Griddlers Kirjat

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 12
Pages:48Puzzles: 39
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Numero | Kuvaus | Laatija | Päivämäärä | Koko | Pisteet | Ratkaistu |
2737 | Moose | shaurobi | 31.12.2002 | 45x50x2 f | 73 848 | |
3597 | Panda | wiggles | 27.3.2003 | 50x50x2 f | 427 612 | |
6125 | Apple and Honey | elad | 26.9.2003 | 50x50x2 f | 149 750 | |
6878 | Gingerbread | wiggles | 14.12.2003 | 47x50x2 f | 25 148 | |
10141 | Pacifier | macmoni | 23.5.2004 | 45x30x2 f | 376 617 | |
22610 | Bicycle | canasude | 27.5.2005 | 50x35x2 f | 97 983 | |
25799 | Bye Bye, See You After The... :-) | elimaor | 30.8.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 1 026 098 | |
32446 | Bluebird | ninian | 11.4.2006 | 50x48x2 f | 92 413 | |
33036 | Gangster | op1 | 28.4.2006 | 50x28x2 f | 128 397 | |
36286 | Luau Dance | bfboshart | 29.7.2006 | 40x50x2 f | 90 658 | |
39126 | Wheel | shadow2097 | 21.10.2006 | 46x44x2 f | 64 216 | |
39286 | Have a Nice Day! | hingly | 25.10.2006 | 50x40x2 f | 470 971 | |
39495 | Aquarium | anawa74 | 5.11.2006 | 50x50x2 f | 498 636 | |
40572 | Lady | mustafademirbas | 7.12.2006 | 46x45x2 f | 1 157 414 | |
41377 | Stevie Wonder (Caricature) | marjolein1982 | 9.1.2007 | 45x50x2 f | 415 906 | |
41963 | Pumpkin | xiayu | 25.1.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 2 743 537 | |
42247 | Sailing | mustafademirbas | 4.2.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 16 075 604 | |
42410 | World Map | mustafademirbas | 7.2.2007 | 50x45x2 f | 32 275 | |
42450 | Awakening | janiebugsmommy | 8.2.2007 | 50x40x2 f | 139 544 | |
43164 | Dance | komplexyapi | 28.2.2007 | 45x50x2 f | 33 534 | |
43250 | Youp van 't Hek | jvloenen | 4.3.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 247 604 | |
44259 | Girl | mustafademirbas | 3.4.2007 | 39x50x2 f | 53 934 | |
44336 | Injection Time | mustafademirbas | 5.4.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 1 641 473 | |
44340 | Birthday | inro | 5.4.2007 | 35x30x2 f | 73 062 | |
44391 | Odd Friends | Glucklich | 8.4.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 458 757 | |
44394 | A Quiet Moment | lichee | 8.4.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 215 958 | |
45733 | Geisha | xiayu | 14.5.2007 | 45x50x2 f | 2 823 763 | |
46051 | Turtle | starch | 22.5.2007 | 32x25x2 f | 31 051 | |
46297 | Animals | mustafademirbas | 27.5.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 67 119 | |
46395 | Poinsettia | starch | 29.5.2007 | 50x30x2 f | 70 216 | |
46423 | Pegasus | booglemonster | 30.5.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 2 201 579 | |
46456 | Fluffy Bird | booglemonster | 31.5.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 2 295 077 | |
46569 | Butterfly | mustafademirbas | 4.6.2007 | 50x40x2 f | 332 665 | |
47229 | Fort | Java_PL | 18.6.2007 | 46x46x2 f | 185 830 | |
47837 | Taurus | Lupos | 3.7.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 129 610 | |
47903 | Pisces | Lupos | 5.7.2007 | 45x40x2 f | 99 038 | |
48087 | Dragon Head | Lupos | 10.7.2007 | 45x50x2 f | 3 180 445 | |
48311 | Raccoon | Lupos | 17.7.2007 | 50x48x2 f | 3 617 129 | |
48646 | Chieftain | mustafademirbas | 29.7.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 175 436 |