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Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 8

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ID 解説 作者 日付 規模 点数 解答した
712 Horse mathman 02/07/04 25x25x2 f 2,568
1737 Goofy amies123 02/10/11 20x20x2 f 13,853
2254 Fish zaphod 02/11/10 15x15x2 f 885
2628 House rehak 02/12/19 30x20x2 f 8,343
3089 Peter Misty 03/01/16 50x50x2 f 147,309
3308 Water Tap tono 03/02/14 20x20x2 f 1,171
3531 Radioactive Waste tono 03/03/13 20x20x2 f 391
3533 Deer tono 03/03/13 20x20x2 f 932
3635 Family of Penguins tono 03/04/04 20x20x2 f 1,875
4014 Navy TNT 03/04/29 50x50x2 f 178,977
4739 Love - Two in One tono 03/05/29 20x20x2 f 353
4829 Candlestick tono 03/06/04 20x20x2 f 4,573
5362 Panda Michaelamm 03/07/15 20x20x2 f 4,907
5439 After Washing tono 03/07/23 30x20x2 f 5,445
5634 Trot elad 03/08/13 50x50x2 f 66,472
5693 Blow Misty 03/08/19 50x50x2 f 22,939
6073 Umbrella Jaanannu 03/09/17 20x20x2 f 1,152
6967 Cop Hiroshima 03/12/18 20x20x2 f 5,395
7892 Hand dark_angel 04/02/21 20x20x2 f 4,683
7995 Clock... Lamp... and a Picture dark_angel 04/02/25 20x20x2 f 2,910
8452 Horse in the Grand Canyon grizlly_guy 04/03/15 20x20x2 f 10,554
10554 REM - Peter powsinoga 04/06/07 35x50x2 f 57,747
11428 Swing shula 04/07/24 30x20x2 f 2,567
22843 Alien lili71 05/06/03 15x15x2 f 737
23307 Chemistry solo222 05/06/20 10x10x2 f 188
23375 Baby Carryall solo222 05/06/22 10x10x2 f 59
23492 Wagon solo222 05/06/25 10x10x2 f 131
28036 Candy twoznia 05/11/17 10x10x2 f 41
28212 Chair twoznia 05/11/24 30x40x2 f 49,162
28328 Food Mill zomer 05/11/27 10x10x2 f 286
29581 Fishbone hero692ttr 06/01/05 25x15x2 f 2,117
29733 Ladybug op1 06/01/10 30x15x2 f 3,751
31152 British Leyland Logo (1970's) f1comp 06/02/26 40x50x2 f 200,050
38203 Man marlonbraga 06/09/20 10x10x2 f 143
40926 Fishing xiayu 06/12/25 25x27x2 f 25,863
41302 Box Room Under the Stairs Oskar 07/01/07 10x10x2 f 624
41385 Happy Sun Kyraath 07/01/09 30x30x2 f 53,022
41734 Canoe starch 07/01/20 33x13x2 f 2,344
42819 Scooter hibrahimozer 07/02/16 25x15x2 f 823
42908 Mermaid eel-house 07/02/19 31x39x2 f 66,029
42919 Truck hibrahimozer 07/02/19 30x20x2 f 5,282
43057 Perch komplexyapi 07/02/22 30x30x2 f 6,113
43133 Going for a Walk with a Dog Oskar 07/02/26 30x20x2 f 9,496
43180 Mouse Replica 07/02/28 10x10x2 f 448
43623 Four Monkeys steveo 07/03/13 31x12x2 f 5,412
43999 Warship starch 07/03/23 30x20x2 f 4,928
44077 Bull xiayu 07/03/26 35x30x2 f 160,358
44660 Beledi Glucklich 07/04/15 20x35x2 f 11,566
44851 One with Bazooka xiayu 07/04/19 35x35x2 f 186,644
45569 Sherlock Holmes solo222 07/05/09 10x15x2 f 1,039
47382 Tulip solo222 07/06/21 10x15x2 f 204
48895 Left Eye Eilleen 07/08/05 30x23x2 f 4,884
57098 Woodpecker acerola 08/01/20 30x25x2 f 62,104
59364 Tiger amit1 08/03/09 25x25x2 f 43,915
61125 Children's Bed Miepf 08/04/08 45x45x2 f 798,489
63177 Ladybird anawa74 08/05/15 35x35x2 f 28,731
68761 Party maycanatan 08/08/31 50x35x2 f 778,175
68838 Flower tomtal 08/09/01 38x50x2 f 59,034
69297 Toy Bear arcadedweller 08/09/11 45x50x2 f 1,927,763
71953 Japanese nasa17 08/11/16 35x50x2 f 107,765
73854 Happy Birthday kubaran 09/01/01 50x50x2 f 1,762,350
74654 Stylized Fish hi19hi19 09/01/18 50x35x2 f 28,231
74723 Boat yedete 09/01/19 50x50x2 f 1,350,188
75874 Camera cradelka 09/02/09 47x29x2 f 68,881
77628 Lemur Portrait Glucklich 09/03/24 50x45x2 f 180,320
79175 Simple Flower nasa17 09/05/05 40x35x2 f 1,220,581
80093 MASH - Radar Glucklich 09/06/01 48x50x2 f 374,823
81997 Caesar's Love fauma1982 09/07/26 35x35x2 f 59,566
87195 Folk Dance elimaor 09/12/06 25x45x2 f 45,746
89237 Pomegranate elimaor 10/01/19 25x40x2 f 305,383
90582 X-Ray stumpy 10/02/22 40x45x2 f 389,385
90861 Vintage solo222 10/02/28 25x40x2 f 216,099
91757 The Mentalist - Agent Lisbon Glucklich 10/03/21 45x50x2 f 258,470
92044 The Bionic Woman - Hair Babe Glucklich 10/03/28 45x50x2 f 278,156
92046 The Bionic Woman - Jamie Sommers Glucklich 10/03/28 50x50x2 f 226,835
92092 Stray Cat elimaor 10/03/29 30x30x2 f 152,264
92768 Ernie marci87 10/04/14 50x45x2 f 845,262
92854 Greek Hoplite marci87 10/04/15 45x50x2 f 42,208
92939 Dancing with the Stars - Derek Hough Glucklich 10/04/18 40x50x2 f 276,804
92941 Sleepy Panda Bear marci87 10/04/18 50x50x2 f 66,500
93202 Fuel Tank elimaor 10/04/25 45x40x2 f 653,599
93243 Bull elimaor 10/04/26 35x50x2 f 537,385
93696 Equine Yin Yang Glucklich 10/05/09 50x50x2 f 379,255
94259 Rose marci87 10/05/19 35x50x2 f 107,767
94566 Shoe elimaor 10/05/27 40x45x2 f 1,107,647
95077 Giraffe invisiable 10/06/10 50x50x2 f 2,391,667
95157 Carpet Shark Glucklich 10/06/13 50x40x2 f 176,419
95192 Sherlock Holmes moondog24 10/06/14 30x40x2 f 465,813
95306 Tabby Cat invisiable 10/06/16 45x50x2 f 1,926,062
95551 Bing Crosby Glucklich 10/06/23 40x50x2 f 292,461
95979 Magnum P.I. - Thomas Magnum Glucklich 10/07/04 45x50x2 f 238,214
96165 Woman xLilith 10/07/11 50x50x2 f 1,216,139
96752 Magnum P.I. - Higgins Glucklich 10/07/25 40x50x2 f 275,080
96889 Floral Design dunsford 10/07/28 50x40x2 f 610,043
97758 Cockroach xiayu 10/08/22 30x40x2 f 475,833
98157 Magnum P.I. - T.C. Glucklich 10/08/30 35x50x2 f 77,117
98344 Butterfly dunsford 10/09/02 50x40x2 f 404,689
98513 Skating Ban kikiki 10/09/06 50x50x2 f 58,480
98829 Two Cranes stumpy 10/09/12 45x50x2 f 2,175,173
98830 Oil Rig stumpy 10/09/12 45x50x2 f 1,026,189
99296 At the Cinema xiayu 10/09/23 50x50x2 f 2,186,189
99451 Castle dunsford 10/09/28 45x45x2 f 733,253
99499 Grape Vine dunsford 10/09/30 35x50x2 f 1,282,018
99698 Twilight Saga - Caius Glucklich 10/10/11 45x50x2 f 763,062
100306 King Lucky_boy 10/10/28 50x40x2 f 214,839
100659 Sphinx carm53 10/11/07 50x50x2 f 2,745,520
100909 Fighter kikiki 10/11/14 40x50x2 f 349,056
100912 Hospital shybobcat 10/11/14 40x40x2 f 81,188
101127 Mootiful shybobcat 10/11/18 35x35x2 f 67,328
101128 Clockwork dromidror 10/11/18 25x25x2 f 58,961
101783 Lady Beetle anebo 10/11/30 50x50x2 f 220,520
102551 Harry Potter - Ron Glucklich 10/12/13 45x50x2 f 183,730
103560 Harry Potter - Hermione Glucklich 11/01/04 50x50x2 f 285,138
103695 Harry Potter - Dobby Glucklich 11/01/09 50x50x2 f 493,281
104029 Robocop Baddie unhygenix 11/01/16 20x50x2 f 60,733
104469 Heavy on the Magick unhygenix 11/01/27 32x43x2 f 74,076
105657 Rose Lenchik 11/02/15 50x50x2 f 1,087,665
105841 Harry Potter - Voldemort Breathing Fire Glucklich 11/02/20 50x50x2 f 311,961
106008 Maple Leaf Lenchik 11/02/24 50x50x2 f 268,801
106133 Cat Lenchik 11/02/27 45x50x2 f 442,446
106799 Rag Doll philinelacum 11/03/16 45x50x2 f 392,366
106939 V - Father Jack Glucklich 11/03/20 40x50x2 f 223,335
107313 V - Lisa Glucklich 11/03/29 45x50x2 f 280,822
--- Rose griddlers_books 10/12/28 50x50x2 f 701,300 ---
--- Microscope griddlers_books 10/12/28 35x65x2 f 173,131 ---
--- Tom Cruise griddlers_books 10/12/28 50x70x2 f 111,860 ---
--- Woodpecker griddlers_books 10/12/28 35x75x2 f 261,943 ---
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