Livres Griddlers
Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 11
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ID | Description | Auteur | Date | Taille | Points | Résolu le |
1198 | Raining | thorny77032 | 02/09/02 | 50x50x2 f | 33 015 | |
1199 | Reading | thorny77032 | 02/09/02 | 50x50x2 f | 222 418 | |
1207 | Witch | thorny77032 | 02/09/02 | 50x45x2 f | 50 323 | |
3676 | Rodeo Rider | kellyb | 10/04/03 | 40x50x2 f | 278 929 | |
5087 | Ploughman | tono | 19/06/03 | 35x20x2 f | 19 059 | |
7602 | Music4 | dreamtheater | 06/02/04 | 40x45x2 f | 462 157 | |
7603 | Music4 | dreamtheater | 06/02/04 | 40x45x2 f | 220 432 | |
9209 | Dancers | maristone | 14/04/04 | 50x45x2 f | 1 200 179 | |
9813 | In the Forest | maristone | 12/05/04 | 50x50x2 f | 4 041 163 | |
12126 | Swallow | Tejca | 11/09/04 | 40x20x2 f | 3 401 | |
14940 | Head | RTM | 14/12/04 | 50x50x2 f | 8 428 633 | |
18550 | Monograms: S | JohnWillemse | 02/03/05 | 39x47x2 f | 98 437 | |
19343 | Old Lace Pattern | maristone | 17/03/05 | 40x50x2 f | 1 521 560 | |
19489 | Elevador da Bica, Lisbon | Mitzi | 21/03/05 | 45x50x2 f | 1 113 945 | |
21649 | Shhh... | elimaor | 04/05/05 | 35x50x2 f | 357 085 | |
23204 | Bulldozer | elimaor | 15/06/05 | 32x16x2 f | 12 815 | |
23249 | Splash | elimaor | 17/06/05 | 35x15x2 f | 4 149 | |
26323 | Garfield | twoznia | 04/10/05 | 50x50x2 f | 570 111 | |
27191 | Sextant | Amoebe | 22/10/05 | 45x50x2 f | 2 026 222 | |
35885 | Warrior | liorstr | 20/07/06 | 35x20x2 f | 27 723 | |
42248 | About Japan | xiayu | 04/02/07 | 50x45x2 f | 2 473 051 | |
42250 | Engineer | xiayu | 04/02/07 | 45x50x2 f | 1 156 677 | |
42423 | Cat | croggen | 07/02/07 | 15x16x2 t | 1 151 | |
42506 | Roller Skate | xiayu | 11/02/07 | 45x50x2 f | 1 940 350 | |
42578 | Prairie Dweller | Glucklich | 12/02/07 | 40x25x2 f | 38 319 | |
42965 | Tractor | slovakia | 20/02/07 | 25x20x2 t | 10 256 | |
43216 | Bike | hibrahimozer | 03/03/07 | 33x18x2 f | 6 072 | |
43356 | Scales | allemalle42 | 06/03/07 | 15x8x2 f | 124 | |
43985 | No Hunting | beast666 | 22/03/07 | 35x20x2 f | 13 244 | |
44661 | Sliding Stop | Glucklich | 15/04/07 | 35x20x2 f | 10 492 | |
45733 | Geisha | xiayu | 14/05/07 | 45x50x2 f | 2 823 763 | |
45896 | Car | demet | 17/05/07 | 30x15x2 f | 1 596 | |
47616 | Rose | GICaesar | 27/06/07 | 40x40x2 f | 13 601 | |
49239 | Donald Duck | solo222 | 16/08/07 | 15x15x2 f | 830 | |
50446 | Dragonfly | oko | 16/09/07 | 45x50x2 f | 602 260 | |
50838 | Speed | oko | 25/09/07 | 50x50x2 f | 354 044 | |
51460 | Bulrushes | Anne58 | 09/10/07 | 14x18x2 t | 1 995 | |
53775 | Dancing | skybreezes | 21/11/07 | 15x15x2 t | 1 750 | |
57495 | E-Guitar | HermineGranger | 27/01/08 | 10x28x2 t | 1 994 | |
60859 | Snail | anna_black | 04/04/08 | 15x12x2 f | 647 | |
62556 | Zebra Head | knocka | 01/05/08 | 25x25x2 f | 25 399 | |
62739 | My Pet | mik54 | 05/05/08 | 40x50x2 f | 5 062 179 | |
63618 | Butterflies | maycanatan | 22/05/08 | 50x50x2 f | 1 175 796 | |
63756 | Cat and Bird | knocka | 25/05/08 | 29x23x2 t | 9 010 | |
64122 | Restaurant | MyzQo | 02/06/08 | 9x8x2 t | 59 | |
71908 | Can You Take Out the Trash? | zjmonty | 15/11/08 | 5x5x2 t | 12 | |
72950 | Thinker (Rodin) | kees | 10/12/08 | 5x5x2 t | 8 | |
72993 | Flower | maycanatan | 11/12/08 | 50x50x2 f | 898 676 | |
73671 | Lorry | demirors | 28/12/08 | 20x13x2 t | 3 810 | |
74661 | Alien Battering Ram | hi19hi19 | 18/01/09 | 35x15x2 f | 8 656 | |
74950 | Diver | demirors | 24/01/09 | 35x17x2 f | 4 308 | |
75400 | Caravan | mr_paja | 31/01/09 | 35x20x2 f | 4 664 | |
75782 | Epee Alien | hi19hi19 | 08/02/09 | 35x15x2 f | 32 378 | |
76667 | Alien Moral Dilemma | hi19hi19 | 26/02/09 | 35x19x2 f | 52 285 | |
77826 | Slippery Landing | Glucklich | 29/03/09 | 40x50x2 f | 78 660 | |
77827 | Mushroom House | dromidror | 29/03/09 | 25x25x2 f | 66 675 | |
78315 | Majestic | Glucklich | 12/04/09 | 40x50x2 f | 283 330 | |
79675 | Video Camera | solo222 | 20/05/09 | 30x15x2 f | 4 205 | |
81709 | Cat 'n Mouse | Glucklich | 19/07/09 | 35x50x2 f | 368 882 | |
84070 | Wanna Be My Friend? | solo222 | 09/09/09 | 35x15x2 f | 10 994 | |
84146 | Stargate SG1 - Teal'c | Glucklich | 10/09/09 | 35x50x2 f | 88 873 | |
84262 | Country Home | solo222 | 15/09/09 | 30x15x2 f | 6 645 | |
84768 | Rose | ulka | 29/09/09 | 40x25x2 f | 64 572 | |
85932 | Windmill | dromidror | 27/10/09 | 25x25x2 f | 33 937 | |
86137 | Pear | max69 | 05/11/09 | 15x20x2 t | 5 297 | |
87561 | Taj Mahal | elimaor | 13/12/09 | 40x50x2 f | 810 217 | |
88511 | Friendship | solo222 | 02/01/10 | 30x20x2 f | 9 648 | |
90435 | Airplane | stumpy | 20/02/10 | 42x14x2 f | 2 344 | |
92675 | Aliens Do No Evil | hi19hi19 | 12/04/10 | 30x15x2 f | 5 132 | |
93249 | Turtle | syucesan | 26/04/10 | 25x20x2 f | 6 103 | |
94898 | Helicopter | bahadir | 06/06/10 | 35x18x2 f | 2 940 | |
96182 | Birdie | airam | 11/07/10 | 25x20x2 f | 23 016 | |
98843 | Pianist | stumpy | 12/09/10 | 40x20x2 f | 6 345 | |
98993 | Planet of the Apes - Dr. Zira | Glucklich | 15/09/10 | 40x50x2 f | 46 238 | |
107778 | Charlie Brown | SandraPt | 10/04/11 | 35x45x2 f | 211 141 | |
115164 | Government Building Nepal | steveo | 25/10/11 | 30x20x2 f | 6 126 | |
116428 | Ara | Andreasss | 22/11/11 | 50x50x2 f | 6 101 511 | |
116757 | Church Viana do Costelo Portugal | steveo | 04/12/11 | 40x50x2 f | 105 115 | |
118557 | Artillery | steveo | 21/01/12 | 35x15x2 f | 2 009 | |
118608 | I Need a Nail | solo222 | 22/01/12 | 35x20x2 f | 5 076 | |
119415 | Elephant | zjmonty | 06/02/12 | 10x10x2 t | 286 | |
119981 | Trapped | zjmonty | 22/02/12 | 15x20x2 t | 4 430 | |
120998 | Shell | fremnia | 22/03/12 | 40x50x2 f | 45 046 | |
121061 | Angel | fremnia | 25/03/12 | 45x50x2 f | 106 252 | |
123528 | Oh, What a Knight | zjmonty | 05/06/12 | 10x20x2 t | 2 263 | |
123688 | Black Moon | zjmonty | 09/06/12 | 25x15x2 t | 7 634 | |
125110 | Bat | Nicky | 15/07/12 | 10x10x2 t | 94 | |
126328 | St. Olaf Church Balestrand Norway | steveo | 05/08/12 | 35x50x2 f | 72 024 | |
126347 | Physics Lecture | Crimraoul | 05/08/12 | 25x15x2 t | 7 251 | |
127412 | Frida! Painting the Pain Away | smallstuff | 02/09/12 | 40x50x2 f | 117 242 | |
132159 | Broken Heart | MartaPiotr | 08/02/13 | 15x15x2 f | 87 | |
132358 | Dog | beren2005 | 13/02/13 | 15x15x2 f | 2 601 | |
132366 | Teddy | kabusloren | 13/02/13 | 15x15x2 f | 1 644 | |
132471 | Marine Predators | smallstuff | 17/02/13 | 35x20x2 f | 12 367 | |
132582 | You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger | smallstuff | 18/02/13 | 50x50x2 f | 32 660 | |
132884 | Baby Bottle | DrPuzzles | 21/02/13 | 10x15x2 f | 92 | |
133280 | City Light, St. Petersburg Russia | steveo | 04/03/13 | 35x49x2 f | 223 824 | |
133641 | Coffee Time | Arutha2321 | 17/03/13 | 25x20x2 t | 16 125 | |
134019 | First Butterfly in Platypus Land | jock | 28/03/13 | 40x50x2 f | 1 183 392 | |
134077 | Second Micro Butterfly in Platypus Land | jock | 01/04/13 | 15x15x2 f | 1 113 | |
134436 | Alpine Village | zjmonty | 13/04/13 | 25x15x2 t | 6 094 | |
134574 | Clint Eastwood - Third | jock | 21/04/13 | 40x50x2 f | 107 669 | |
134597 | Fish | solo222 | 22/04/13 | 25x15x2 f | 6 398 | |
134663 | Wire Haired Terrier | nancynga | 30/04/13 | 25x25x2 f | 10 104 | |
134793 | Mini Marilyn Monroe - First | jock | 06/05/13 | 25x25x2 f | 21 843 | |
134916 | Tomato | pup123 | 12/05/13 | 15x15x2 f | 782 | |
134991 | Snowman | pup123 | 14/05/13 | 15x15x2 f | 449 | |
135148 | Padlock | pup123 | 19/05/13 | 15x10x2 f | 260 | |
135239 | Inspector Clouseau (Tiny) | popkin | 22/05/13 | 25x25x2 f | 5 436 | |
135240 | Bird | solo222 | 22/05/13 | 20x20x2 f | 4 369 | |
135354 | Pirate Ship | solo222 | 27/05/13 | 20x20x2 f | 2 434 | |
136649 | Panda | roodar | 03/07/13 | 45x45x2 f | 169 359 | |
136951 | Approaching The Tunnel | nancynga | 23/07/13 | 25x25x2 f | 36 036 | |
137069 | aslanakkas | 30/07/13 | 35x25x2 f | 80 291 | ||
137175 | Forest | Lays | 05/08/13 | 45x45x2 f | 342 652 | |
137376 | Drummer | Oskar | 13/08/13 | 35x35x2 f | 193 392 | |
137513 | Bridge, Navia, Spain | steveo | 21/08/13 | 35x20x2 f | 10 174 | |
137666 | Laundry | jgamboa239 | 29/08/13 | 35x20x2 f | 108 619 | |
138052 | Melancholy in September | smallstuff | 17/09/13 | 40x50x2 f | 766 943 | |
138205 | Jose Rizal, Filipino National Hero | smallstuff | 29/09/13 | 40x50x2 f | 319 285 | |
138258 | Fresh Grapes | smallstuff | 02/10/13 | 45x50x2 f | 3 084 601 | |
138390 | Dragon | zzero | 13/10/13 | 45x50x2 f | 545 028 | |
139387 | Cheshire Cat | LateXD | 02/12/13 | 40x25x2 f | 104 070 | |
139397 | Reindeer | meszi | 04/12/13 | 47x45x2 f | 210 802 | |
139727 | Al Pacino ''Serpico'' | smallstuff | 18/12/13 | 45x50x2 f | 167 094 | |
140191 | Cricket | nancynga | 05/01/14 | 35x20x2 t | 26 599 | |
140437 | Dog | kyisonfire | 12/01/14 | 15x15x2 f | 1 010 | |
140559 | Koala | kyisonfire | 19/01/14 | 20x20x2 f | 8 117 | |
141610 | Dragon | Sharm | 12/03/14 | 15x15x2 f | 812 | |
141885 | Percolator | Computer_Jones | 01/04/14 | 20x25x2 f | 4 998 | |
142100 | Owl | kyisonfire | 12/04/14 | 15x15x2 f | 500 | |
142427 | Brew | steveo | 07/05/14 | 15x15x2 f | 1 519 | |
142434 | Sherlock Holmes | solo222 | 08/05/14 | 15x15x2 f | 548 | |
142436 | Pagoda | solo222 | 08/05/14 | 45x45x2 f | 121 700 | |
142438 | Bears | solo222 | 08/05/14 | 50x45x2 f | 307 825 | |
142439 | Elephant | solo222 | 08/05/14 | 45x50x2 f | 3 499 469 | |
142460 | Beaver | nasa17 | 12/05/14 | 45x45x2 f | 23 611 | |
142709 | Sea Rover | vtipkarjope | 29/05/14 | 50x49x2 f | 326 731 | |
58 | Nightwatcher | jer | 04/07/03 | (12+10)x(12+0)x2 | 441 | |
831 | Office Phone | Ra100 | 30/11/04 | (11+4)x(12+4)x2 | 1 376 | |
979 | Hound | esra | 17/01/05 | (17+30)x(21+18)x2 | 63 169 | |
1009 | Pen | Ra100 | 27/01/05 | (1+9)x(13+6)x2 | 606 | |
1126 | Mug | esra | 22/02/05 | (5+9)x(12+5)x2 | 586 | |
12715 | Ballet Dancer | hertseltsur | 05/06/14 | (25+25)x(25+25)x2 | 260 535 |
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