Griddlers Books

Griddlers Beginners - Black and White, Vol. 3

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ID Beschreibung Autor Datum Größe Punkte Gelöst
688 Motorcycle tono 15.06.02 20x20x2 f 6.826
3602 Seahorse tono 27.03.03 20x25x2 f 4.601
4685 Bambi tono 23.05.03 20x25x2 f 3.102
6881 Tulip ulka 14.12.03 20x30x2 f 13.761
12114 Jump sewcio 09.09.04 20x20x2 f 5.060
13976 Snail nimrod 10.11.04 15x10x2 f 563
24762 Camping Cooking admlange 01.08.05 20x20x2 f 7.972
25371 Fridge twoznia 18.08.05 10x25x2 f 649
27058 Ring Ring vahirua77 19.10.05 20x20x2 f 860
29279 Minimalism: Bird Catches Fish op1 29.12.05 5x5x2 f 5
33053 Minimalism: Fat Stick Man isack55 28.04.06 5x5x2 f 8
33282 Minimalism: In a Tank Ne_Plus_Ultra 06.05.06 5x5x2 f 1
33499 Minimalism: Two Men Sitting on a Rock twoznia 13.05.06 5x5x2 f 24
33652 Minimalism: Hockey Player Ne_Plus_Ultra 18.05.06 5x5x2 f 10
33997 Minimalism: Giving a Massage Ne_Plus_Ultra 29.05.06 5x5x2 f 10
33998 Minimalism: Open Zipper, Close Up Ne_Plus_Ultra 29.05.06 5x5x2 f 9
34264 Minimalism: Playing Poker twoznia 04.06.06 5x5x2 f 8
34580 Minimalism: Goal twoznia 12.06.06 5x5x2 f 7
34607 Minimalism: Television Ne_Plus_Ultra 13.06.06 5x5x2 f 12
34640 Minimalism: Boxing Training Ne_Plus_Ultra 14.06.06 5x5x2 f 3
34766 Minimalism: Figure Skating twoznia 18.06.06 5x5x2 f 7
34769 Minimalism: Glider twoznia 18.06.06 5x5x2 f 4
34792 Minimalism: Flamingo Ne_Plus_Ultra 19.06.06 5x5x2 f 7
34815 Minimalism: Rooster twoznia 20.06.06 5x5x2 f 4
34838 Minimalism: Hourglass Ne_Plus_Ultra 21.06.06 5x5x2 f 4
34875 Minimalism: Curling twoznia 22.06.06 5x5x2 f 6
35158 Minimalism: Motorcycle Riding from the Front twoznia 27.06.06 5x5x2 f 7
35238 Minimalism: Formula 1 mko 29.06.06 5x5x2 f 10
35404 Minimalism: Door Ne_Plus_Ultra 04.07.06 5x5x2 f 7
35501 Minimalism: Electric Plug twoznia 08.07.06 5x5x2 f 0
35640 Minimalism: Water Tap mko 11.07.06 5x5x2 f 4
35858 Minimalism: Candlestick twoznia 19.07.06 5x5x2 f 5
36253 Minimalism: Anchor twoznia 27.07.06 5x5x2 f 7
36379 Bus Oskar 30.07.06 10x5x2 f 13
36643 Minimalism: Strongman twoznia 07.08.06 5x5x2 f 12
37360 Minimalism: Bishop Playing the Piano twoznia 01.09.06 5x5x2 f 5
37427 Cityscape RandomPerson 03.09.06 20x10x2 f 297
37507 Minimalism: Dog twoznia 04.09.06 5x5x2 f 6
37684 Minimalism: Speedboat twoznia 09.09.06 5x5x2 f 16
38372 Minimalism: Digital Photo Camera marlonbraga 24.09.06 5x5x2 f 8
38418 Minimalism: Pinwheel marlonbraga 26.09.06 5x5x2 f 12
42683 PacMan Ghost Smakkie 13.02.07 15x20x2 f 928
42711 Owl mustafademirbas 14.02.07 20x25x2 f 7.927
43993 Griddler Girl beast666 23.03.07 15x15x2 f 787
44171 Eye Oskar 29.03.07 30x15x2 f 5.911
44176 Bar orenbnaya 29.03.07 20x20x2 f 1.999
44624 Bicycle starch 13.04.07 15x10x2 f 379
45261 Love beast666 30.04.07 15x20x2 f 1.619
45597 Strawberry solo222 10.05.07 15x15x2 f 608
45713 French Lily Nicky 13.05.07 15x15x2 f 704
46176 Best Friends lucycon 23.05.07 10x10x2 f 150
46178 Oil Ewer solo222 23.05.07 10x10x2 f 12
46318 Crab solo222 27.05.07 15x15x2 f 386
46372 Dog solo222 28.05.07 20x20x2 f 17.378
46404 Panda abrek 29.05.07 30x15x2 f 11.281
46596 Where is My Home? solo222 04.06.07 20x20x2 f 913
46728 Country House solo222 06.06.07 20x20x2 f 4.601
47252 Bug solo222 18.06.07 20x20x2 f 1.518
47747 Slow solo222 01.07.07 15x15x2 f 453
47859 Candle solo222 03.07.07 10x15x2 f 498
47918 Rose solo222 05.07.07 15x15x2 f 988
48002 Desk solo222 08.07.07 20x20x2 f 2.329
48243 Flower semdem 15.07.07 10x15x2 f 410
48436 Dolphin abrek 20.07.07 35x15x2 f 2.831
48579 Strawberry solo222 25.07.07 20x20x2 f 6.022
48720 Christmas Tree solo222 30.07.07 15x15x2 f 1.741
48903 Christmas Stocking solo222 05.08.07 10x20x2 f 521
49055 Tulip solo222 10.08.07 15x15x2 f 301
49368 Piggy solo222 21.08.07 25x20x2 f 805
49731 Flowerpot solo222 28.08.07 15x20x2 f 234
49732 Teddy Bear solo222 28.08.07 15x20x2 f 223
50173 Train solo222 09.09.07 25x20x2 f 7.264
50226 Urn solo222 10.09.07 10x15x2 f 18
50351 Scuba Diver solo222 12.09.07 15x10x2 f 416
50607 In the Garden solo222 19.09.07 15x10x2 f 228
50656 Valentine's Plant solo222 20.09.07 10x20x2 f 1.080
50666 Cherries Key 21.09.07 20x20x2 f 2.655
50946 Only for Cinderella solo222 28.09.07 15x15x2 f 192
51226 Trophy solo222 05.10.07 20x20x2 f 1.369
51399 Buckle solo222 08.10.07 15x20x2 f 1.563
51470 Cut solo222 09.10.07 15x15x2 f 235
51505 Castle solo222 10.10.07 15x15x2 f 852
51632 Swan solo222 14.10.07 15x15x2 f 8.996
51767 Bridge solo222 16.10.07 25x25x2 f 18.912
52062 Chicken solo222 22.10.07 20x20x2 f 2.413
52686 Boat nicole1711 04.11.07 25x20x2 f 14.300
53035 Drill Keijdarp 09.11.07 15x15x2 f 395
57013 Dachshund Oskar 18.01.08 15x15x2 f 182
57915 Lion King xxLadyJxx 07.02.08 20x30x2 f 16.183
58630 ...Mouse xxLadyJxx 22.02.08 15x15x2 f 1.330
58982 Aladdin's Lamp solo222 02.03.08 35x15x2 f 5.331
59106 Toast solo222 04.03.08 15x15x2 f 520
59254 Unicyclist AriLex 07.03.08 10x20x2 f 148
59693 Bird on a Fence solo222 12.03.08 15x15x2 f 940
59774 Alarm Clock solo222 13.03.08 15x20x2 f 3.090
60750 Parrot solo222 02.04.08 15x30x2 f 1.263
61544 Scorpion Skello 14.04.08 20x20x2 f 2.416
62897 Duck xxLadyJxx 09.05.08 15x15x2 f 5.080
62904 Umbrella Aalixz 09.05.08 15x15x2 f 976
66743 Table Tennis solo222 21.07.08 10x5x2 f 31
66744 Cable Cars solo222 21.07.08 10x5x2 f 30
68362 Pirate sannekuuh 22.08.08 20x25x2 f 3.935
68423 Radio advaaa 24.08.08 15x10x2 f 87
69807 Butterfly amam100 23.09.08 20x20x2 f 4.620
70003 Just Another Heart dromidror 25.09.08 15x15x2 f 554
71059 Globe solo222 27.10.08 10x15x2 f 117
71178 Flying evrimeser 29.10.08 25x20x2 f 13.543
71225 Pick Up ost 01.11.08 25x10x2 f 586
72370 Knights Dragon_Sean 24.11.08 10x10x2 f 245
73715 Stirring the Soup hi19hi19 29.12.08 10x10x2 f 708
73764 Truck hi19hi19 30.12.08 15x10x2 f 421
74063 Guitar Paulapinguin 06.01.09 10x20x2 f 119
74948 Watering Can mr_paja 24.01.09 25x15x2 f 1.801
79978 Rabbit solo222 30.05.09 20x10x2 f 305
82377 Butterfly solo222 03.08.09 15x15x2 f 1.971
82503 Saturn netty 08.08.09 25x20x2 f 6.783
83142 Mom? Dad? Anyone? solo222 22.08.09 15x10x2 f 321
85037 Giraffe solo222 04.10.09 25x20x2 f 2.331
85755 Torch solo222 25.10.09 15x35x2 f 27.153
85759 Running into the Lake Oren_D 25.10.09 15x10x2 f 1.032
87069 Kid solo222 03.12.09 15x30x2 f 958
87072 Mouse 84joanna 05.12.09 15x15x2 f 877
87207 Teddy Sleeping solo222 06.12.09 15x15x2 f 4.377
87208 Well Craft Michandro 06.12.09 15x15x2 f 3.955
87677 Mini Car elimaor 15.12.09 20x10x2 f 1.590
88593 G Clef Amit11 04.01.10 15x35x2 f 36.545
88672 Steam Train stijn98 09.01.10 20x10x2 f 507
90544 Cannon solo222 21.02.10 25x15x2 f 1.400
91011 Monkey BeaCards 03.03.10 10x5x2 f 32
91535 Flags gho 15.03.10 10x25x2 f 1.159
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