Griddlers Books

Triddlers - Black and White, Vol. 5

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ID Description Author Date Size Points Solved
10 Sound TNT 5/29/03 (5+3)x(6+2)x2 318
72 Bike sandrijntje 7/8/03 (7+6)x(6+3)x2 376
193 Stag puzz18le 12/28/03 (5+5)x(3+7)x2 142
234 Goaaaal crevette 1/2/04 (5+5)x(5+5)x2 416
359 Swan Ra100 3/10/04 (5+5)x(3+6)x2 124
360 Yet Another Bird Ra100 3/10/04 (5+4)x(5+5)x2 146
371 Willy Ra100 3/14/04 (4+2)x(6+4)x2 94
412 Ducks Ra100 4/15/04 (7+7)x(3+5)x2 270
413 Indian Ra100 4/15/04 (11+7)x(7+3)x2 668
580 Stairs (with ET in Lead) Ra100 6/10/04 (23+8)x(8+2)x2 723
602 Jockey Ra100 6/27/04 (2+4)x(3+3)x2 43
605 Cat Ra100 6/30/04 (5+5)x(2+5)x2 79
754 Handsaw Ra100 10/20/04 (13+5)x(5+1)x2 197
767 Cherries Ra100 10/21/04 (3+8)x(5+5)x2 241
768 Apple Ra100 10/21/04 (3+6)x(6+4)x2 91
805 Swan black_cat 11/14/04 (3+5)x(4+4)x2 87
830 Road Runner Ra100 11/30/04 (6+11)x(7+8)x2 1,606
835 Santa is Coming Ra100 11/30/04 (15+3)x(4+4)x2 493
1003 Bird Ra100 1/27/05 (4+1)x(2+3)x2 39
1010 Shark Ra100 1/27/05 (11+10)x(6+5)x2 398
1031 Teapot Ra100 1/29/05 (12+10)x(6+8)x2 1,246
1036 Trumpet Ra100 1/30/05 (16+4)x(3+4)x2 300
1198 Man Symbol myvalice 3/4/05 (1+6)x(6+2)x2 81
1199 Woman Symbol myvalice 3/4/05 (1+6)x(6+2)x2 51
1231 This Way xtemp 3/13/05 (19+3)x(8+4)x2 2,161
1239 Boom Box xtemp 3/14/05 (14+4)x(6+6)x2 394
1241 Bunny xtemp 3/14/05 (2+7)x(6+4)x2 178
1273 Bad Luck carootje 3/19/05 (12+9)x(10+13)x2 2,456
1287 Train masli 3/26/05 (18+3)x(3+2)x2 205
1288 Flower masli 3/26/05 (2+5)x(6+4)x2 112
1299 Chopper Don_Roberto 4/2/05 (12+3)x(7+6)x2 1,639
1300 Scorpion Don_Roberto 4/2/05 (11+4)x(3+8)x2 1,325
1302 Old Man Don_Roberto 4/3/05 (4+15)x(13+9)x2 6,488
1303 Flower Don_Roberto 4/3/05 (6+6)x(6+10)x2 700
1305 Fish Don_Roberto 4/4/05 (9+5)x(2+7)x2 657
1393 Snoopy black_cat 5/14/05 (15+16)x(14+19)x2 19,749
1429 One Day After the Night Before fineke 6/13/05 (24+17)x(20+9)x2 85,802
1457 Phone chras 7/18/05 (5+4)x(4+6)x2 156
1467 Little Witch dod 7/23/05 (8+15)x(8+15)x2 1,734
1486 Girl asiunia_b 8/3/05 (4+3)x(3+4)x2 176
1487 Easy Beat Curious 8/4/05 (5+2)x(5+2)x2 91
1550 It's Unfair! Curious 9/27/05 (12+22)x(20+18)x2 9,542
1562 Pegasus twoznia1 9/30/05 (5+5)x(5+5)x2 154
1577 Young Bird black_cat 10/2/05 (10+5)x(3+10)x2 1,112
1587 Trumpet Ne_Plus_Ultra 10/6/05 (8+3)x(3+3)x2 111
1591 Towel xtemp 10/8/05 (23+3)x(4+13)x2 6,539
1592 Bird xtemp 10/8/05 (10+8)x(8+11)x2 4,134
1628 Car amsterdam 10/18/05 (13+12)x(12+4)x2 809
1649 Incoming! Amoebe 10/26/05 (5+10)x(10+10)x2 2,295
1744 Cup of Coffee amsterdam 11/19/05 (5+12)x(12+5)x2 919
1752 Light Bulb bilbobilbo 11/22/05 (5+8)x(8+11)x2 758
1798 Paper Clips bilbobilbo 12/1/05 (5+10)x(11+11)x2 1,996
1820 Stamp bilbobilbo 12/5/05 (3+12)x(12+5)x2 1,240
1830 Curved Dagger bilbobilbo 12/7/05 (5+15)x(14+20)x2 3,240
1832 We Come in Peace baba44713 12/7/05 (11+4)x(6+7)x2 775
1869 Parrot bilbobilbo 12/12/05 (15+19)x(14+26)x2 39,225
1883 Shell koko 12/13/05 (20+19)x(19+17)x2 81,238
1888 Pistol bilbobilbo 12/13/05 (28+13)x(5+18)x2 22,777
1912 Microphone bilbobilbo 12/16/05 (12+5)x(28+4)x2 17,776
1915 Caravan bilbobilbo 12/16/05 (25+13)x(13+7)x2 11,034
1937 Small Pin bilbobilbo 12/19/05 (8+5)x(5+13)x2 555
1961 Hat bilbobilbo 12/22/05 (32+12)x(14+7)x2 70,290
1974 Undo Tool for Hammer bilbobilbo 12/23/05 (31+10)x(10+12)x2 36,691
1991 Skull bilbobilbo 12/26/05 (15+13)x(21+18)x2 74,863
1995 Six Wheeler bilbobilbo 12/26/05 (27+10)x(11+7)x2 13,163
2034 Video Camera bilbobilbo 1/12/06 (23+9)x(8+20)x2 34,132
2045 Love koko 1/13/06 (25+13)x(14+26)x2 28,544
2079 WWF fineke 1/23/06 (21+15)x(18+18)x2 4,013
2214 Koch Hexagon cesco75 3/2/06 (6+6)x(6+6)x2 400
2249 Gymnastics amsterdam 3/10/06 (32+1)x(22+25)x2 63,819
2364 Impossible koko 4/8/06 (36+4)x(14+5)x2 1,086
2367 Lobster carootje 4/9/06 (8+7)x(8+10)x2 2,142
2449 James Bond jos99 5/20/06 (9+6)x(5+4)x2 344
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