Livros Griddlers
Triddlers - Black and White, Vol. 5
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ID | Descrição | Autor | Data | Tamanho | Pontos | Resolvidos |
10 | Sound | TNT | 29-05-2003 | (5+3)x(6+2)x2 | 318 | |
72 | Bike | sandrijntje | 08-07-2003 | (7+6)x(6+3)x2 | 376 | |
193 | Stag | puzz18le | 28-12-2003 | (5+5)x(3+7)x2 | 142 | |
234 | Goaaaal | crevette | 02-01-2004 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 416 | |
359 | Swan | Ra100 | 10-03-2004 | (5+5)x(3+6)x2 | 124 | |
360 | Yet Another Bird | Ra100 | 10-03-2004 | (5+4)x(5+5)x2 | 146 | |
371 | Willy | Ra100 | 14-03-2004 | (4+2)x(6+4)x2 | 94 | |
412 | Ducks | Ra100 | 15-04-2004 | (7+7)x(3+5)x2 | 270 | |
413 | Indian | Ra100 | 15-04-2004 | (11+7)x(7+3)x2 | 668 | |
580 | Stairs (with ET in Lead) | Ra100 | 10-06-2004 | (23+8)x(8+2)x2 | 723 | |
602 | Jockey | Ra100 | 27-06-2004 | (2+4)x(3+3)x2 | 43 | |
605 | Cat | Ra100 | 30-06-2004 | (5+5)x(2+5)x2 | 79 | |
754 | Handsaw | Ra100 | 20-10-2004 | (13+5)x(5+1)x2 | 197 | |
767 | Cherries | Ra100 | 21-10-2004 | (3+8)x(5+5)x2 | 241 | |
768 | Apple | Ra100 | 21-10-2004 | (3+6)x(6+4)x2 | 91 | |
805 | Swan | black_cat | 14-11-2004 | (3+5)x(4+4)x2 | 87 | |
830 | Road Runner | Ra100 | 30-11-2004 | (6+11)x(7+8)x2 | 1.606 | |
835 | Santa is Coming | Ra100 | 30-11-2004 | (15+3)x(4+4)x2 | 493 | |
1003 | Bird | Ra100 | 27-01-2005 | (4+1)x(2+3)x2 | 39 | |
1010 | Shark | Ra100 | 27-01-2005 | (11+10)x(6+5)x2 | 398 | |
1031 | Teapot | Ra100 | 29-01-2005 | (12+10)x(6+8)x2 | 1.246 | |
1036 | Trumpet | Ra100 | 30-01-2005 | (16+4)x(3+4)x2 | 300 | |
1198 | Man Symbol | myvalice | 04-03-2005 | (1+6)x(6+2)x2 | 81 | |
1199 | Woman Symbol | myvalice | 04-03-2005 | (1+6)x(6+2)x2 | 51 | |
1231 | This Way | xtemp | 13-03-2005 | (19+3)x(8+4)x2 | 2.161 | |
1239 | Boom Box | xtemp | 14-03-2005 | (14+4)x(6+6)x2 | 394 | |
1241 | Bunny | xtemp | 14-03-2005 | (2+7)x(6+4)x2 | 178 | |
1273 | Bad Luck | carootje | 19-03-2005 | (12+9)x(10+13)x2 | 2.456 | |
1287 | Train | masli | 26-03-2005 | (18+3)x(3+2)x2 | 205 | |
1288 | Flower | masli | 26-03-2005 | (2+5)x(6+4)x2 | 112 | |
1299 | Chopper | Don_Roberto | 02-04-2005 | (12+3)x(7+6)x2 | 1.639 | |
1300 | Scorpion | Don_Roberto | 02-04-2005 | (11+4)x(3+8)x2 | 1.325 | |
1302 | Old Man | Don_Roberto | 03-04-2005 | (4+15)x(13+9)x2 | 6.488 | |
1303 | Flower | Don_Roberto | 03-04-2005 | (6+6)x(6+10)x2 | 700 | |
1305 | Fish | Don_Roberto | 04-04-2005 | (9+5)x(2+7)x2 | 657 | |
1393 | Snoopy | black_cat | 14-05-2005 | (15+16)x(14+19)x2 | 19.749 | |
1429 | One Day After the Night Before | fineke | 13-06-2005 | (24+17)x(20+9)x2 | 85.802 | |
1457 | Phone | chras | 18-07-2005 | (5+4)x(4+6)x2 | 156 | |
1467 | Little Witch | dod | 23-07-2005 | (8+15)x(8+15)x2 | 1.734 | |
1486 | Girl | asiunia_b | 03-08-2005 | (4+3)x(3+4)x2 | 176 | |
1487 | Easy Beat | Curious | 04-08-2005 | (5+2)x(5+2)x2 | 91 | |
1550 | It's Unfair! | Curious | 27-09-2005 | (12+22)x(20+18)x2 | 9.542 | |
1562 | Pegasus | twoznia1 | 30-09-2005 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 154 | |
1577 | Young Bird | black_cat | 02-10-2005 | (10+5)x(3+10)x2 | 1.112 | |
1587 | Trumpet | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 06-10-2005 | (8+3)x(3+3)x2 | 111 | |
1591 | Towel | xtemp | 08-10-2005 | (23+3)x(4+13)x2 | 6.539 | |
1592 | Bird | xtemp | 08-10-2005 | (10+8)x(8+11)x2 | 4.134 | |
1628 | Car | amsterdam | 18-10-2005 | (13+12)x(12+4)x2 | 809 | |
1649 | Incoming! | Amoebe | 26-10-2005 | (5+10)x(10+10)x2 | 2.295 | |
1744 | Cup of Coffee | amsterdam | 19-11-2005 | (5+12)x(12+5)x2 | 919 | |
1752 | Light Bulb | bilbobilbo | 22-11-2005 | (5+8)x(8+11)x2 | 758 | |
1798 | Paper Clips | bilbobilbo | 01-12-2005 | (5+10)x(11+11)x2 | 1.996 | |
1820 | Stamp | bilbobilbo | 05-12-2005 | (3+12)x(12+5)x2 | 1.240 | |
1830 | Curved Dagger | bilbobilbo | 07-12-2005 | (5+15)x(14+20)x2 | 3.240 | |
1832 | We Come in Peace | baba44713 | 07-12-2005 | (11+4)x(6+7)x2 | 775 | |
1869 | Parrot | bilbobilbo | 12-12-2005 | (15+19)x(14+26)x2 | 39.225 | |
1883 | Shell | koko | 13-12-2005 | (20+19)x(19+17)x2 | 81.238 | |
1888 | Pistol | bilbobilbo | 13-12-2005 | (28+13)x(5+18)x2 | 22.777 | |
1912 | Microphone | bilbobilbo | 16-12-2005 | (12+5)x(28+4)x2 | 17.776 | |
1915 | Caravan | bilbobilbo | 16-12-2005 | (25+13)x(13+7)x2 | 11.034 | |
1937 | Small Pin | bilbobilbo | 19-12-2005 | (8+5)x(5+13)x2 | 555 | |
1961 | Hat | bilbobilbo | 22-12-2005 | (32+12)x(14+7)x2 | 70.290 | |
1974 | Undo Tool for Hammer | bilbobilbo | 23-12-2005 | (31+10)x(10+12)x2 | 36.691 | |
1991 | Skull | bilbobilbo | 26-12-2005 | (15+13)x(21+18)x2 | 74.863 | |
1995 | Six Wheeler | bilbobilbo | 26-12-2005 | (27+10)x(11+7)x2 | 13.163 | |
2034 | Video Camera | bilbobilbo | 12-01-2006 | (23+9)x(8+20)x2 | 34.132 | |
2045 | Love | koko | 13-01-2006 | (25+13)x(14+26)x2 | 28.544 | |
2079 | WWF | fineke | 23-01-2006 | (21+15)x(18+18)x2 | 4.013 | |
2214 | Koch Hexagon | cesco75 | 02-03-2006 | (6+6)x(6+6)x2 | 400 | |
2249 | Gymnastics | amsterdam | 10-03-2006 | (32+1)x(22+25)x2 | 63.819 | |
2364 | Impossible | koko | 08-04-2006 | (36+4)x(14+5)x2 | 1.086 | |
2367 | Lobster | carootje | 09-04-2006 | (8+7)x(8+10)x2 | 2.142 | |
2449 | James Bond | jos99 | 20-05-2006 | (9+6)x(5+4)x2 | 344 |
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