Livres Griddlers

Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 24
Pages:108Puzzles: 142
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ID | Description | Auteur | Date | Taille | Points | Résolu le |
4215 | Wyoming Cowboys | TNT | 08/05/03 | 30x50x2 f | 12 286 | |
6972 | Cat | liri748 | 18/12/03 | 35x45x2 f | 62 662 | |
7810 | Libra | JynxsMom | 16/02/04 | 40x30x2 f | 126 098 | |
9313 | Snail | bar | 19/04/04 | 35x25x2 f | 59 250 | |
10042 | Theater | carootje | 20/05/04 | 45x50x2 f | 33 323 | |
10088 | Tom | macmoni | 22/05/04 | 45x21x2 t | 24 646 | |
17634 | A-OK! | TNT | 20/02/05 | 38x28x2 t | 398 133 | |
21609 | Tank | Gordon698 | 03/05/05 | 40x16x2 f | 7 760 | |
23067 | Lego Skeleton | Top-Secret | 10/06/05 | 28x32x2 t | 8 351 | |
30969 | Dino | op1 | 19/02/06 | 45x50x2 f | 1 263 653 | |
30970 | Dino | op1 | 19/02/06 | 40x50x2 f | 1 200 783 | |
32182 | Plug | hero692ttr | 30/03/06 | 40x13x2 f | 8 600 | |
35397 | Cami | cpt | 04/07/06 | 45x30x2 t | 5 520 | |
41009 | Buffalo | xiayu | 28/12/06 | 35x25x2 f | 32 329 | |
41144 | Snail | JESlovesIVO | 02/01/07 | 22x18x2 f | 36 323 | |
43120 | Playing with Fire | Oskar | 26/02/07 | 40x15x2 f | 160 022 | |
44106 | Two Goats | beast666 | 27/03/07 | 40x30x2 f | 109 978 | |
44513 | Rock | hibrahimozer | 11/04/07 | 40x14x2 f | 4 381 | |
44654 | Knife | Oskar | 15/04/07 | 40x14x2 f | 46 681 | |
47437 | Piggy | JESlovesIVO | 24/06/07 | 45x15x2 f | 44 224 | |
48793 | Leaf | Nicky | 01/08/07 | 22x22x2 f | 3 797 | |
49721 | Eating | oko | 28/08/07 | 35x23x2 f | 9 421 | |
50336 | Bold? | oko | 12/09/07 | 30x40x2 f | 151 102 | |
50805 | Eagle | oko | 24/09/07 | 50x30x2 f | 264 661 | |
52246 | Hawk | BlackWolf | 26/10/07 | 50x15x2 f | 595 | |
53092 | Pill Bottle | MiriamsTimbrel | 11/11/07 | 32x49x2 f | 115 817 | |
53621 | Car | oko | 20/11/07 | 46x50x2 f | 28 515 | |
54898 | One-Wheel Biker | oko | 09/12/07 | 30x45x2 f | 337 522 | |
56692 | Bears in the Forest | bepklep | 10/01/08 | 40x40x2 f | 52 317 | |
56693 | Bears in the Forest | bepklep | 10/01/08 | 40x40x2 f | 33 498 | |
58209 | Bird | oko | 13/02/08 | 30x50x2 f | 155 365 | |
58985 | Purple Rallycar | Tiina37 | 02/03/08 | 35x15x2 f | 3 018 | |
67804 | Long Truck | phobeus | 10/08/08 | 40x15x2 f | 52 232 | |
72621 | Football | emergency112 | 01/12/08 | 28x30x2 t | 25 727 | |
76796 | Alien Strike Three | hi19hi19 | 02/03/09 | 33x15x2 f | 17 739 | |
77560 | Fox | Miepf | 22/03/09 | 40x45x2 f | 112 200 | |
77561 | Fox | Miepf | 22/03/09 | 40x45x2 f | 92 402 | |
83578 | Stylized Reef Knot | nightsitter | 31/08/09 | 23x19x2 f | 4 729 | |
85058 | Trailer Home | solo222 | 05/10/09 | 45x20x2 f | 22 578 | |
87962 | Snowman | stumpy | 21/12/09 | 30x50x2 f | 390 970 | |
90574 | Cycling Tour | josee | 22/02/10 | 45x50x2 f | 258 226 | |
90575 | Cycling Tour | josee | 22/02/10 | 45x50x2 f | 128 060 | |
91247 | Puff Train | that_guy | 08/03/10 | 40x25x2 f | 24 070 | |
96835 | So Sad | kirsikkkka | 27/07/10 | 25x45x2 f | 110 992 | |
98084 | Planet of the Apes - Cornelius | Glucklich | 29/08/10 | 45x50x2 f | 19 260 | |
99275 | Wolf | mihahaela | 22/09/10 | 48x28x2 f | 151 782 | |
100076 | Cat's Paradise | carm53 | 20/10/10 | 35x40x2 f | 86 966 | |
100178 | Griddler Family | steveo | 24/10/10 | 30x16x2 f | 8 026 | |
100668 | Dancer | mudshark | 07/11/10 | 50x30x2 f | 19 481 | |
101592 | Eye | Comicpainter | 28/11/10 | 35x40x2 f | 15 953 | |
101593 | Eye | Comicpainter | 28/11/10 | 30x40x2 f | 8 187 | |
102198 | Griddler Factory | steveo | 05/12/10 | 40x15x2 f | 5 732 | |
104610 | Way of the Exploding Fist | unhygenix | 30/01/11 | 30x50x2 f | 142 514 | |
104611 | Way of the Exploding Fist | unhygenix | 30/01/11 | 30x50x2 f | 274 663 | |
104612 | Under the Bridge | ksparkym | 30/01/11 | 35x40x2 f | 91 566 | |
104613 | Under the Bridge | ksparkym | 30/01/11 | 35x40x2 f | 72 172 | |
109898 | Lookout Tower, Pohnpei, Pacific | steveo | 06/06/11 | 35x25x2 f | 45 855 | |
111338 | Fisherman | Arutha2321 | 06/07/11 | 50x30x2 f | 64 600 | |
114229 | Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day | smallstuff | 25/09/11 | 44x50x2 f | 35 587 | |
114367 | Eye of Horus | Amit11 | 29/09/11 | 25x20x2 f | 5 468 | |
114527 | I Spy with My Little Eye Something Beginning withL | smallstuff | 09/10/11 | 30x46x2 f | 50 959 | |
114928 | Kyiv Golden Gate Ukraine | steveo | 18/10/11 | 39x24x2 f | 37 859 | |
115163 | House Mykonos Greece | steveo | 25/10/11 | 35x25x2 f | 7 619 | |
115323 | Bungelow Tatlisu Cyprus | steveo | 30/10/11 | 33x17x2 f | 3 554 | |
122157 | Family | Afrita | 22/04/12 | 45x25x2 f | 15 825 | |
122352 | Diagonal Gate Pinehurst, USA | steveo | 29/04/12 | 40x25x2 f | 39 932 | |
122513 | 35mm | Computer_Jones | 03/05/12 | 35x25x2 f | 2 646 | |
123081 | Elephant Truck | steveo | 21/05/12 | 35x15x2 f | 3 451 | |
123083 | IBM Selectric | steveo | 21/05/12 | 35x15x2 f | 1 784 | |
124161 | Post Office Statesville USA | steveo | 19/06/12 | 25x20x2 f | 1 485 | |
124386 | Volkswagen Beetle | steveo | 24/06/12 | 25x20x2 f | 13 709 | |
125009 | Horse | timky | 12/07/12 | 50x30x2 f | 15 428 | |
126140 | Olympic Games 2012: Weightlifting (Pictogram) | litalia | 01/08/12 | 41x30x2 t | 108 929 | |
126971 | House at the Country | solo222 | 22/08/12 | 25x20x2 f | 7 242 | |
127306 | Batman's Symbol | zz89 | 29/08/12 | 45x25x2 f | 17 810 | |
129823 | Industrial Life | veternik | 14/11/12 | 40x25x2 f | 20 532 | |
130000 | Violin | emergency112 | 20/11/12 | 50x33x2 t | 40 461 | |
131323 | Now for a Report from Our Foreign Correspondent | smallstuff | 28/01/13 | 30x25x2 f | 18 851 | |
133130 | Ninja Turtle | balan | 27/02/13 | 35x25x2 f | 23 258 | |
133485 | Second Mini Tree in Platypus Land | jock | 11/03/13 | 25x20x2 f | 6 092 | |
133629 | Linocut Harlequin | smallstuff | 17/03/13 | 30x50x2 f | 124 118 | |
134445 | Man | spacemice | 14/04/13 | 25x30x2 t | 93 033 | |
135230 | Inspector Clouseau | popkin | 22/05/13 | 30x35x2 f | 34 726 | |
136286 | In Town Gdansk Poland | steveo | 23/06/13 | 30x25x2 f | 20 039 | |
137512 | House, Cadeira, Spain | steveo | 21/08/13 | 35x25x2 f | 11 994 | |
138538 | Coat of Arms City of Nitra | vtipkarjope | 23/10/13 | 35x49x2 f | 50 875 | |
139370 | Lyre | meszi | 01/12/13 | 25x22x2 f | 3 508 | |
143770 | Ship | ahuluutku | 13/07/14 | 50x25x2 t | 102 890 | |
143948 | Rocket | ahuluutku | 23/07/14 | 50x20x2 t | 9 151 | |
144523 | Sailing | painter100 | 25/08/14 | 30x25x2 f | 20 503 | |
149285 | Husky | painter_100 | 12/01/15 | 30x35x2 f | 37 681 | |
149708 | Flower | painter100 | 21/01/15 | 25x20x2 f | 22 618 | |
150843 | Feather Pen | painter100 | 12/02/15 | 25x20x2 f | 7 921 | |
150853 | Artist | painter100 | 12/02/15 | 25x20x2 f | 2 439 | |
151000 | Bathroom | painter100 | 17/02/15 | 25x20x2 f | 21 348 | |
154071 | Rabbit | mustafademirbas | 12/04/15 | 25x20x2 f | 1 632 | |
156902 | Horse | roodar | 31/05/15 | 50x75x2 f | 338 423 | |
158812 | Butterfly | solo222 | 19/07/15 | 15x15x2 f | 641 | |
159916 | Anyone Out There? | wimfke | 05/08/15 | 25x35x2 f | 47 954 | |
161286 | Hunted | wimfke | 27/08/15 | 25x35x2 f | 290 033 | |
165264 | Dreamcatcher | kiwima | 04/11/15 | 25x40x2 f | 19 199 | |
171338 | Tsunami | kiwima | 08/02/16 | 15x15x2 f | 1 497 | |
172400 | Balloon | rannyw | 08/03/16 | 15x15x2 f | 1 914 | |
174370 | Angel | meszi | 26/04/16 | 30x35x2 f | 11 152 | |
175019 | Can You See the Essence? | meszi | 19/05/16 | 36x11x2 f | 1 635 | |
175285 | Deer | vtipkarjope | 29/05/16 | 30x35x2 f | 35 830 | |
175913 | Rugby Ball | meszi | 16/06/16 | 21x21x2 f | 1 428 | |
177123 | Toy Lamb | meszi | 01/08/16 | 25x20x2 f | 1 724 | |
177220 | Tillamook Rock Lighthouse, USA | steveo | 06/08/16 | 35x25x2 f | 1 959 | |
177498 | Tea time | wimfke | 11/08/16 | 15x15x2 f | 530 | |
177500 | Maybe a Magic Lamp? | meszi | 11/08/16 | 15x12x2 f | 338 | |
178728 | Calendar | saraepetersson | 29/09/16 | 28x32x2 f | 36 545 | |
178866 | Pharao | wimfke | 05/10/16 | 25x35x2 f | 34 075 | |
178965 | Crown | meszi | 08/10/16 | 13x10x2 f | 542 | |
179011 | Elephant Baby | meszi | 15/10/16 | 11x10x2 f | 79 | |
180224 | Woody Allen | kiwima | 24/11/16 | 50x50x2 f | 278 750 | |
180457 | Sunflower | dreamtheater | 29/11/16 | 25x35x2 f | 77 125 | |
181329 | You Never Had A Friend Like Me | goofus | 08/01/17 | 50x50x2 f | 931 563 | |
181498 | Terminator | goofus | 18/01/17 | 35x50x2 f | 94 793 | |
182675 | Poe | goofus | 12/03/17 | 45x50x2 f | 113 640 | |
182683 | Fist | solo222 | 12/03/17 | 12x12x2 f | 812 | |
182845 | Box of Matches | kiwima | 23/03/17 | 15x14x2 f | 2 421 | |
182850 | Cent | kiwima | 23/03/17 | 15x15x2 f | 745 | |
182851 | Thumbs Down | kendrasong | 23/03/17 | 15x15x2 f | 715 | |
182855 | Flying South | kiwima | 23/03/17 | 15x15x2 f | 504 | |
182856 | Archer | kiwima | 23/03/17 | 15x15x2 f | 401 | |
182857 | Gassing up | kendrasong | 23/03/17 | 14x13x2 f | 234 | |
184513 | Wolf | hertseltsur | 11/06/17 | 50x28x2 t | 34 092 | |
186302 | Atlas | vovalos | 25/10/17 | 50x30x2 f | 47 494 | |
187387 | Griddler Christmas 3 | steveo | 23/12/17 | 40x20x2 f | 36 193 | |
187434 | Horse | nacmacfigl | 28/12/17 | 15x15x2 f | 175 | |
187516 | Music Lover | saraepetersson | 02/01/18 | 50x50x2 f | 2 318 190 | |
188032 | Paw | op1 | 31/01/18 | 14x14x2 f | 633 | |
188461 | Buddha | op1 | 26/02/18 | 26x33x2 f | 31 283 | |
1 | Chinese | Ra100 | 13/05/03 | (2+2)x(2+2)x2 | 39 | |
19 | Zoom into Music | cruinne | 21/06/03 | (9+7)x(7+8)x2 | 3 250 | |
56 | Refresh | janndvorakk | 03/07/03 | (4+4)x(4+4)x2 | 482 | |
85 | Spider | cf12 | 16/07/03 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 4 543 | |
216 | Road Sign | bohus | 01/01/04 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 192 | |
382 | Sphinx | bitka | 15/03/04 | (7+13)x(13+5)x2 | 559 | |
384 | Dog | bitka | 15/03/04 | (14+9)x(9+7)x2 | 7 749 | |
677 | Devil | rehacik | 15/08/04 | (20+11)x(11+19)x2 | 14 599 |