Griddlers Books
Griddlers Beginners - Black and White, Vol. 2
Pages:45Puzzles: 127
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ID | Beschreibung | Autor | Datum | Größe | Punkte | Gelöst |
1766 | Home | zaphod | 13.10.02 | 15x15x2 f | 3.068 | |
2245 | Bee | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 1.507 | |
2247 | Cherries | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 807 | |
2252 | Ducky | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 1.145 | |
2253 | Fan | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 794 | |
2271 | Woody | zaphod | 10.11.02 | 15x15x2 f | 1.303 | |
2806 | Batter | derekw741 | 09.01.03 | 15x25x2 f | 1.227 | |
3384 | Apple | maarten001 | 24.02.03 | 15x20x2 f | 2.049 | |
3489 | Peace | maarten001 | 10.03.03 | 15x20x2 f | 14.719 | |
3613 | Barrow | tono | 31.03.03 | 25x15x2 f | 2.437 | |
4150 | Fish | pufke | 06.05.03 | 15x15x2 f | 1.355 | |
5300 | Strike | scrofi | 10.07.03 | 20x15x2 f | 5.412 | |
5543 | Notes | Rachie | 03.08.03 | 20x15x2 f | 3.305 | |
6467 | Penguin | kacurik | 09.11.03 | 15x20x2 f | 2.073 | |
6574 | Screwdriver | Jaanannu | 21.11.03 | 20x5x2 f | 61 | |
7397 | You've Got Mail | saranne | 26.01.04 | 14x11x2 f | 795 | |
7545 | Soccer | Ra100 | 03.02.04 | 15x15x2 f | 663 | |
8442 | Whale | iris | 15.03.04 | 15x15x2 f | 1.076 | |
8776 | Elephant | xtkaj01 | 29.03.04 | 25x15x2 f | 960 | |
8799 | Washing Day | Robyne_Hud | 30.03.04 | 30x10x2 f | 523 | |
8935 | Math1 | nasa17 | 04.04.04 | 20x5x2 f | 167 | |
9200 | Little Animal | maristone | 13.04.04 | 15x15x2 f | 410 | |
10317 | Minimalism: Do Not Enter | rafal24 | 26.05.04 | 5x5x2 f | 4 | |
10391 | Minimalism: Seagull | rafal24 | 28.05.04 | 5x5x2 f | 9 | |
11327 | Shopping Cart | Chemical | 22.07.04 | 14x16x2 f | 463 | |
11715 | Cheese | sewcio | 08.08.04 | 15x15x2 f | 9.950 | |
11813 | Chess Pieces - Queen | Robyne_Hud | 18.08.04 | 13x25x2 f | 1.003 | |
14045 | Man | steveo | 13.11.04 | 11x25x2 f | 1.205 | |
14212 | Ice Cream Cart | Ra100 | 19.11.04 | 10x10x2 f | 149 | |
14869 | Face | asiunia_b | 11.12.04 | 15x15x2 f | 1.624 | |
14921 | Chair | anietje1985 | 13.12.04 | 15x15x2 f | 927 | |
15784 | Cow | Charmed_Angel | 07.01.05 | 15x15x2 f | 3.647 | |
15785 | Good in the Morning | Charmed_Angel | 07.01.05 | 15x15x2 f | 2.552 | |
16435 | Strongman | Oskar | 28.01.05 | 10x20x2 f | 366 | |
17326 | Village | Oskar | 14.02.05 | 30x10x2 f | 1.917 | |
18601 | Computer | alibaba | 02.03.05 | 14x12x2 f | 140 | |
18603 | Car | alibaba | 02.03.05 | 10x10x2 f | 59 | |
19420 | Ring-Ring! | Amberke2 | 19.03.05 | 15x15x2 f | 973 | |
19470 | Church | Amberke2 | 20.03.05 | 10x10x2 f | 217 | |
20681 | Bear | ireneh | 11.04.05 | 20x15x2 f | 1.655 | |
20874 | Brush | alibaba | 14.04.05 | 10x15x2 f | 795 | |
20875 | Ants | alibaba | 14.04.05 | 19x16x2 f | 311 | |
21657 | Baby Duck | elimaor | 04.05.05 | 10x20x2 f | 754 | |
21659 | Wise Owl | elimaor | 04.05.05 | 10x15x2 f | 76 | |
22083 | Chick | Uffutti | 11.05.05 | 15x10x2 f | 495 | |
22551 | Apple | warmice | 25.05.05 | 10x10x2 f | 16 | |
22658 | Puppy | legorburu | 28.05.05 | 15x10x2 f | 97 | |
23303 | Guitar | twoznia | 20.06.05 | 11x30x2 f | 5.719 | |
23309 | Heart | nasa17 | 20.06.05 | 10x10x2 f | 93 | |
23310 | Sandglass | solo222 | 20.06.05 | 10x10x2 f | 87 | |
23371 | Biscuit | solo222 | 22.06.05 | 10x10x2 f | 174 | |
23373 | Tree | solo222 | 22.06.05 | 10x10x2 f | 89 | |
23465 | Cigarette | twoznia | 24.06.05 | 20x15x2 f | 10.402 | |
23509 | Scales | solo222 | 26.06.05 | 10x10x2 f | 384 | |
23722 | Boat | victoria100 | 01.07.05 | 10x15x2 f | 332 | |
23903 | Tree | twoznia | 08.07.05 | 10x15x2 f | 369 | |
23906 | Car | mistrq | 08.07.05 | 10x5x2 f | 13 | |
23983 | Key | twoznia | 11.07.05 | 30x10x2 f | 172 | |
24040 | Note | leusch | 13.07.05 | 15x20x2 f | 1.371 | |
24223 | Parasol | nulka | 18.07.05 | 16x17x2 f | 62 | |
24317 | Tank | twoznia | 20.07.05 | 20x10x2 f | 847 | |
24388 | Arrow | twoznia | 21.07.05 | 30x5x2 f | 61 | |
24812 | Candlelight | twoznia | 02.08.05 | 7x25x2 f | 3.764 | |
24957 | Dog Face | twoznia | 06.08.05 | 15x14x2 f | 1.308 | |
25082 | Minimalism: Sea Turtle | twoznia | 09.08.05 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
25319 | Plug | twoznia | 16.08.05 | 10x10x2 f | 646 | |
25321 | Key Hole | twoznia | 16.08.05 | 10x20x2 f | 326 | |
25591 | Open Bridge | ireneh | 26.08.05 | 25x13x2 f | 1.187 | |
25703 | Ace Diamond | twoznia | 28.08.05 | 15x20x2 f | 4.441 | |
26083 | Minimalism: Bomber Plane | twoznia | 23.09.05 | 5x5x2 f | 2 | |
26110 | Pen | twoznia | 24.09.05 | 25x5x2 f | 52 | |
26610 | Robot | twoznia | 13.10.05 | 10x15x2 f | 686 | |
27960 | Boat | twoznia | 15.11.05 | 10x10x2 f | 95 | |
28040 | Minimalism: Bird | twoznia | 18.11.05 | 5x5x2 f | 9 | |
28134 | Key | Napoleon9th | 20.11.05 | 20x10x2 f | 172 | |
28489 | Alien | zomer | 02.12.05 | 10x10x2 f | 73 | |
28526 | Simple Heart | vonnizen | 03.12.05 | 11x11x2 f | 174 | |
28747 | Ant | justinxnitsuj | 10.12.05 | 15x15x2 f | 723 | |
28904 | Bicycle | twoznia | 16.12.05 | 10x10x2 f | 304 | |
29011 | Minimalism: Fountain | twoznia | 18.12.05 | 5x5x2 f | 12 | |
29139 | Elephant | ireneh | 24.12.05 | 25x15x2 f | 366 | |
29396 | Wall | hero692ttr | 01.01.06 | 15x15x2 f | 659 | |
29475 | Weights Bench | unhygenix | 03.01.06 | 15x12x2 f | 354 | |
29539 | Domino | twoznia | 04.01.06 | 7x13x2 f | 245 | |
29588 | Not Talking To You Anymore | ezzumsss | 06.01.06 | 15x20x2 f | 603 | |
29639 | Alien | hero692ttr | 07.01.06 | 14x15x2 f | 109 | |
29656 | Hrad (The Prague Castle) | Sraci | 08.01.06 | 20x15x2 f | 2.319 | |
29758 | Helicopter | op1 | 11.01.06 | 14x8x2 f | 99 | |
30065 | Moon | op1 | 18.01.06 | 16x16x2 f | 1.168 | |
30236 | Plane | op1 | 25.01.06 | 16x16x2 f | 263 | |
30237 | Trash Can | op1 | 25.01.06 | 9x12x2 f | 81 | |
30276 | Castle | Gelmir | 27.01.06 | 13x9x2 f | 123 | |
30279 | Drums | hero692ttr | 27.01.06 | 25x15x2 f | 7.675 | |
30308 | Boy | twoznia | 28.01.06 | 10x12x2 f | 406 | |
30447 | Watch | fordmstng86 | 02.02.06 | 10x20x2 f | 738 | |
30638 | Minimalism: World Cup | twoznia | 10.02.06 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
30659 | Sol | twoznia | 11.02.06 | 10x20x2 f | 2.050 | |
30896 | Minimalism: Eagle | twoznia | 16.02.06 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
30897 | Minimalism: Fountain | twoznia | 17.02.06 | 5x5x2 f | 15 | |
31055 | Black Kitty | Ytynke | 22.02.06 | 15x10x2 f | 86 | |
31120 | Minimalism: Glider | twoznia | 24.02.06 | 5x5x2 f | 2 | |
31169 | Stove | kissyrich | 26.02.06 | 10x10x2 f | 5 | |
31293 | Minimalism: Two Sad People | kissyrich | 28.02.06 | 5x5x2 f | 19 | |
31314 | Minimalism: Tetris | kissyrich | 01.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 10 | |
31503 | Minimalism: Poodle | twoznia | 08.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 8 | |
31557 | Minimalism: Praying | twoznia | 09.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 8 | |
31558 | Minimalism: Wake up | twoznia | 09.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
31670 | Flower | Raci | 12.03.06 | 5x15x2 f | 27 | |
31676 | Minimalism: Pianist | twoznia | 12.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 4 | |
31695 | Minimalism: Trolley | twoznia | 13.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 11 | |
31718 | Opposites Attract | kissyrich | 14.03.06 | 10x5x2 f | 16 | |
31723 | Minimalism: Plug | twoznia | 14.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
31784 | Pet the Airedale Terrier | kissyrich | 16.03.06 | 8x5x2 f | 11 | |
31788 | Minimalism: Baby Crawling | kissyrich | 16.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
31827 | Bus | rapa100 | 17.03.06 | 18x9x2 f | 112 | |
31832 | Minimalism: On the Witness Stand | kissyrich | 18.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 3 | |
32053 | Minimalism: Baby | twoznia | 24.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 10 | |
32055 | Minimalism: Castle | twoznia | 25.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 10 | |
32142 | Minimalism: In the Tram | twoznia | 29.03.06 | 5x5x2 f | 12 | |
32187 | Ambulance | hero692ttr | 30.03.06 | 25x15x2 f | 218 | |
32921 | Minimalism: Look into My Eyes | jennifk | 25.04.06 | 5x5x2 f | 10 | |
32949 | Minimalism: Skiing | twoznia | 26.04.06 | 5x5x2 f | 14 | |
33054 | Minimalism: Headstand | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 28.04.06 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
33231 | Minimalism: In Front of the Telly | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 04.05.06 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
33233 | Minimalism: Champagne | twoznia | 05.05.06 | 5x5x2 f | 9 | |
33280 | Minimalism: Top | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 06.05.06 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
33362 | Minimalism: Crawling Child | twoznia | 08.05.06 | 5x5x2 f | 4 |
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