Livres Griddlers

Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 11

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ID Description Auteur Date Taille Points Résolu le
1198 Raining thorny77032 02/09/02 50x50x2 f 33 015
1199 Reading thorny77032 02/09/02 50x50x2 f 222 418
1207 Witch thorny77032 02/09/02 50x45x2 f 50 323
3676 Rodeo Rider kellyb 10/04/03 40x50x2 f 278 929
5087 Ploughman tono 19/06/03 35x20x2 f 19 059
7602 Music4 dreamtheater 06/02/04 40x45x2 f 462 157
7603 Music4 dreamtheater 06/02/04 40x45x2 f 220 432
9209 Dancers maristone 14/04/04 50x45x2 f 1 200 179
9813 In the Forest maristone 12/05/04 50x50x2 f 4 041 163
12126 Swallow Tejca 11/09/04 40x20x2 f 3 401
14940 Head RTM 14/12/04 50x50x2 f 8 428 633
18550 Monograms: S JohnWillemse 02/03/05 39x47x2 f 98 437
19343 Old Lace Pattern maristone 17/03/05 40x50x2 f 1 521 560
19489 Elevador da Bica, Lisbon Mitzi 21/03/05 45x50x2 f 1 113 945
21649 Shhh... elimaor 04/05/05 35x50x2 f 357 085
23204 Bulldozer elimaor 15/06/05 32x16x2 f 12 815
23249 Splash elimaor 17/06/05 35x15x2 f 4 149
26323 Garfield twoznia 04/10/05 50x50x2 f 570 111
27191 Sextant Amoebe 22/10/05 45x50x2 f 2 026 222
35885 Warrior liorstr 20/07/06 35x20x2 f 27 723
42248 About Japan xiayu 04/02/07 50x45x2 f 2 473 051
42250 Engineer xiayu 04/02/07 45x50x2 f 1 156 677
42423 Cat croggen 07/02/07 15x16x2 t 1 151
42506 Roller Skate xiayu 11/02/07 45x50x2 f 1 940 350
42578 Prairie Dweller Glucklich 12/02/07 40x25x2 f 38 319
42965 Tractor slovakia 20/02/07 25x20x2 t 10 256
43216 Bike hibrahimozer 03/03/07 33x18x2 f 6 072
43356 Scales allemalle42 06/03/07 15x8x2 f 124
43985 No Hunting beast666 22/03/07 35x20x2 f 13 244
44661 Sliding Stop Glucklich 15/04/07 35x20x2 f 10 492
45733 Geisha xiayu 14/05/07 45x50x2 f 2 823 763
45896 Car demet 17/05/07 30x15x2 f 1 596
47616 Rose GICaesar 27/06/07 40x40x2 f 13 601
49239 Donald Duck solo222 16/08/07 15x15x2 f 830
50446 Dragonfly oko 16/09/07 45x50x2 f 602 260
50838 Speed oko 25/09/07 50x50x2 f 354 044
51460 Bulrushes Anne58 09/10/07 14x18x2 t 1 995
53775 Dancing skybreezes 21/11/07 15x15x2 t 1 750
57495 E-Guitar HermineGranger 27/01/08 10x28x2 t 1 994
60859 Snail anna_black 04/04/08 15x12x2 f 647
62556 Zebra Head knocka 01/05/08 25x25x2 f 25 399
62739 My Pet mik54 05/05/08 40x50x2 f 5 062 179
63618 Butterflies maycanatan 22/05/08 50x50x2 f 1 175 796
63756 Cat and Bird knocka 25/05/08 29x23x2 t 9 010
64122 Restaurant MyzQo 02/06/08 9x8x2 t 59
71908 Can You Take Out the Trash? zjmonty 15/11/08 5x5x2 t 12
72950 Thinker (Rodin) kees 10/12/08 5x5x2 t 8
72993 Flower maycanatan 11/12/08 50x50x2 f 898 676
73671 Lorry demirors 28/12/08 20x13x2 t 3 810
74661 Alien Battering Ram hi19hi19 18/01/09 35x15x2 f 8 656
74950 Diver demirors 24/01/09 35x17x2 f 4 308
75400 Caravan mr_paja 31/01/09 35x20x2 f 4 664
75782 Epee Alien hi19hi19 08/02/09 35x15x2 f 32 378
76667 Alien Moral Dilemma hi19hi19 26/02/09 35x19x2 f 52 285
77826 Slippery Landing Glucklich 29/03/09 40x50x2 f 78 660
77827 Mushroom House dromidror 29/03/09 25x25x2 f 66 675
78315 Majestic Glucklich 12/04/09 40x50x2 f 283 330
79675 Video Camera solo222 20/05/09 30x15x2 f 4 205
81709 Cat 'n Mouse Glucklich 19/07/09 35x50x2 f 368 882
84070 Wanna Be My Friend? solo222 09/09/09 35x15x2 f 10 994
84146 Stargate SG1 - Teal'c Glucklich 10/09/09 35x50x2 f 88 873
84262 Country Home solo222 15/09/09 30x15x2 f 6 645
84768 Rose ulka 29/09/09 40x25x2 f 64 572
85932 Windmill dromidror 27/10/09 25x25x2 f 33 937
86137 Pear max69 05/11/09 15x20x2 t 5 297
87561 Taj Mahal elimaor 13/12/09 40x50x2 f 810 217
88511 Friendship solo222 02/01/10 30x20x2 f 9 648
90435 Airplane stumpy 20/02/10 42x14x2 f 2 344
92675 Aliens Do No Evil hi19hi19 12/04/10 30x15x2 f 5 132
93249 Turtle syucesan 26/04/10 25x20x2 f 6 103
94898 Helicopter bahadir 06/06/10 35x18x2 f 2 940
96182 Birdie airam 11/07/10 25x20x2 f 23 016
98843 Pianist stumpy 12/09/10 40x20x2 f 6 345
98993 Planet of the Apes - Dr. Zira Glucklich 15/09/10 40x50x2 f 46 238
107778 Charlie Brown SandraPt 10/04/11 35x45x2 f 211 141
115164 Government Building Nepal steveo 25/10/11 30x20x2 f 6 126
116428 Ara Andreasss 22/11/11 50x50x2 f 6 101 511
116757 Church Viana do Costelo Portugal steveo 04/12/11 40x50x2 f 105 115
118557 Artillery steveo 21/01/12 35x15x2 f 2 009
118608 I Need a Nail solo222 22/01/12 35x20x2 f 5 076
119415 Elephant zjmonty 06/02/12 10x10x2 t 286
119981 Trapped zjmonty 22/02/12 15x20x2 t 4 430
120998 Shell fremnia 22/03/12 40x50x2 f 45 046
121061 Angel fremnia 25/03/12 45x50x2 f 106 252
123528 Oh, What a Knight zjmonty 05/06/12 10x20x2 t 2 263
123688 Black Moon zjmonty 09/06/12 25x15x2 t 7 634
125110 Bat Nicky 15/07/12 10x10x2 t 94
126328 St. Olaf Church Balestrand Norway steveo 05/08/12 35x50x2 f 72 024
126347 Physics Lecture Crimraoul 05/08/12 25x15x2 t 7 251
127412 Frida! Painting the Pain Away smallstuff 02/09/12 40x50x2 f 117 242
132159 Broken Heart MartaPiotr 08/02/13 15x15x2 f 87
132358 Dog beren2005 13/02/13 15x15x2 f 2 601
132366 Teddy kabusloren 13/02/13 15x15x2 f 1 644
132471 Marine Predators smallstuff 17/02/13 35x20x2 f 12 367
132582 You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger smallstuff 18/02/13 50x50x2 f 32 660
132884 Baby Bottle DrPuzzles 21/02/13 10x15x2 f 92
133280 City Light, St. Petersburg Russia steveo 04/03/13 35x49x2 f 223 824
133641 Coffee Time Arutha2321 17/03/13 25x20x2 t 16 125
134019 First Butterfly in Platypus Land jock 28/03/13 40x50x2 f 1 183 392
134077 Second Micro Butterfly in Platypus Land jock 01/04/13 15x15x2 f 1 113
134436 Alpine Village zjmonty 13/04/13 25x15x2 t 6 094
134574 Clint Eastwood - Third jock 21/04/13 40x50x2 f 107 669
134597 Fish solo222 22/04/13 25x15x2 f 6 398
134663 Wire Haired Terrier nancynga 30/04/13 25x25x2 f 10 104
134793 Mini Marilyn Monroe - First jock 06/05/13 25x25x2 f 21 843
134916 Tomato pup123 12/05/13 15x15x2 f 782
134991 Snowman pup123 14/05/13 15x15x2 f 449
135148 Padlock pup123 19/05/13 15x10x2 f 260
135239 Inspector Clouseau (Tiny) popkin 22/05/13 25x25x2 f 5 436
135240 Bird solo222 22/05/13 20x20x2 f 4 369
135354 Pirate Ship solo222 27/05/13 20x20x2 f 2 434
136649 Panda roodar 03/07/13 45x45x2 f 169 359
136951 Approaching The Tunnel nancynga 23/07/13 25x25x2 f 36 036
137069 Mail aslanakkas 30/07/13 35x25x2 f 80 291
137175 Forest Lays 05/08/13 45x45x2 f 342 652
137376 Drummer Oskar 13/08/13 35x35x2 f 193 392
137513 Bridge, Navia, Spain steveo 21/08/13 35x20x2 f 10 174
137666 Laundry jgamboa239 29/08/13 35x20x2 f 108 619
138052 Melancholy in September smallstuff 17/09/13 40x50x2 f 766 943
138205 Jose Rizal, Filipino National Hero smallstuff 29/09/13 40x50x2 f 319 285
138258 Fresh Grapes smallstuff 02/10/13 45x50x2 f 3 084 601
138390 Dragon zzero 13/10/13 45x50x2 f 545 028
139387 Cheshire Cat LateXD 02/12/13 40x25x2 f 104 070
139397 Reindeer meszi 04/12/13 47x45x2 f 210 802
139727 Al Pacino ''Serpico'' smallstuff 18/12/13 45x50x2 f 167 094
140191 Cricket nancynga 05/01/14 35x20x2 t 26 599
140437 Dog kyisonfire 12/01/14 15x15x2 f 1 010
140559 Koala kyisonfire 19/01/14 20x20x2 f 8 117
141610 Dragon Sharm 12/03/14 15x15x2 f 812
141885 Percolator Computer_Jones 01/04/14 20x25x2 f 4 998
142100 Owl kyisonfire 12/04/14 15x15x2 f 500
142427 Brew steveo 07/05/14 15x15x2 f 1 519
142434 Sherlock Holmes solo222 08/05/14 15x15x2 f 548
142436 Pagoda solo222 08/05/14 45x45x2 f 121 700
142438 Bears solo222 08/05/14 50x45x2 f 307 825
142439 Elephant solo222 08/05/14 45x50x2 f 3 499 469
142460 Beaver nasa17 12/05/14 45x45x2 f 23 611
142709 Sea Rover vtipkarjope 29/05/14 50x49x2 f 326 731
58 Nightwatcher jer 04/07/03 (12+10)x(12+0)x2 441
831 Office Phone Ra100 30/11/04 (11+4)x(12+4)x2 1 376
979 Hound esra 17/01/05 (17+30)x(21+18)x2 63 169
1009 Pen Ra100 27/01/05 (1+9)x(13+6)x2 606
1126 Mug esra 22/02/05 (5+9)x(12+5)x2 586
12715 Ballet Dancer hertseltsur 05/06/14 (25+25)x(25+25)x2 260 535
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