Libros Griddlers

Multi Griddlers Standard - Black and White + Color, Vol. 1

Puzzles: 38
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ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Resuelto
5447 Portcullis TNT 23/07/03 50x50x2 f 1.869.132
5448 Portcullis TNT 23/07/03 50x50x2 f 1.009.127
5449 Portcullis TNT 23/07/03 50x50x2 f 220.686
5450 Portcullis TNT 23/07/03 50x50x2 f 1.013.130
5741 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 755.187
5742 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 455.854
5743 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 131.782
5744 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 1.692.418
5745 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 309.668
5746 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 46.486
5747 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 264.695
5748 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 471.144
5749 Dungeon TNT 22/08/03 50x50x2 f 161.363
5801 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 29.545
5802 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 209.940
5803 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 160.121
5804 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 114.043
5805 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 108.418
5806 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 113.022
5807 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 147.224
5808 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 32.737
5809 Beethoven TNT 28/08/03 50x50x2 f 307.501
5873 Zodiac Misty 3/09/03 50x50x8 f 271.453
5874 Zodiac Misty 3/09/03 50x50x8 f 306.651
5875 Zodiac Misty 3/09/03 50x50x8 f 206.985
5876 Zodiac Misty 3/09/03 50x50x8 f 314.942
5937 Have a Break Misty 8/09/03 50x50x8 t 384.662
5938 Have a Break Misty 8/09/03 50x50x6 f 154.368
5939 Have a Break Misty 8/09/03 50x50x8 f 570.285
5940 Have a Break Misty 8/09/03 50x50x7 f 164.503
6018 Lilac panda1 14/09/03 35x35x8 f 52.970
6019 Lilac panda1 14/09/03 35x35x8 f 50.231
6020 Lilac panda1 14/09/03 35x35x8 f 64.810
6021 Lilac panda1 14/09/03 35x35x8 f 48.468
6051 Lounging Dog Misty 16/09/03 45x45x2 t 417.695
6052 Lounging Dog Misty 16/09/03 45x45x2 t 470.343
6053 Lounging Dog Misty 16/09/03 45x45x2 t 69.890
6054 Lounging Dog Misty 16/09/03 45x45x2 t 234.274
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