Libri Griddlers

Griddlers Standard - Color, Vol. 1

Puzzles: 76
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ID Descrizione Autore Data Dimensione Punti Risolto
597 Knight woa 10/06/02 30x30x3 f 18.063
1102 Pear jule 22/08/02 15x20x5 f 1.941
2035 Girl woa 22/10/02 20x20x5 f 2.435
2191 Ice Dancers woa 02/11/02 50x50x4 f 326.166
2429 Turnip woa 18/11/02 20x20x4 f 4.516
2467 Rain Cloud carys 29/11/02 15x18x8 f 3.444
2741 Pencil slniecko 01/01/03 10x30x3 t 886
3262 Intrepid Duo Sam 07/02/03 45x45x8 f 102.675
3389 Tiny Duck sablett 26/02/03 5x5x3 t 12
3653 Pinocchio wiggles 07/04/03 50x50x8 f 718.236
3667 Water Anyone? wiggles 09/04/03 50x50x5 f 3.435.754
3836 Red Sun adibnaya 19/04/03 45x45x3 f 94.245
4008 North Dakota Fighting Sioux TNT 28/04/03 50x50x5 f 129.988
4101 Garfield pufke 05/05/03 20x20x5 f 5.586
4192 Pyramids talanimal 08/05/03 5x5x3 t 5
4220 Barn and Silo Kairon 09/05/03 5x5x6 t 9
4332 Chainsaw TNT 12/05/03 29x12x5 f 1.027
4657 Pop TNT 22/05/03 38x41x5 f 63.505
4677 Bear sandrijntje 22/05/03 20x20x3 f 4.058
4773 Adenophora Takedae (Flower) TNT 30/05/03 30x30x6 f 68.871
4872 Gotcha! laurel 06/06/03 20x20x4 t 4.751
5147 Good Morning! talanimal 28/06/03 10x10x4 t 520
5191 Happy Birthday, My Little Friend! sablett 03/07/03 50x50x6 t 80.651
5705 Coyote llyra 20/08/03 10x10x3 t 233
5732 Ladybird panda1 22/08/03 35x35x4 f 12.201
5766 Oak Leaf Misty 25/08/03 45x50x3 f 77.365
5853 Camel Turquoise 02/09/03 40x40x3 f 656.166
5911 Tux the Penguin - Linux Coming! cruinne 06/09/03 45x50x4 f 103.320
5941 Tap elad 08/09/03 10x10x3 f 98
6517 Basket of Fruit macmoni 15/11/03 15x15x6 t 1.295
7121 Mother and Son nasa17 03/01/04 50x45x5 f 262.394
7129 Treasure Map Ratbag 06/01/04 50x40x8 t 200.211
7356 Ruddy Turnstone balan 23/01/04 45x50x3 f 199.829
7379 Righty-O sandyeggan 24/01/04 30x30x4 f 56.552
7522 Flamingo maristone 01/02/04 50x50x4 f 66.404
7769 Dare! crevette 14/02/04 45x30x7 f 45.514
7834 Blixten (Cartoon) tiptop08 17/02/04 50x45x4 f 117.710
7859 David Beckham vickid 18/02/04 40x40x5 f 96.309
7860 Train ulka 18/02/04 30x10x7 t 1.050
7945 Dog sandyeggan 23/02/04 10x10x4 f 210
7976 Lion Face Moonlight 25/02/04 30x30x5 f 8.345
8001 Worst Nightmare Ratbag 26/02/04 40x40x3 t 7.812
8045 Big One maristone 28/02/04 50x50x3 f 2.648.771
8046 Sweet Summer Fruit chefmomster2 28/02/04 40x15x4 f 8.314
8082 Coin Block MagiMaster 29/02/04 20x20x3 f 3.699
8108 Number 1 lilach 01/03/04 50x30x4 f 241.646
8168 Rooster llyra 04/03/04 10x10x5 t 259
8246 Kermit skunkmax 07/03/04 15x15x3 f 793
8276 Vulture at Dawn guru7 08/03/04 50x50x3 f 9.324
8445 Duck Ratbag 15/03/04 5x5x3 t 17
8485 Childhood Game (Duck, Duck... GOOSE) Ratbag 17/03/04 20x5x4 t 141
8927 Tiny Woodpecker carootje 03/04/04 5x5x5 t 27
9077 Mario redhead64 09/04/04 15x15x4 f 1.117
9140 Springtime in Holland Jeltje 12/04/04 20x20x6 f 4.894
9203 Dappere Dodo carootje 13/04/04 40x40x5 f 47.655
9214 "Great Dane" onenafreak69 14/04/04 35x50x8 f 51.320
9337 White Eared Hummingbird Vics 20/04/04 50x50x8 t 51.696
9389 Nerine Luet 23/04/04 18x17x4 t 2.498
9534 Pen carootje 01/05/04 30x5x5 t 394
9840 Seahorse ravenmb 12/05/04 15x15x4 f 1.399
9943 Mom and Dad nhfk 16/05/04 10x5x6 t 106
10103 Mushroom mammashell 22/05/04 15x15x4 t 786
10108 Rococo Balance AUTENTICARSE 22/05/04 50x50x7 f 359.036
10251 City ulka 25/05/04 40x40x4 t 39.558
10255 Woodpecker ulka 25/05/04 10x10x6 t 283
10310 Whirling Dervish aristokrat 26/05/04 45x50x5 f 1.336.041
10311 Turtle rafal24 26/05/04 5x5x3 f 7
10390 Snail nhfk 28/05/04 5x5x4 f 2
10610 Swan ulka 09/06/04 45x45x5 f 919.173
10651 Doggy Watching a Fly by Its Nose rafal24 11/06/04 10x10x3 f 293
10722 Eye kusje 16/06/04 25x12x5 f 3.179
10770 House with Garden rafal24 19/06/04 20x20x8 f 4.704
10799 Seagull by the Sea babyperson 21/06/04 10x10x6 t 55
11079 Dear John goshenmike 08/07/04 50x45x4 f 86.410
11218 Ratbert iris 17/07/04 50x45x4 f 298.112
581 Peacock wiggles 11/06/04 (7+13)x(20+10)x5 2.578
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