Livros Griddlers

Multi Griddlers Standard - Black and White + Color, Vol. 2

Puzzles: 40
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ID Descrição Autor Data Tamanho Pontos Resolvidos
5959 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x5 f 41.657
5960 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x6 f 61.852
5961 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x5 f 92.196
5962 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x6 t 411.852
5963 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x5 f 77.479
5964 Have a Drink Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x5 f 138.192
5974 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x4 f 38.107
5975 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x4 f 77.780
5976 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x4 t 201.273
5977 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x5 f 90.456
5978 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x4 t 266.341
5979 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x4 t 2.379.574
5980 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x3 f 136.114
5981 Working Misty 10-09-2003 50x50x3 t 222.246
5987 Knock Knock Misty 12-09-2003 45x45x2 t 241.108
5988 Knock Knock Misty 12-09-2003 45x45x2 t 96.804
5989 Knock Knock Misty 12-09-2003 45x45x3 t 146.137
5990 Knock Knock Misty 12-09-2003 45x45x3 t 173.480
5999 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x3 f 188.599
6000 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x5 f 60.761
6001 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x5 f 50.603
6002 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x5 f 298.149
6003 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x5 f 93.253
6004 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x6 f 73.804
6005 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x6 f 46.899
6006 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x6 f 181.539
6007 Ship Misty 13-09-2003 45x45x6 f 73.218
6009 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 88.017
6010 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 74.036
6011 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 30.901
6012 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 7.778
6013 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 t 223.687
6014 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 7.625
6015 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 13.390
6016 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 390
6017 Charlie Chaplin TNT 14-09-2003 50x50x2 f 16.673
6043 Rainbow Music Misty 16-09-2003 30x40x6 f 12.795
6044 Rainbow Music Misty 16-09-2003 30x40x5 f 40.588
6341 Bill Clinton dganit 21-10-2003 40x25x2 f 34.217
6342 Bill Clinton dganit 21-10-2003 40x30x2 f 133.972
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