Griddlers knihy

Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 1

Puzzles: 38
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ID Popis Autor Dátum Rozmer Body Vyriešené
1180 Family woa 1.9.2002 45x50x2 f 101 136
1269 Dastardly and Muttley woa 3.9.2002 45x50x2 f 126 599
1301 Fruit Bowl woa 3.9.2002 40x40x2 f 152 077
1331 Jimmy woa 4.9.2002 45x50x2 f 126 076
1440 Sisters woa 6.9.2002 40x50x2 f 87 046
1915 Owl woa 21.10.2002 40x50x2 f 337 494
2018 Lost at Sea woa 22.10.2002 50x50x2 f 545 468
2239 Japanese woa 7.11.2002 50x30x2 f 394 905
2312 Cowgirl woa 18.11.2002 50x50x2 f 292 625
3185 Clown piranha 28.1.2003 35x35x2 f 250 416
3870 Leo oren 19.4.2003 50x50x2 f 35 567
4517 Saracen cruinne 15.5.2003 50x50x2 f 5 058 685
4537 Mathematica TNT 16.5.2003 45x48x2 f 1 401 784
4719 Man in the Moon TNT 23.5.2003 50x48x2 f 1 524 382
5289 Eye TNT 10.7.2003 50x50x2 f 167 460
5483 Robot TNT 27.7.2003 50x44x2 f 1 708 965
5513 7 of 9 TNT 29.7.2003 45x50x2 f 2 236 691
5630 Volleyball elad 13.8.2003 40x40x2 f 105 948
5931 A Bit of the Sun on Earth chefmomster2 7.9.2003 40x40x2 f 244 135
6121 Shopping elad 25.9.2003 50x50x2 f 1 066 768
7849 Gnu maristone 17.2.2004 45x45x2 f 748 175
8535 Boop Boop a Doop Makarios 19.3.2004 45x45x2 t 181 598
8588 One, Two, ... a_aardbei 21.3.2004 35x35x2 f 57 006
8639 Beast maristone 22.3.2004 50x40x2 f 442 969
9084 Swan AUTENTICARSE 9.4.2004 50x40x2 f 1 256 006
9168 Angelfish Makarios 12.4.2004 50x28x2 t 148 898
9205 Spinner maristone 14.4.2004 50x50x2 f 376 593
9467 My Sign maristone 27.4.2004 45x45x2 f 1 235 567
9469 Sign of Spring maristone 27.4.2004 45x45x2 f 751 550
10085 Puppy macmoni 22.5.2004 40x30x2 f 60 336
10788 Carousel booglemonster 21.6.2004 46x50x2 f 414 159
11709 Sovereign of the Forest RTM 8.8.2004 50x50x2 f 9 514 821
19744 My Breakfast suziak 24.3.2005 40x40x2 f 560 494
19848 Ogle RTM 25.3.2005 50x50x2 f 7 331 171
21170 Swamp elimaor 21.4.2005 50x40x2 f 707 760
21606 Turkey elimaor 3.5.2005 35x35x2 f 55 697
22191 Stadium elimaor 14.5.2005 45x45x2 f 520 326
22364 Cheetah (Bicolor Version) RTM 18.5.2005 50x50x2 f 7 615 045
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