5 f | 40 544 | |
55531 | Hamburger | vivimagi | 18.12.07 | 40x40x7 f | 13 108 | |
66036 | Purple Elephant | MLN | 8.7.08 | 35x35x4 f | 35 569 | |
79079 | Cherries | farfalla19 | 2.5.09 | 15x20x6 f | 2 376 | |
79917 | Bottle of Water | nasa17 | 27.5.09 | 10x30x5 f | 4 010 | |
81196 | Kunai Knife | RyuShoten | 7.7.09 | 13x50x4 f | 8 582 | |
83412 | Little Duck | fertu | 27.8.09 | 23x20x4 f | 5 532 | |
85392 | Torch | willem | 17.10.09 | 12x29x5 f | 3 934 |