Libros Griddlers

Griddlers Extra Large - Black and White, Vol. 7

Puzzles: 35
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ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Resuelto
143515 Music dreamtheater 6/07/14 80x45x2 f 3.827.202
143720 Train Station elimaor 10/07/14 85x85x2 f 6.190.136
144274 Fish roodar 7/08/14 75x60x2 t 340.889
144377 Horse roodar 12/08/14 65x70x2 t 2.651.065
144440 Cat roodar 18/08/14 75x75x2 f 743.280
144517 Panther roodar 25/08/14 75x65x2 f 517.105
144564 Aries roodar 31/08/14 70x60x2 f 1.576.330
144593 Janneke Pellis 2/09/14 35x85x2 f 118.973
144698 Eagle roodar 7/09/14 75x70x2 f 391.394
144764 Phoenix roodar 8/09/14 40x75x2 f 133.066
144858 Man roodar 15/09/14 75x75x2 f 1.751.449
144935 John Forsythe roodar 16/09/14 70x75x2 f 80.133
144938 Dolphin Nicky 16/09/14 75x35x2 f 9.397
144965 Croc Nicky 17/09/14 60x15x2 f 3.066
145029 Swan roodar 21/09/14 75x75x2 f 2.361.061
145030 Kermit Romi 21/09/14 45x65x2 f 1.389.790
145058 Cup of Coffee Chriswag 23/09/14 60x70x2 f 857.544
145164 Swan elimaor 29/09/14 70x45x2 f 5.470
145173 Mr. Laurel roodar 30/09/14 50x75x2 f 227.933
145174 Mr. Hardy roodar 30/09/14 55x75x2 f 214.034
145175 Trumpet sjiun 30/09/14 100x32x2 f 104.742
145269 Cupid roodar 2/10/14 75x70x2 f 830.942
145271 Tree elimaor 2/10/14 60x80x2 f 76.274
145305 Sailing roodar 5/10/14 60x75x2 f 301.944
145307 Tennis kikiki 5/10/14 40x90x2 f 131.587
145352 Smurf roodar 7/10/14 70x70x2 f 3.830.927
145376 Dog roodar 9/10/14 75x55x2 f 1.702.583
145419 Bull roodar 12/10/14 95x90x2 f 4.454.455
145450 Athena roodar 13/10/14 70x75x2 f 330.753
150946 Lewis Hamilton (F1) roodar 15/02/15 65x75x2 f 465.311
157582 Poseidon roodar 17/06/15 65x75x2 f 2.315.198
159016 Zodiac - Scorpio roodar 23/07/15 65x75x2 f 3.907.994
167936 Falcon roodar 14/12/15 70x60x2 f 137.163
169982 Eagle roodar 14/01/16 55x75x2 f 64.008
275868 Drummer elad 20/11/23 65x55x2 f 693.345
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