Livres Griddlers

Griddlers Beginners - Color, Vol. 2
Pages:49Puzzles: 117
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ID | Description | Auteur | Date | Taille | Points | Résolu le |
6660 | Pear | ulka | 29/11/03 | 20x20x8 f | 2 269 | |
8606 | Parrot | carootje | 21/03/04 | 20x20x5 f | 15 233 | |
10722 | Eye | kusje | 16/06/04 | 25x12x5 f | 3 179 | |
11033 | Palm Tree | sewcio | 05/07/04 | 20x20x5 f | 549 | |
14254 | Baby Bottle | carootje | 20/11/04 | 10x5x3 f | 65 | |
14539 | Alien | bekky_star | 28/11/04 | 5x10x3 f | 35 | |
17519 | Goldfish | ireneh | 19/02/05 | 20x15x3 f | 2 263 | |
22209 | Pear | mopi | 14/05/05 | 15x25x5 f | 1 985 | |
22547 | Tiny Flower | elimaor | 25/05/05 | 15x15x8 f | 1 922 | |
22591 | Guitar | elimaor | 26/05/05 | 15x15x4 f | 2 692 | |
22656 | Flower and Butterfly | elimaor | 28/05/05 | 15x25x7 f | 1 772 | |
22847 | Red Umbrella | orit10 | 03/06/05 | 7x10x3 f | 72 | |
22895 | Eaten | elimaor | 04/06/05 | 15x25x4 f | 4 555 | |
23112 | Come Here, PacMan! | stormspell | 12/06/05 | 25x10x5 f | 301 | |
25581 | Tree | yosha | 25/08/05 | 10x15x3 f | 110 | |
26062 | Trumpet | Rustie | 22/09/05 | 12x30x4 f | 2 645 | |
30068 | Christmas Candle | chefmomster2 | 18/01/06 | 9x9x4 f | 31 | |
33048 | Train | Alinadedio | 28/04/06 | 21x8x6 f | 283 | |
33319 | Cute Bunny | Lehcsneh | 07/05/06 | 13x15x5 f | 688 | |
35248 | Little Butterfly | nasa17 | 30/06/06 | 11x11x4 f | 394 | |
36109 | Cuddly Bear | Nicky | 26/07/06 | 13x14x4 f | 477 | |
36111 | See Turtle | Nicky | 26/07/06 | 11x11x4 f | 218 | |
36263 | Peas | Nicky | 28/07/06 | 22x6x4 f | 341 | |
36264 | House | Nicky | 28/07/06 | 16x12x7 f | 422 | |
36485 | Butterfly | Nicky | 01/08/06 | 13x14x5 f | 818 | |
36488 | Parrot | Nicky | 01/08/06 | 11x14x6 f | 309 | |
38653 | Little Chicken | Nicky | 05/10/06 | 11x14x6 f | 218 | |
38981 | Blue Flower | Rustie | 16/10/06 | 10x10x5 f | 180 | |
39379 | Apple | Xx-GibbzyGal-xX | 29/10/06 | 15x20x6 f | 3 414 | |
40401 | Toilet | starch | 01/12/06 | 15x20x6 f | 2 533 | |
41305 | Yellow Duck | kannek | 07/01/07 | 10x10x6 f | 146 | |
41711 | Rose | starch | 18/01/07 | 15x25x3 f | 2 477 | |
41986 | Parrot | Nicky | 26/01/07 | 8x12x5 f | 202 | |
42370 | Censored | Shaggy | 06/02/07 | 15x15x4 f | 1 625 | |
42373 | Ouch! | Shaggy | 06/02/07 | 15x15x3 f | 1 386 | |
42676 | Cap | Shaggy | 13/02/07 | 19x19x6 f | 4 384 | |
43329 | Palm | Nicky | 05/03/07 | 12x14x5 f | 479 | |
44268 | Birdie | hibrahimozer | 03/04/07 | 12x16x5 f | 964 | |
45101 | Parrot | gemini | 27/04/07 | 10x10x6 f | 152 | |
45289 | Flowers | Nicky | 01/05/07 | 25x12x6 f | 2 227 | |
45397 | Funny Elephant | Nicky | 04/05/07 | 12x8x4 f | 82 | |
45607 | Soap Opera on TV | Nicky | 11/05/07 | 12x8x7 f | 282 | |
45710 | Super Mario | alecmyers | 13/05/07 | 12x15x4 f | 1 096 | |
46034 | Panda | Nicky | 21/05/07 | 11x14x4 f | 320 | |
46766 | Karate Man | sebeshs | 07/06/07 | 7x11x5 f | 135 | |
46777 | Pink Flower | jonnie | 08/06/07 | 20x15x8 f | 2 628 | |
48438 | Girl Playing Mommy | elimaor | 20/07/07 | 20x20x8 f | 6 180 | |
48723 | Flower | semdem | 30/07/07 | 10x10x5 f | 107 | |
49768 | Little Chicken | krazoner | 29/08/07 | 7x11x3 f | 68 | |
54489 | Christmas Angel | Nicky | 02/12/07 | 20x15x8 f | 810 | |
54573 | Flower | semdem | 03/12/07 | 5x10x4 f | 48 | |
58314 | Rose | amirh100 | 15/02/08 | 10x15x4 f | 145 | |
58518 | Big Apple Tree | Leh300 | 19/02/08 | 15x15x4 f | 911 | |
58625 | Dress Up - He | Ava2000 | 21/02/08 | 5x15x3 f | 139 | |
58800 | Baby Boy | LuciaKrista | 26/02/08 | 17x19x5 f | 1 616 | |
58915 | Two Yellow Flowers | tomtal | 28/02/08 | 15x20x7 f | 901 | |
62576 | Cherries | Aalixz | 02/05/08 | 10x10x5 f | 484 | |
64287 | Hat | knocka | 06/06/08 | 27x13x5 f | 3 812 | |
64291 | Iris | knocka | 06/06/08 | 17x18x5 f | 1 596 | |
64662 | Bee | knocka | 12/06/08 | 18x15x7 f | 1 376 | |
65369 | Little Pink | Nicky | 26/06/08 | 20x20x5 f | 6 866 | |
65523 | Strawberry | Nicky | 30/06/08 | 13x13x6 f | 1 124 | |
67735 | Street Musician | lionqueen | 08/08/08 | 15x15x3 f | 690 | |
70008 | Kitten | Aalixz | 27/09/08 | 20x20x6 f | 2 933 | |
70964 | Swan | elimaor | 25/10/08 | 10x10x6 f | 168 | |
71219 | Cherries | sem0rgan | 30/10/08 | 10x10x4 f | 119 | |
71582 | Ice Eyes | elfbumby | 06/11/08 | 36x10x8 f | 4 845 | |
71584 | Fire | memnune | 06/11/08 | 10x17x4 f | 974 | |
71590 | Play with Me! | elimaor | 07/11/08 | 20x15x4 f | 1 478 | |
71752 | Little Bell | romcap | 10/11/08 | 10x15x4 f | 525 | |
71905 | Dugtrio - Pokemon No. 051 | eskimoprime3 | 13/11/08 | 18x18x7 f | 3 451 | |
72149 | Key | nasa17 | 19/11/08 | 20x10x4 f | 1 634 | |
72216 | Dummy | Nicky | 22/11/08 | 11x11x8 f | 1 128 | |
72523 | Lightbulb | Tuahlia | 27/11/08 | 8x12x4 f | 214 | |
72592 | Never Gonna Give You Up | dinnerplate | 30/11/08 | 8x9x5 f | 21 | |
72636 | A is For... | MomWiz | 01/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 3 | |
72637 | B is For... | MomWiz | 01/12/08 | 5x5x3 t | 14 | |
72673 | White House | Kasszandra006 | 02/12/08 | 9x9x5 f | 219 | |
72679 | C is For... | MomWiz | 02/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 10 | |
72680 | D is For... | MomWiz | 02/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 14 | |
72707 | E is For... | MomWiz | 03/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 20 | |
72708 | F is For... | MomWiz | 03/12/08 | 5x5x5 f | 32 | |
72756 | G is For... | MomWiz | 04/12/08 | 5x5x5 f | 31 | |
72757 | H is For... | MomWiz | 04/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 11 | |
72763 | Christmas Present | elimaor | 06/12/08 | 20x20x8 f | 1 949 | |
72825 | I is For... | MomWiz | 07/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 6 | |
72826 | J is For... | MomWiz | 07/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 17 | |
72868 | K is For... | MomWiz | 08/12/08 | 5x5x3 t | 6 | |
72869 | L is For... | MomWiz | 08/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 22 | |
72914 | M is For... | MomWiz | 09/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 31 | |
72915 | N is For... | MomWiz | 09/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 17 | |
72948 | O is For... | MomWiz | 10/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 27 | |
72949 | P is For... | MomWiz | 10/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 32 | |
73000 | Q is For... | MomWiz | 11/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 17 | |
73001 | R is For... | MomWiz | 11/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 11 | |
73165 | S is For... | MomWiz | 14/12/08 | 5x5x3 t | 50 | |
73166 | T is For... | MomWiz | 14/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 19 | |
73280 | U is For... | MomWiz | 15/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 26 | |
73281 | V is For... | MomWiz | 15/12/08 | 5x5x3 t | 23 | |
73334 | W is For... | MomWiz | 16/12/08 | 5x5x3 t | 40 | |
73335 | X is For... | MomWiz | 16/12/08 | 5x5x4 f | 9 | |
73367 | Y is For... | MomWiz | 17/12/08 | 5x5x2 f | 2 | |
73368 | Z is For... | MomWiz | 17/12/08 | 5x5x3 f | 12 | |
74139 | Pink Castle | Kasszandra006 | 10/01/09 | 11x14x5 f | 317 | |
75156 | Lightsabers | hi19hi19 | 26/01/09 | 10x5x5 f | 27 | |
75535 | Vitruvian Alien | hi19hi19 | 02/02/09 | 19x19x3 f | 6 638 | |
76052 | Penguin | netty | 14/02/09 | 15x20x5 f | 789 | |
76299 | Butterfly | duygudnz | 19/02/09 | 10x10x3 f | 277 | |
76312 | School Bus | elimaor | 21/02/09 | 20x15x7 f | 1 896 | |
78001 | Moo | ZajberZ | 04/04/09 | 20x15x4 f | 1 533 | |
79153 | Ice | aya | 03/05/09 | 6x17x5 f | 8 | |
79864 | Cupcake | Fuzzy_ | 25/05/09 | 20x20x5 f | 2 220 | |
81310 | Trefoil | molly012 | 11/07/09 | 9x9x3 f | 149 | |
81719 | Springy Zoombini | Amyflemming | 19/07/09 | 9x15x6 f | 154 | |
81813 | Four Leaf Clover | inikj | 22/07/09 | 15x20x3 f | 1 678 | |
81856 | Little Kiddo | Emma2007 | 25/07/09 | 15x20x6 f | 1 464 | |
84665 | Flower | 34320870039 | 26/09/09 | 10x15x4 f | 144 |