Griddlers knihy

Griddlers Extra Large - Black and White, Vol. 5
Pages:48Puzzles: 34
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ID | Popis | Autor | Dátum | Rozmer | Body | Vyriešené |
146551 | Woman Face | painter100 | 11.11.2014 | 60x60x2 f | 143 949 | |
156143 | Guy Williams, Zorro | roodar | 10.5.2015 | 45x65x2 f | 146 210 | |
163001 | Painting | wimfke | 24.9.2015 | 70x35x2 f | 799 095 | |
178503 | Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown | goofus | 24.9.2016 | 50x53x2 f | 140 263 | |
180220 | Voyage to the Sun | dreamtheater | 24.11.2016 | 70x50x2 f | 1 397 743 | |
180725 | Kickboxing | dreamtheater | 8.12.2016 | 70x45x2 f | 7 542 397 | |
181825 | Show Jumping | dreamtheater | 30.1.2017 | 65x40x2 f | 6 313 098 | |
182353 | Holiday Picture | dreamtheater | 19.2.2017 | 70x45x2 f | 6 743 764 | |
183271 | Crown 11 | roodar | 1.4.2017 | 55x50x2 f | 56 658 | |
183280 | Crown 10 | roodar | 1.4.2017 | 55x35x2 f | 13 753 | |
194715 | Lonely Tree | elad | 6.11.2018 | 60x57x2 f | 1 521 793 | |
194716 | Camel Ride | elad | 6.11.2018 | 50x60x2 f | 205 863 | |
195528 | Tuna Ride | elad | 11.12.2018 | 65x31x2 f | 343 392 | |
195531 | Hammer Sharks | elad | 11.12.2018 | 65x30x2 f | 21 925 | |
195803 | Lighthouse | dreamtheater | 25.12.2018 | 45x60x2 f | 16 050 026 | |
195992 | Staring into Your Soul | dreamtheater | 31.12.2018 | 50x60x2 f | 10 969 429 | |
198936 | Mother and Child 2 | dreamtheater | 23.3.2019 | 60x45x2 f | 3 190 596 | |
202107 | Winter Cottage | dreamtheater | 22.7.2019 | 65x55x2 f | 16 589 924 | |
202108 | Cruise Ship | dreamtheater | 22.7.2019 | 70x50x2 f | 13 983 105 | |
203207 | Trees in the Snowy Slopes | elad | 6.11.2019 | 60x50x2 f | 1 840 352 | |
203208 | Flamingos | elad | 6.11.2019 | 50x60x2 f | 363 495 | |
218388 | Flower | elad | 8.2.2021 | 60x60x2 f | 1 687 995 | |
218389 | Unicorn | elad | 8.2.2021 | 60x60x2 f | 1 322 603 | |
218390 | Vincent van Gogh | elad | 8.2.2021 | 60x60x2 f | 426 885 | |
218391 | Decorated Star | elad | 8.2.2021 | 60x60x2 f | 220 737 | |
275874 | Angry Girl | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x60x2 f | 111 244 | |
275885 | Halloween House | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 33 401 | |
--- | Charge! | elimaor | 6.8.2009 | 55x80x2 f | 6 868 184 | --- |
--- | Sunflower | hansarp | 6.8.2009 | 30x80x2 f | 229 044 | --- |
--- | Train | Nicky | 6.8.2009 | 85x35x2 f | 18 616 | --- |
--- | Guess Who | galisand | 6.8.2009 | 35x90x2 f | 15 735 | --- |
--- | Rose | hi19hi19 | 6.8.2009 | 50x80x2 f | 572 632 | --- |
--- | Boxer | poj | 5.8.2009 | 25x70x2 f | 29 475 | --- |
--- | Deep Sea Hunter | hi19hi19 | 6.8.2009 | 100x35x2 f | 1 480 372 | --- |