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Triddlers - Black and White, Vol. 3

Puzzles: 60
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ID Opis Avtor Datum Velikost Točke Rešeni
18 Horse cruinne 21.6.2003 (6+9)x(12+6)x2 1.783
58 Nightwatcher jer 4.7.2003 (12+10)x(12+0)x2 441
62 Recycle jer 4.7.2003 (10+15)x(15+10)x2 3.516
113 Triangle Illusion TNT 27.7.2003 (3+15)x(15+3)x2 458
119 Nine Lives yendor 30.7.2003 (4+4)x(4+5)x2 307
145 Cubic Problem janndvorakk 19.9.2003 (10+10)x(10+10)x2 2.248
154 WWF Panda powsinoga 27.9.2003 (10+8)x(10+7)x2 1.265
157 Cliff Hanger Erlik 16.10.2003 (4+6)x(5+7)x2 557
160 Headphones janndvorakk 19.10.2003 (10+10)x(10+10)x2 3.312
191 Snowflake janndvorakk 25.12.2003 (10+10)x(10+10)x2 790
265 Mask matej 10.1.2004 (10+8)x(8+12)x2 670
308 Panda wiggles 4.2.2004 (15+10)x(10+12)x2 2.261
362 Rocket Ra100 10.3.2004 (10+5)x(10+5)x2 1.309
365 Duck JannekeZ 10.3.2004 (6+4)x(4+5)x2 210
414 Lion Ra100 15.4.2004 (15+12)x(5+7)x2 1.068
434 Face wiggles 29.4.2004 (11+9)x(8+11)x2 4.403
493 Man in Tie HSpring 22.5.2004 (5+10)x(10+14)x2 1.044
608 Echidna Ra100 2.7.2004 (3+5)x(5+3)x2 78
624 Desert bublifuk 21.7.2004 (11+14)x(17+8)x2 1.274
627 Bug bublifuk 21.7.2004 (13+10)x(10+8)x2 2.487
638 Husky Ra100 22.7.2004 (26+14)x(24+25)x2 26.821
644 Discobolus Ra100 23.7.2004 (5+16)x(28+9)x2 7.382
652 Funny Fork luweewu 25.7.2004 (21+3)x(14+2)x2 170
661 Robot rehacik 27.7.2004 (9+22)x(22+16)x2 13.940
667 Runner carootje 31.7.2004 (4+6)x(9+1)x2 340
670 Man rehacik 14.8.2004 (22+22)x(22+22)x2 5.933
678 Mole rehacik 15.8.2004 (12+20)x(27+12)x2 59.168
679 Horse rehacik 16.8.2004 (21+25)x(23+20)x2 84.042
680 Monkey Adrianko 16.8.2004 (11+14)x(18+10)x2 10.953
711 For Your Eyes Only fineke 1.10.2004 (12+12)x(12+12)x2 10.537
728 "We're Needed..." yolinde 16.10.2004 (10+10)x(18+10)x2 1.699
733 Babyface yolinde 17.10.2004 (15+15)x(15+15)x2 6.128
738 Tinky Binky Ra100 18.10.2004 (4+13)x(13+8)x2 1.572
746 Diver Ra100 20.10.2004 (9+5)x(12+7)x2 1.502
752 Playground Ra100 20.10.2004 (12+5)x(8+2)x2 416
753 Yet Another Flower Ra100 20.10.2004 (5+5)x(5+5)x2 315
763 On the Lake Ra100 21.10.2004 (8+8)x(8+6)x2 1.664
764 Ananas Ra100 21.10.2004 (5+8)x(9+10)x2 714
771 Spider Ra100 22.10.2004 (20+10)x(10+8)x2 12.136
778 Coffee sewcio 26.10.2004 (3+5)x(6+4)x3 158
800 Mask nimrod 11.11.2004 (9+8)x(9+10)x2 1.644
802 Man's Best Friend fineke 12.11.2004 (13+16)x(15+15)x2 8.086
817 Escher Triangle harmless_52 20.11.2004 (4+23)x(23+3)x2 273
831 Office Phone Ra100 30.11.2004 (11+4)x(12+4)x2 1.376
833 Old Style Iron Ra100 30.11.2004 (10+7)x(9+3)x2 856
836 Iron Ra100 30.11.2004 (13+2)x(7+0)x2 285
873 Paw Prints esra 15.12.2004 (5+4)x(10+3)x2 581
915 Boat esra 27.12.2004 (10+28)x(24+14)x2 14.180
979 Hound esra 17.1.2005 (17+30)x(21+18)x2 63.169
1002 Cannon Ra100 27.1.2005 (3+15)x(5+13)x2 489
1006 Plane Ra100 27.1.2005 (16+4)x(7+7)x2 884
1009 Pen Ra100 27.1.2005 (1+9)x(13+6)x2 606
1016 Green Alien Ra100 27.1.2005 (5+16)x(10+14)x2 4.781
1024 Fishbowl Ra100 28.1.2005 (15+14)x(15+13)x2 7.366
1028 Video Camera Ra100 29.1.2005 (9+20)x(18+15)x2 7.957
1033 Camera Ra100 29.1.2005 (11+5)x(5+8)x2 525
1041 Pianoforte Ra100 30.1.2005 (8+16)x(21+7)x2 2.835
1045 French Horn Ra100 30.1.2005 (11+10)x(23+14)x2 10.865
1126 Mug esra 22.2.2005 (5+9)x(12+5)x2 586
1176 G Clef esra 28.2.2005 (9+6)x(25+7)x2 3.873
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