Libros Griddlers

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 6

Puzzles: 38
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ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Resuelto
506 Boat woa 9/06/02 40x40x2 f 104.168
1241 Cartoon woa 3/09/02 45x50x2 f 347.565
1393 Rei Hino woa 5/09/02 40x50x2 f 157.374
1705 Kathleen woa 5/10/02 45x50x2 f 258.525
1876 Balloons woa 19/10/02 35x45x2 f 401.250
1880 Fairy woa 19/10/02 40x50x2 f 81.636
1886 8 Man woa 19/10/02 50x45x2 f 201.455
1922 Tenpin woa 21/10/02 30x45x2 f 163.281
2048 Camel Ride woa 22/10/02 40x40x2 f 202.386
3125 Wedding Bells maarten001 18/01/03 35x30x2 f 92.714
3676 Rodeo Rider kellyb 10/04/03 40x50x2 f 278.929
4523 Drakkar cruinne 16/05/03 50x50x2 f 10.288.057
4778 The Fool llyra 31/05/03 35x50x2 f 319.932
5057 Hercules Tower (Roman Lighthouse) cruinne 18/06/03 50x50x2 f 10.381.622
5354 Angelfish shaurobi 13/07/03 40x50x2 f 6.227.303
5426 Cackling Fiend TNT 23/07/03 50x50x2 f 2.159.493
5584 Rebus: I'm an Excellent Driver TNT 7/08/03 50x50x2 f 424.487
5660 GrandMad elad 17/08/03 50x50x2 f 256.304
5922 Butterfly Misty 6/09/03 49x38x2 t 132.155
5955 Rider elad 9/09/03 50x40x2 f 177.730
6120 Pentagon elad 25/09/03 50x41x2 f 300.585
6142 Leo elad 28/09/03 50x50x2 f 1.283.154
7098 Savanna puzz18le 3/01/04 50x50x2 f 203.923
7657 Flying Horror maristone 10/02/04 50x50x2 f 905.511
8323 Judge Draak 10/03/04 45x45x2 f 124.871
9206 Dancer maristone 14/04/04 40x38x2 f 268.626
9209 Dancers maristone 14/04/04 50x45x2 f 1.200.179
9812 Dragon maristone 12/05/04 50x50x2 f 659.439
10895 Tiger Jasmeen 28/06/04 40x40x2 f 229.234
11412 Duck booglemonster 24/07/04 42x50x2 f 169.224
11768 Spaniel RTM 13/08/04 50x50x2 f 5.626.809
11920 Sailing RTM 25/08/04 50x50x2 f 10.452.518
11953 Raider RTM 28/08/04 45x50x2 f 4.011.982
11964 Frog dr_serdar 28/08/04 45x40x2 f 21.582
17633 3D+ TNT 20/02/05 50x28x2 t 573.109
19342 Old Lace Pattern maristone 17/03/05 50x50x2 f 2.445.801
21524 Pondering elimaor 1/05/05 50x50x2 f 1.012.645
26094 Hair Andreasss 24/09/05 40x50x2 f 1.015.597
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