Libros Griddlers
Triddlers Color Vol. 1 (40 Pages)
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ID | Descripción | Autor | Fecha | Tamaño | Puntos | Resuelto |
96 | Just a Minute | cherith | 21/07/03 | (4+4)x(10+4)x4 | 311 | |
152 | Flamingo | cf12 | 26/09/03 | (4+7)x(15+3)x4 | 492 | |
165 | The Big Head | Erlik | 5/11/03 | (17+20)x(20+20)x4 | 7.118 | |
240 | Mirror | ulka | 4/01/04 | (5+10)x(10+5)x6 | 281 | |
242 | Dog | ulka | 4/01/04 | (4+6)x(5+5)x7 | 134 | |
243 | Ice-Cream | ulka | 4/01/04 | (3+6)x(7+7)x7 | 127 | |
245 | Scary for Some of Us | crevette | 4/01/04 | (5+5)x(5+5)x4 | 193 | |
251 | Wake-Up Call | wiggles | 5/01/04 | (5+5)x(4+7)x4 | 270 | |
306 | Kiss | wiggles | 2/02/04 | (6+4)x(4+5)x6 | 163 | |
312 | Beauty & Beast Rose | JynxsMom | 8/02/04 | (8+11)x(7+13)x5 | 802 | |
326 | Perfect Flower | dianaraven | 16/02/04 | (5+5)x(5+5)x7 | 213 | |
338 | Parrot | wiggles | 25/02/04 | (10+10)x(18+8)x5 | 987 | |
375 | Mini Lady | ivanrehak | 14/03/04 | (2+6)x(6+3)x4 | 95 | |
399 | Lazy Summer Day | jamis | 28/03/04 | (15+15)x(15+15)x8 | 1.102 | |
443 | Lighthouse | Makarios | 4/05/04 | (5+5)x(5+5)x5 | 166 | |
454 | Tulips | ulka | 11/05/04 | (7+11)x(7+11)x7 | 813 | |
461 | Doll | ulka | 11/05/04 | (7+7)x(9+6)x7 | 389 | |
466 | Giraffe | ulka | 11/05/04 | (7+9)x(8+8)x6 | 742 | |
468 | Pansy | ulka | 11/05/04 | (4+6)x(4+6)x6 | 146 | |
504 | Apples | JynxsMom | 23/05/04 | (22+5)x(5+4)x8 | 349 | |
507 | Bee | ulka | 23/05/04 | (5+5)x(5+5)x7 | 166 | |
514 | Cheers! | sablett | 23/05/04 | (11+4)x(4+4)x6 | 436 | |
521 | Girl with Flower | ulka | 24/05/04 | (2+2)x(2+2)x6 | 29 | |
522 | Cyclist | ulka | 24/05/04 | (4+2)x(4+3)x8 | 110 | |
523 | Cats | ulka | 24/05/04 | (3+3)x(3+3)x5 | 61 | |
539 | Vase | carootje | 26/05/04 | (5+4)x(9+5)x6 | 289 | |
550 | Peony | Makarios | 1/06/04 | (11+9)x(15+13)x6 | 1.750 | |
567 | Flame Angel | carootje | 7/06/04 | (8+4)x(4+5)x5 | 172 | |
570 | Having a Bath | ulka | 7/06/04 | (11+4)x(4+5)x7 | 254 | |
573 | Flamingo at Dusk | wiggles | 7/06/04 | (20+20)x(20+20)x4 | 3.318 | |
583 | Butterfly | wiggles | 11/06/04 | (24+15)x(15+15)x3 | 12.681 | |
671 | Box | oldyard | 14/08/04 | (4+4)x(4+4)x6 | 48 | |
697 | Foal | ulka | 3/09/04 | (10+9)x(10+9)x6 | 1.847 | |
702 | Flowers | spisula | 17/09/04 | (4+6)x(6+4)x7 | 230 | |
721 | Frankie | vixen999 | 8/10/04 | (4+4)x(4+4)x5 | 74 | |
743 | White Feather | fineke | 19/10/04 | (24+14)x(14+12)x6 | 2.470 | |
799 | Boys Dream | fineke | 10/11/04 | (35+9)x(13+4)x5 | 2.929 | |
803 | Green Eye | douglas_itoh | 13/11/04 | (16+11)x(12+7)x7 | 2.117 | |
804 | Lady in Uniform | douglas_itoh | 13/11/04 | (1+7)x(7+5)x4 | 126 | |
880 | Father and Son | carootje | 17/12/04 | (2+5)x(7+2)x4 | 113 | |
882 | Car | 3omy3 | 18/12/04 | (6+3)x(3+2)x4 | 67 | |
902 | It Comes at Night | douglas_itoh | 24/12/04 | (23+16)x(16+12)x5 | 1.673 | |
954 | Eagle | Lui | 10/01/05 | (9+11)x(27+11)x7 | 1.413 | |
984 | Gourmet | Eilleen | 20/01/05 | (5+13)x(11+8)x6 | 531 | |
991 | Sagittarius | Lui | 23/01/05 | (15+14)x(22+20)x6 | 2.624 | |
999 | Cancer | Lui | 26/01/05 | (18+15)x(9+16)x6 | 3.248 | |
1060 | Wasp | myvalice | 9/02/05 | (3+4)x(4+3)x5 | 122 | |
1100 | Ladybird | myvalice | 13/02/05 | (4+4)x(4+4)x4 | 79 | |
1106 | Snail | myvalice | 13/02/05 | (5+5)x(3+4)x5 | 82 | |
1124 | Rabbit | esra | 22/02/05 | (19+22)x(23+13)x4 | 16.140 | |
1179 | Card | bohus | 28/02/05 | (13+12)x(12+12)x5 | 1.446 | |
1307 | Bart | Inbar_b_y | 8/04/05 | (12+23)x(21+16)x4 | 2.922 | |
1321 | Foxy Lady | yolinde | 10/04/05 | (11+13)x(15+11)x6 | 1.107 | |
1350 | My Dream Buggy | allu78 | 19/04/05 | (22+8)x(8+5)x6 | 206 | |
1352 | Do You Want to See My Pet? | carootje | 20/04/05 | (4+4)x(4+3)x8 | 148 | |
1367 | Multicolor Peace | fineke | 29/04/05 | (18+18)x(22+20)x7 | 11.632 | |
1378 | Big Fish | Layla | 5/05/05 | (5+5)x(5+5)x4 | 168 | |
1422 | Postteddy Always Rings Twice | DevilsladyP | 6/06/05 | (10+25)x(28+19)x8 | 1.638 | |
1454 | View | talroni | 13/07/05 | (6+4)x(4+5)x5 | 126 | |
1494 | Hungry? | fockii | 9/08/05 | (15+12)x(12+11)x6 | 749 | |
1529 | Just Keep Swimming | JadeyBaby | 19/09/05 | (20+10)x(10+5)x8 | 1.564 | |
1589 | Night Wolf | StoVoKor5506 | 7/10/05 | (23+20)x(20+14)x5 | 1.367 | |
1620 | School Chair | tuckers | 15/10/05 | (7+6)x(17+6)x5 | 416 | |
1644 | Face | Lyska | 25/10/05 | (9+7)x(7+12)x6 | 539 | |
1760 | Dog | Breiprei | 24/11/05 | (5+5)x(5+5)x4 | 229 | |
1878 | Bunny | baba44713 | 12/12/05 | (10+10)x(12+5)x6 | 851 | |
2082 | Friesian Horse | Agrippina | 25/01/06 | (15+25)x(15+25)x5 | 3.537 | |
2231 | Ballerina | daelyn | 3/03/06 | (2+7)x(7+4)x5 | 183 | |
2264 | Gymnastics | amsterdam | 13/03/06 | (20+24)x(16+29)x5 | 7.256 | |
2293 | Fairy | FlutePicc | 19/03/06 | (8+8)x(8+8)x7 | 609 |
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