Griddlers Boeken

Griddlers Theme Art - Color

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ID Beschrijving Auteur Datum Maat Punten Opgelost
2107 Sistine Chapel goodgirl 28-10-02 40x40x4 f 69.429
2109 Michelangelo's Paintings: Sybil goodgirl 30-10-02 40x40x8 f 42.474
4218 Palette wiggles 9-5-03 50x50x8 f 136.077
7895 Starry Starry Night spurskevin 21-2-04 33x44x4 f 36.745
8931 Starry Night Vics 4-4-04 45x35x8 t 114.375
11728 Girl by Roy Lichtenstein guru7 10-8-04 50x50x4 f 596.240
11730 Liz by Andy Warhol guru7 10-8-04 50x50x3 f 27.821
12751 Escher's Owl grandmaster 4-10-04 40x40x5 f 210.196
16004 Keith Haring DJ wax 14-1-05 50x40x7 f 190.419
16005 Keith Haring wax 14-1-05 45x30x3 f 31.003
22028 Marilyn Monroe Pink by Andy Warhol bilbi 9-5-05 50x50x5 f 56.847
22137 Homage to MCE Hobnob 12-5-05 40x40x3 f 299.492
24823 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x7 f 71.962
24824 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x8 f 98.344
24825 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x7 f 124.065
24826 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x8 f 59.491
24827 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x8 f 73.877
24828 Monet's Bridge at Argenteuil Vics 3-8-05 50x50x7 f 61.415
26075 Frida Kahlo sophietjesophie 23-9-05 37x50x8 f 58.678
29268 Abstract Frog justinxnitsuj 29-12-05 50x34x3 f 22.306
32109 Rene Magritte: L'Homme au Chapeau Melon carootje 27-3-06 45x45x5 f 48.321
33350 Keith Haring squarepusher 8-5-06 50x38x5 f 122.331
34203 Mona Lisa justinxnitsuj 3-6-06 44x43x7 f 32.561
35851 Painting a Women tomtal 19-7-06 48x45x8 t 34.509
40234 Art starch 28-11-06 30x30x5 f 35.028
43348 Drawing Hands harmless_52 6-3-07 40x35x3 f 64.050
46302 Happy Trees by Bob Ross justin_2 27-5-07 25x25x8 f 19.928
47505 Steinlen: Paris Cat evallo 25-6-07 30x35x3 f 25.578
67522 Andy Warhol - Tree Frog ledka 4-8-08 49x44x5 f 158.272
70473 Never Ending Stairway (Escher) kees 12-10-08 50x40x6 t 113.702
71376 On the Board or Under (Escher) kees 4-11-08 50x30x8 t 64.948
76428 The Thinker by Rodin demirors 22-2-09 50x40x3 f 405.106
76429 The Thinker by Rodin demirors 22-2-09 50x40x3 f 131.858
79061 A Bit Bracing by Pete McKee jingai 30-4-09 50x47x7 f 39.804
79141 His Masters Voice by Pete McKee jingai 3-5-09 50x50x8 t 109.283
79522 Looking After Love by Paul Horton jingai 17-5-09 50x50x7 f 46.127
79523 Looking After Love by Paul Horton jingai 17-5-09 50x50x7 f 10.265
86183 Bat - Keith Haring JESlovesIVO 8-11-09 50x39x3 f 143.175
93698 Endless Stairs jim 9-5-10 26x36x4 t 46.780
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