Griddlers knihy

Multi Griddlers Lite - Black and White, Vol. 5
Pages:50Puzzles: 42
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ID | Popis | Autor | Dátum | Rozmer | Body | Vyriešené |
7470 | Bee | Misty | 29.1.2004 | 38x48x2 f | 183 096 | |
7471 | Bee | Misty | 29.1.2004 | 38x48x2 f | 83 377 | |
7472 | Bee | Misty | 29.1.2004 | 38x48x2 f | 7 858 | |
7473 | Bee | Misty | 29.1.2004 | 38x48x2 f | 25 030 | |
19079 | Entrance | alibaba | 12.3.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 701 528 | |
19080 | Entrance | alibaba | 12.3.2005 | 37x50x2 f | 369 696 | |
19081 | Entrance | alibaba | 12.3.2005 | 50x46x2 f | 217 940 | |
19082 | Entrance | alibaba | 12.3.2005 | 37x46x2 f | 187 069 | |
21424 | Catch Me If You Can | elimaor | 28.4.2005 | 35x30x2 f | 8 623 | |
21425 | Catch Me If You Can | elimaor | 28.4.2005 | 35x30x2 f | 2 339 | |
22356 | Towing Truck | DOLFIJN33 | 18.5.2005 | 40x14x2 f | 3 367 | |
22357 | Towing Truck | DOLFIJN33 | 18.5.2005 | 34x14x2 f | 1 876 | |
23170 | Secretary | dreamtheater | 15.6.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 4 198 | |
23171 | Secretary | dreamtheater | 15.6.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 13 640 | |
23172 | Secretary | dreamtheater | 15.6.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 431 820 | |
23173 | Secretary | dreamtheater | 15.6.2005 | 50x50x2 f | 1 546 908 | |
26432 | Horse | twoznia | 8.10.2005 | 40x50x2 f | 60 654 | |
26433 | Horse | twoznia | 8.10.2005 | 35x50x2 f | 267 995 | |
26434 | Horse | twoznia | 8.10.2005 | 40x46x2 f | 5 100 | |
26435 | Horse | twoznia | 8.10.2005 | 35x46x2 f | 9 847 | |
27888 | At Work | alibaba | 14.11.2005 | 40x50x2 f | 122 643 | |
27889 | At Work | alibaba | 14.11.2005 | 40x50x2 f | 153 092 | |
27890 | At Work | alibaba | 14.11.2005 | 40x50x2 f | 14 864 | |
27891 | At Work | alibaba | 14.11.2005 | 40x50x2 f | 14 251 | |
39718 | Hound | mustafademirbas | 12.11.2006 | 40x30x2 f | 5 032 | |
39719 | Hound | mustafademirbas | 12.11.2006 | 35x30x2 f | 6 324 | |
39720 | Hound | mustafademirbas | 12.11.2006 | 40x30x2 f | 1 287 | |
39721 | Hound | mustafademirbas | 12.11.2006 | 35x30x2 f | 1 681 | |
44901 | Bounty | bcpolater | 22.4.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 299 004 | |
44902 | Bounty | bcpolater | 22.4.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 12 316 | |
44903 | Bounty | bcpolater | 22.4.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 86 403 | |
44904 | Bounty | bcpolater | 22.4.2007 | 45x45x2 f | 80 526 | |
48083 | Waiter | senaner | 10.7.2007 | 30x30x2 f | 12 470 | |
48084 | Waiter | senaner | 10.7.2007 | 30x30x2 f | 5 975 | |
48085 | Waiter | senaner | 10.7.2007 | 30x30x2 f | 3 542 | |
48086 | Waiter | senaner | 10.7.2007 | 30x30x2 f | 1 794 | |
49148 | Panda | Raszla | 14.8.2007 | 35x45x2 f | 19 003 | |
49149 | Panda | Raszla | 14.8.2007 | 35x45x2 f | 8 112 | |
49167 | Happy Birthday to You | doli | 15.8.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 74 721 | |
49168 | Happy Birthday to You | doli | 15.8.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 241 099 | |
49169 | Happy Birthday to You | doli | 15.8.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 207 290 | |
49170 | Happy Birthday to You | doli | 15.8.2007 | 50x50x2 f | 253 076 |