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Griddlers Advanced - Black and White, Vol. 5

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ID Opis Avtor Datum Velikost Točke Rešeni
479 Casino woa 9.6.2002 30x40x2 f 59.185
1426 Rose woa 6.9.2002 35x45x2 f 355.510
1938 Watering woa 21.10.2002 50x50x2 f 232.929
2020 Rollercoaster woa 22.10.2002 50x50x2 f 270.727
2214 No Seats woa 2.11.2002 50x50x2 f 839.500
2302 Pigeon cark 17.11.2002 35x25x2 t 91.624
2509 Take a Bite macmoni 3.12.2002 50x50x2 f 85.357
4636 I Can Fly! wiggles 21.5.2003 45x50x2 f 2.813.703
5034 Happy Cow talanimal 15.6.2003 50x50x2 f 1.020.332
6450 Blacky Misty 6.11.2003 50x45x2 f 75.177
7847 Not an Easy Animal maristone 17.2.2004 50x50x2 f 2.523.991
9416 Ring Ring maristone 24.4.2004 40x40x2 f 249.222
9468 Is it Your Sign? maristone 27.4.2004 45x45x2 f 501.768
9964 Friend (WinXP Desktop) tiptop08 17.5.2004 50x48x2 f 207.206
10139 Hedgehog macmoni 23.5.2004 50x30x2 f 584.328
11574 Aztec Allataria 30.7.2004 50x50x2 f 81.601
11780 Flying AUTENTICARSE 15.8.2004 50x50x2 f 11.281.401
11853 Head RTM 20.8.2004 50x50x2 f 4.940.877
11859 Vikings Boat RTM 20.8.2004 50x50x2 f 20.687.525
11864 On the Farm RTM 22.8.2004 50x50x2 f 14.644.215
12133 Active at Night WhoMI 13.9.2004 50x50x2 f 175.693
12150 Horse RTM 14.9.2004 50x50x2 f 7.731.806
12253 Escher's Waterfall Mitzi 19.9.2004 50x50x2 f 977.953
15420 Waltz maristone 27.12.2004 50x50x2 f 347.814
15432 Hardworking Donkey klarenstwo 28.12.2004 50x40x2 f 511.720
15804 Elephants Cutegirly99 8.1.2005 50x45x2 f 38.143
16786 Our World ika 3.2.2005 50x45x2 f 124.681
16854 Beauty rave 5.2.2005 45x50x2 f 184.031
18304 Eagle alibaba 27.2.2005 39x46x2 f 155.755
19176 Bobcat wax 14.3.2005 50x50x2 f 53.210
20428 Winter elimaor 6.4.2005 50x50x2 f 167.987
20958 Stargazing Amoebe 17.4.2005 50x50x2 f 702.581
21304 Chip OhadKabri 25.4.2005 48x48x2 f 186.200
21551 Stew elimaor 2.5.2005 45x40x2 f 404.147
21649 Shhh... elimaor 4.5.2005 35x50x2 f 357.085
22503 Abstract Woman au_phi_mu 23.5.2005 35x35x2 f 112.260
23196 Man dreamtheater 15.6.2005 40x50x2 f 1.100.554
26584 Reksio (Polish Cartoon) twoznia 13.10.2005 45x46x2 f 251.989
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