Griddlers Boeken

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 34

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ID Beschrijving Auteur Datum Maat Punten Opgelost
92556 Jimi anebo 8-4-10 45x45x2 f 42.464
117084 Fairy sinL 14-12-11 30x45x2 f 305.597
118319 Modeling Hats solo222 15-1-12 40x25x2 f 65.358
118360 Baby Panda hibrahimozer 16-1-12 40x50x2 f 42.430
120817 Buddhism beren2005 15-3-12 45x50x2 f 1.289.683
120997 Love Angel fremnia 22-3-12 30x40x2 f 59.554
120998 Shell fremnia 22-3-12 40x50x2 f 45.046
121061 Angel fremnia 25-3-12 45x50x2 f 106.252
122832 Eagle beren2005 15-5-12 50x45x2 f 517.579
123076 Halloween Afrita 21-5-12 45x45x2 f 170.094
123378 Out of Africa zjmonty 3-6-12 50x50x2 f 108.511
123833 Together We'll Make It! smallstuff 12-6-12 50x50x2 f 221.884
126837 White Bear smallstuff 19-8-12 45x50x2 f 140.113
126882 Two Moons smallstuff 20-8-12 50x50x2 f 855.083
127222 Roxton Signal Box Rainbow15 28-8-12 50x40x2 f 557.568
127619 Holding a Flower elimaor 5-9-12 30x40x2 f 335.609
127860 Kitten zz89 10-9-12 40x45x2 f 464.298
128484 Ornament wieralee 30-9-12 40x40x2 f 359.689
128605 Ice Skates xiayu 3-10-12 50x50x2 f 3.049.259
129328 Catch of the Day smallstuff 30-10-12 50x50x2 f 1.885.961
129371 Ocelot Andreasss 1-11-12 50x50x2 f 18.086.994
129419 Fairy Dust Aeternal 4-11-12 50x40x2 f 1.153.696
129672 Ice Cream Stand nasa17 11-11-12 35x50x2 f 342.254
129723 Scraping Sky tiramizu 12-11-12 50x50x2 f 252.714
129933 Sunset tiramizu 18-11-12 50x50x2 f 194.225
129999 Girl emergency112 20-11-12 50x45x2 f 137.063
130108 Purrr tiramizu 26-11-12 50x50x2 f 509.871
130325 Pepe le Pew strunka 6-12-12 50x50x2 f 3.139.974
130790 Sisyphus smallstuff 30-12-12 50x35x2 f 382.802
131271 St. Mark's Church, Zagreb Rainbow15 27-1-13 50x50x2 f 1.616.699
132314 Bride nasa17 12-2-13 20x40x2 f 83.781
132574 Fourth Dance in Platypus Land jock 18-2-13 50x50x2 f 1.688.120
133337 Rose balan 7-3-13 40x50x2 f 937.589
133388 Napoleon Blown-Apart smallstuff 10-3-13 50x50x2 f 94.220
133521 Windmill Piotr60 13-3-13 35x45x2 f 187.259
133663 A Cat Has Claws at the End of Its Paws... smallstuff 18-3-13 50x45x2 f 292.512
133932 Shark Attack smallstuff 25-3-13 50x45x2 f 193.134
134019 First Butterfly in Platypus Land jock 28-3-13 40x50x2 f 1.183.392
134168 Pretty Woman sinL 4-4-13 50x50x2 f 809.674
134216 First Eagle in Platypus Land jock 7-4-13 50x50x2 f 59.887
134777 Marilyn Monroe - First jock 5-5-13 50x50x2 f 206.121
135366 Kliban Cat popkin 28-5-13 40x40x2 f 299.283
135401 "Fool of a Took" - Mini Gandalf jock 29-5-13 35x35x2 f 516.311
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