Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Standard - Black and White, Vol. 21

Puzzles: 84
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ID Descrizione Autore Data Dimensione Punti Risolto
33821 Minimalism: Football Ne_Plus_Ultra 24/05/06 5x5x2 f 10
36988 Candle slawsz 16/08/06 15x35x2 f 12.012
40871 Censor hibrahimozer 21/12/06 30x30x2 f 3.214
47929 Helicopter hibrahimozer 06/07/07 30x15x2 f 2.842
48144 Ghost solo222 11/07/07 15x15x2 f 87
48290 Minimalism: Cigarette shadow2097 16/07/07 5x5x2 f 6
48798 Minimalism: Bird Diving dangorironhide 01/08/07 5x5x2 f 11
49244 Minimalism: Strongman twoznia 16/08/07 5x5x2 f 4
49710 Go Down or Go Up? _Pythia_ 28/08/07 35x35x2 f 56.335
50137 Sprinter Heracleum 07/09/07 10x15x2 f 729
50720 Eagle abrek 23/09/07 50x15x2 f 20.064
55687 Minimalism: Infant Inside twoznia 20/12/07 5x5x2 f 6
59981 Minimalism: Tricycle (Front View) twoznia 17/03/08 5x5x2 f 12
60488 Snail bart88 31/03/08 30x15x2 f 15.278
61301 Monkey DinaGreen 11/04/08 15x20x2 f 844
61434 Minimalism: Magic - Rabbit in a Hat arcadedweller 13/04/08 5x5x2 f 10
62286 Bully Pup Rainbow15 27/04/08 15x20x2 f 2.687
62500 Shower knocka 30/04/08 15x35x2 f 786
62801 Minimalism: Pianist twoznia 06/05/08 5x5x2 f 14
63079 Minimalism: Pegasus twoznia 13/05/08 5x5x2 f 12
63080 Minimalism: 9 O'clock jugglerdoc 13/05/08 5x5x2 f 9
66531 Minimalism: Jack-in-the-Box bonscott 19/07/08 5x5x2 f 6
69136 Panda hawkwind 09/09/08 30x25x2 f 22.161
84505 Indian Elephant solo222 21/09/09 30x20x2 f 3.674
84711 Long Neck solo222 27/09/09 15x30x2 f 2.849
86575 Sea Snail Oren_D 17/11/09 15x15x2 f 1.056
87747 Good Night, Kitty solo222 16/12/09 30x15x2 f 9.667
89138 Wrong Plug solo222 17/01/10 20x10x2 f 1.370
89624 Aquarium solo222 28/01/10 15x15x2 f 497
90594 Factory iugin 22/02/10 10x10x2 f 90
91412 Take Off BitoFlu 11/03/10 15x15x2 f 1.661
93159 Scuba Diver solo222 24/04/10 20x20x2 f 1.385
99277 Village Arutha2321 22/09/10 30x20x2 f 4.157
100620 Ballerina tal_f 06/11/10 10x25x2 f 910
102197 E.T. Lucky_boy 05/12/10 25x25x2 f 6.081
102808 Raccoon Face Esho 20/12/10 25x25x2 f 36.423
107609 Rooster vargben 06/04/11 20x20x2 f 5.879
111180 Juicy Gator621 03/07/11 15x15x2 f 1.638
113764 Squinting solo222 08/09/11 30x30x2 f 60.830
115415 Flower solo222 01/11/11 25x15x2 f 1.004
116306 Tower solo222 20/11/11 10x25x2 f 899
116316 Palm Tree solo222 20/11/11 10x25x2 f 647
116398 Mermaid solo222 21/11/11 10x25x2 f 1.275
116407 Kayak solo222 21/11/11 25x10x2 f 693
118900 Sunflower solo222 29/01/12 20x20x2 f 4.523
118980 Cherries solo222 30/01/12 20x20x2 f 1.452
119231 Comedian saperek25 04/02/12 15x15x2 f 1.908
122363 Archer dromidror 29/04/12 25x25x2 f 12.937
123672 Ant Peeping solo222 07/06/12 10x10x2 f 86
124812 Surfing Duck solo222 06/07/12 10x10x2 f 204
124814 Tree in Autumn DrPuzzles 06/07/12 10x10x2 f 187
124816 Park solo222 06/07/12 10x10x2 f 174
125223 Boo! Nicky 16/07/12 15x20x2 f 690
126868 Fly aya 19/08/12 15x20x2 f 1.821
127896 Bat beren2005 11/09/12 30x20x2 f 916
128677 Rooster solo222 06/10/12 15x15x2 f 207
129187 Sunflower solo222 22/10/12 25x25x2 f 3.957
129859 Coffee svaldez187 17/11/12 10x10x2 f 93
130209 Scissors svaldez187 01/12/12 10x10x2 f 200
131640 Measuring Cup solo222 01/02/13 10x10x2 f 99
131648 Wake Up DrPuzzles 01/02/13 10x10x2 f 69
131928 Teapot DrPuzzles 04/02/13 10x10x2 f 23
132001 Small Apple solo222 05/02/13 10x10x2 f 23
132105 Cat solo222 07/02/13 15x15x2 f 282
132130 Ducks ulka 08/02/13 30x25x2 f 8.923
132483 Look into My Eyes elimaor 17/02/13 25x10x2 f 2.164
132495 Gas Pump solo222 17/02/13 15x20x2 f 525
132593 Anchor solo222 18/02/13 25x15x2 f 3.443
132605 Lighthouse solo222 18/02/13 10x15x2 f 591
132731 Feather Pen solo222 19/02/13 10x15x2 f 389
132784 Toy Train in Black and White Nicky 20/02/13 30x30x2 f 38.150
132839 Mouse Nicky 21/02/13 20x20x2 f 2.877
132877 Watch solo222 21/02/13 10x15x2 f 210
133181 Owl Nicky 28/02/13 15x20x2 f 1.389
133503 Berries solo222 12/03/13 15x15x2 f 847
134066 Fish Bowl in Black and White Nicky 01/04/13 25x25x2 f 51.567
134446 Rabbit sidienne 14/04/13 30x25x2 f 70.289
134551 Flower solo222 18/04/13 20x20x2 f 4.417
135627 Surfing in Black and White Nicky 05/06/13 20x20x2 f 10.348
135851 Cherry spacemice 11/06/13 15x15x2 f 854
137031 Dog asia2411 25/07/13 10x10x2 f 73
137718 Hammering Oskar 01/09/13 30x30x2 f 131.075
141582 Minimalism: Truck Sharm 11/03/14 5x5x2 f 4
144245 Viking painter100 06/08/14 20x20x2 f 2.367
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