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Griddlers Theme Show Biz - Black and White

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ID Opis Avtor Datum Velikost Točke Rešeni
7515 Mr. L Ra100 1.2.2004 20x27x2 f 3.306
7516 Mr. H Ra100 1.2.2004 25x27x2 f 3.839
25354 Jack Nicholson goofus 18.8.2005 35x35x2 f 134.800
25549 The Duke goofus 24.8.2005 30x35x2 f 19.541
25572 Cool Hand Luke goofus 25.8.2005 35x35x2 f 123.888
25804 "Frankly, My Dear..." goofus 30.8.2005 35x35x2 f 38.319
43251 Hans Teeuwen jvloenen 4.3.2007 40x50x2 f 33.714
43949 Bill Maher JaseFifty1 21.3.2007 50x50x2 f 211.931
43980 Oprah JaseFifty1 22.3.2007 50x50x2 f 76.723
44345 Dwight Shrute - The Office JaseFifty1 5.4.2007 50x50x2 f 41.717
44649 Jim Halpert - The Office JaseFifty1 15.4.2007 50x50x2 f 180.396
44656 Ryan Howard - The Office JaseFifty1 15.4.2007 50x50x2 f 32.967
45189 Pam Beesly - The Office JaseFifty1 29.4.2007 50x50x2 f 27.159
45383 Roy - The Office JaseFifty1 3.5.2007 50x50x2 f 71.010
45699 Charlie mrozman 13.5.2007 30x30x2 f 55.900
46162 Actor ebrulikedi 23.5.2007 45x40x2 f 11.533
69236 Tom Selleck arcadedweller 10.9.2008 26x38x2 f 29.615
70519 Stanley Kubrick mifunetoshiro 13.10.2008 40x45x2 f 53.926
74784 Marilyn Rainbow15 20.1.2009 37x42x2 t 191.424
78461 Dick Van Dyke Glucklich 16.4.2009 38x50x2 f 193.626
78687 Audrey Hepburn Glucklich 20.4.2009 45x50x2 f 137.413
79162 Marx Brothers - Chico Glucklich 4.5.2009 37x50x2 f 58.183
81710 Oliver Hardy Glucklich 19.7.2009 45x50x2 f 233.728
81752 Stan Laurel Glucklich 20.7.2009 35x50x2 f 256.348
81775 Charlie Chaplin Glucklich 21.7.2009 45x50x2 f 82.915
83216 Jerry Lewis Glucklich 23.8.2009 30x50x2 f 20.076
83352 The Three Stooges - Shemp Howard Glucklich 25.8.2009 40x50x2 f 83.307
83488 The Three Stooges - Mean Moe Howard Glucklich 30.8.2009 40x50x2 f 126.082
83489 The Three Stooges - Surprised Moe Glucklich 30.8.2009 40x50x2 f 107.487
83958 Brad Pitt litalia 7.9.2009 35x45x2 f 82.910
84699 James Dean logo 27.9.2009 40x50x2 f 240.152
85431 Sandra Bullock litalia 18.10.2009 50x50x2 f 63.681
85685 Clark Gable litalia 22.10.2009 33x50x2 t 122.917
91326 Gabriella Pession litalia 9.3.2010 32x50x2 f 17.277
91756 Basil Fawlty anebo 21.3.2010 50x50x2 f 264.714
92631 Waldolala! (Sjef van Oekel) anebo 11.4.2010 50x45x2 f 517.519
--- Audrey Hepburn logo 20.5.2010 30x60x2 f 21.325 ---
--- Charlie Chaplin demirors 20.5.2010 35x60x2 f 11.017 ---
--- Norkys Batista litalia 22.5.2010 50x70x2 f 75.324 ---
--- Lindsay Lohen litalia 22.5.2010 50x70x2 f 144.525 ---
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