Libros Griddlers

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 14

Puzzles: 39
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ID Descripción Autor Fecha Tamaño Puntos Resuelto
25885 Time Andreasss 17/09/05 50x50x2 f 2.077.736
49184 Modeling elimaor 15/08/07 50x50x2 f 302.717
49751 Tire oko 29/08/07 50x45x2 f 38.058
49847 Nearly Caught oko 30/08/07 45x50x2 f 128.053
49894 Those Two? Here Please! oko 2/09/07 50x50x2 f 3.506.766
49957 Fantasy Bird oko 3/09/07 50x50x2 f 1.347.848
50003 Fenced oko 4/09/07 50x50x2 f 71.558
50046 Girl oko 5/09/07 50x50x2 f 427.934
50054 Chasing Each Other oko 5/09/07 50x50x2 f 21.797
50114 Nurse oko 6/09/07 50x45x2 f 84.837
50151 Boat oko 9/09/07 45x50x2 f 1.500.488
50155 Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness AngelineBlack 9/09/07 48x50x2 f 172.092
50157 Scared Mini Mouse oko 9/09/07 50x50x2 f 101.705
50256 Captain oko 11/09/07 40x50x2 f 145.372
50452 Pensive jtdaisy 16/09/07 40x50x2 f 295.211
50516 Summer Cat oko 17/09/07 50x50x2 f 1.001.579
50517 Hot oko 17/09/07 50x50x2 f 603.538
50518 Wanna Bet? oko 17/09/07 50x50x2 f 378.164
50559 Stately Home oko 18/09/07 50x50x2 f 699.037
50564 Worker's Lunch Time oko 18/09/07 50x50x2 f 247.344
50584 Giza oko 19/09/07 50x50x2 f 401.431
50702 Mr. Nice Guy oko 23/09/07 50x50x2 f 578.240
50836 Old Car oko 25/09/07 50x50x2 f 605.194
50838 Speed oko 25/09/07 50x50x2 f 354.044
50841 Lily elimaor 25/09/07 50x50x2 f 100.308
50883 Birds Talk elimaor 26/09/07 50x50x2 f 570.138
50996 Writer at Work jtdaisy 30/09/07 50x50x2 f 676.475
51124 It's a Star oko 2/10/07 50x50x2 f 1.695.607
51126 It's Your Birthday! oko 2/10/07 50x45x2 f 745.638
51128 B(r)ooming Business oko 2/10/07 50x50x2 f 623.098
51158 Acorn oko 3/10/07 40x50x2 f 691.524
51162 Luau Time Anne58 3/10/07 50x50x2 f 130.341
51308 Bird and Rose zz89 7/10/07 50x50x2 f 729.657
51438 Studying? oko 9/10/07 50x47x2 f 1.303.503
51485 Lost: Sawyer Glucklich 10/10/07 50x50x2 f 139.822
51796 On the Run oko 17/10/07 48x45x2 f 277.838
51843 Skull tabernak 18/10/07 45x45x2 f 505.892
51848 The Offspring Logo zz89 18/10/07 50x50x2 f 72.965
52147 Native oko 24/10/07 50x50x2 f 106.847
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