Livros Griddlers

Griddlers Advanced - Color, Vol. 4

Puzzles: 40
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ID Descrição Autor Data Tamanho Pontos Resolvidos
3409 Mrs. Potts wiggles 28-02-2003 45x50x7 f 505.587
5851 Blowing Bubbles wiggles 02-09-2003 50x50x6 f 430.609
26408 Grapes 433 07-10-2005 38x44x8 f 113.764
29876 Dolphin dreamtheater 14-01-2006 50x50x3 f 15.437.890
32793 Parrot koali 22-04-2006 50x44x8 f 163.859
33435 Warning: A Thief! Andreasss 11-05-2006 50x50x3 f 132.688.960
35573 Marlene Dietrich Thomas_J 09-07-2006 45x50x4 f 144.342
40602 Terminator arcer 10-12-2006 40x50x4 f 83.386
45245 Japan 2 ElinaMaria 30-04-2007 45x50x6 f 185.687
45578 July IV MDCCLXXVI arcer 10-05-2007 50x50x4 f 1.025.821
46573 Welcome to Australia mrozman 04-06-2007 50x50x3 f 132.011
47429 Nostalgic Gentleman mayanas 24-06-2007 50x50x5 f 112.721
52138 Desert Storm petuledan 24-10-2007 50x50x3 f 11.081.906
52281 Young Face tabernak 28-10-2007 40x40x7 f 87.993
54463 Bird tbs 02-12-2007 43x47x5 f 237.798
55223 Frog vivimagi 13-12-2007 48x42x4 f 132.331
55433 Pears vivimagi 17-12-2007 50x50x8 f 164.449
55436 Lemons vivimagi 17-12-2007 47x33x5 f 66.406
64105 Dragon elimaor 02-06-2008 50x50x3 f 48.277.928
66841 Eagle zjmonty 23-07-2008 48x48x8 f 93.725
66880 Petunia xitvono 24-07-2008 50x50x4 f 2.245.718
68190 Purple Butterfly zjmonty 17-08-2008 50x50x3 f 10.125.036
68601 Have a Shower claruschka 26-08-2008 50x50x4 f 7.445.793
70599 Waiting kelebekpp 15-10-2008 50x50x3 f 3.174.668
71044 Glowing Cat zjmonty 27-10-2008 50x50x5 f 549.788
74344 Hamster hi19hi19 12-01-2009 50x50x5 f 218.359
74347 Nightmare Fodder Glucklich 12-01-2009 50x40x5 f 79.020
74504 Squirrel xitvono 14-01-2009 50x50x4 f 5.548.779
75044 Man in Turban hi19hi19 25-01-2009 42x50x7 f 1.029.714
75136 Persian Cat taratibu2 26-01-2009 50x45x7 f 282.619
75376 Tree willem 29-01-2009 50x50x5 f 369.256
76206 Parrot Andreasss 18-02-2009 50x50x3 f 20.218.662
76793 Pansy Bee 02-03-2009 41x42x5 f 44.924
76959 Rest in Red hi19hi19 08-03-2009 50x50x3 f 59.800
79803 Lobster willem 24-05-2009 37x46x5 f 169.378
80095 Woodland Strawberries saraepetersson 01-06-2009 45x50x5 f 176.150
81558 A Moment of Quiet Contemplation Glucklich 15-07-2009 50x50x5 f 247.787
82481 Squirrel Monkey xitvono 06-08-2009 50x50x5 f 4.690.894
83285 Ocelot Andreasss 24-08-2009 50x50x3 f 40.483.413
83351 Alpaca xitvono 25-08-2009 50x50x4 f 3.099.132
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