Livros Griddlers

Griddlers Theme Sports - Black and White

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ID Descrição Autor Data Tamanho Pontos Resolvidos
1191 Football thorny77032 02-09-2002 25x20x2 f 13.850
3474 Speed Skating tono 10-03-2003 20x25x2 f 3.808
3543 Sportsman - Shot Put tono 17-03-2003 30x40x2 f 128.286
3682 Karate tono 10-04-2003 25x25x2 f 2.470
5135 Surfing tono 26-06-2003 25x30x2 f 23.218
5310 Tennis Player tono 11-07-2003 25x25x2 f 9.275
6526 Football guzin 16-11-2003 25x25x2 f 15.529
7512 Snowboarder Ra100 01-02-2004 25x30x2 f 14.596
14773 Badminton r2otra 06-12-2004 35x35x2 f 180.790
22194 Fencing elimaor 14-05-2005 45x25x2 f 20.652
27789 Hockey twoznia 11-11-2005 25x25x2 f 4.269
28573 Golf Player twoznia 04-12-2005 30x40x2 f 2.558
39381 Boxing hibrahimozer 29-10-2006 25x30x2 f 1.332
41737 En Garde! xiayu 20-01-2007 25x25x2 f 5.959
43817 Kung Fu starch 18-03-2007 30x15x2 f 1.358
44659 Gymnast Glucklich 15-04-2007 40x25x2 f 12.764
46310 Basketball hibrahimozer 27-05-2007 30x30x2 f 8.898
50389 Volley Serve Heracleum 14-09-2007 15x21x2 f 979
50654 Black Belt oko 20-09-2007 40x30x2 f 4.694
50931 Winner nasa17 27-09-2007 50x40x2 f 59.336
52444 Football Player solo222 30-10-2007 25x25x2 f 5.532
53016 Baseball Glove nasa17 08-11-2007 30x30x2 f 8.845
67637 Five Balls xiayu 06-08-2008 40x50x2 f 1.208.481
69992 Soccer Tiina78 25-09-2008 50x50x2 f 155.738
70955 Boxing auyau 23-10-2008 25x30x2 f 20.602
71054 Football amam100 27-10-2008 25x25x2 f 16.570
71917 Bow solo222 15-11-2008 25x25x2 f 6.486
72910 Bowling Girl BellC 09-12-2008 25x25x2 f 5.215
73407 Gymnast mr_paja 18-12-2008 25x30x2 f 4.155
74560 Football elychiolo 17-01-2009 15x20x2 f 6.261
76490 Bad Day on the Slopes Glucklich 23-02-2009 40x50x2 f 195.554
78398 Ice Skating demirors 14-04-2009 30x50x2 f 17.054
78481 Working Out gretagarn 18-04-2009 20x25x2 f 5.845
78580 Game yedete 19-04-2009 30x30x2 f 65.916
79668 Capoeira micliv 20-05-2009 50x50x2 f 38.261
79863 Playing with a Ball solo222 25-05-2009 20x30x2 f 4.771
81654 Horse Jumping Lindalainen 18-07-2009 25x24x2 f 5.473
83291 Get Ready! fertu 24-08-2009 25x25x2 f 48.117
86413 Cheerleader demirors 12-11-2009 47x41x2 f 13.776
86610 Gold Medal solo222 18-11-2009 20x30x2 f 20.801
86646 Ping Pong Augusto 21-11-2009 25x20x2 f 5.094
86688 Winner dominika81 22-11-2009 25x25x2 f 12.310
86739 David Beckham litalia 23-11-2009 35x50x2 f 37.089
88500 Bodybuilder fertu 31-12-2009 25x15x2 f 4.431
88726 Bowling matashual 10-01-2010 20x30x2 f 14.334
89736 Rider stumpy 02-02-2010 40x30x2 f 6.083
89737 Finish stumpy 02-02-2010 25x25x2 f 4.316
90243 Bowling Jorown 14-02-2010 20x25x2 f 24.363
92507 Archery debbbi 07-04-2010 30x45x2 f 171.358
92572 Weightlifter syucesan 10-04-2010 25x25x2 f 1.798
92866 Ice Hockey Skate palinopalino 17-04-2010 25x25x2 f 2.413
93473 Snooker palinopalino 02-05-2010 50x25x2 f 5.224
--- Skates liri748 24-05-2010 40x25x2 f 138.033 ---
--- Don't Break Your Back jvc1177 24-05-2010 40x55x2 f 92.850 ---
--- Playing Golf RTM 24-05-2010 35x50x2 f 187.653 ---
--- Formula 1 Java_PL 23-05-2010 70x25x2 f 74.763 ---
--- Skiing elimaor 23-05-2010 70x30x2 f 254.812 ---
--- Billiard griddlers_books 24-05-2010 65x40x2 f 481.262 ---
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