Numerično-logične uganke - pravila


Sudoku je logična uganka, katere cilj je zapolniti kvadratno mrežo s števili. V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.

Brez notranjih kvadratov (Latinski kvadrat)

Latinski kvadrat je polje velikosti n×n, pri čemer je n celo število, ki se v vsaki vrstici in vsakem stolpcu pojavi natanko enkrat.

Latinski kvadrat - pravilo:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.

Z notranjimi kvadrati

Najpogostejša omejitev so notranji kvadrati. Kvadrat 9x9 ima 9 notranjih kvadratov, kot lahko vidite na sliki.

Notranji kvadrati - pravila:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.
  • V vsakem notranjem kvadratu nastopa vsaka številka samo enkrat.

Nepravilni kvadrati (Sestavljanka)

Sestavljanka se rešuje enako kot sudoku, le da so notranji kvadrati nepravilnih oblik, imenovani tudi liki.

Nepravilni kvadrati - pravila:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.
  • V vsakem liku nastopa vsaka številka samo enkrat.

Diagonalne variante

Omejitve se običajno dodajo pri postavitvi številk, ki presegajo običajne vrstice in stolpce. Ena od teh omejitev je diagonalna varianta.

Diagonalne variante - pravilo:
  • V vsaki diagonali nastopa vsaka številka samo enkrat.

Kombinirane variante

Variante so lahko kombinirane. Na primer: kvadrat ima notranje kvadrate in diagonali. Lahko sta tudi več kot dve diagonali.

Notranji kvadrati in diagonalne variante - pravila:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.
  • V vsakem notranjem kvadratu nastopa vsaka številka samo enkrat.
  • V vsaki diagonali nastopa vsaka številka samo enkrat.

Prekrivajoče variante

Prekrivajoče variante so sestavljene iz več ugank. Skupna polja so obarvana z drugo barvo. Tukaj je nekaj primerov prekrivajočih sudokujev:

Gattai Near-2


Mreža killer sudokuja je prekrita z liki (skupinami polj), omejenimi s prekinjenimi črticami. Vsak lik obkroža 2 ali več polj. Vsota mora biti enaka številki, ki je zapisana v levem zgornjem delu tega lika.

Killer sudoku - pravila:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.
  • Vse številke v liku morajo biti različne.

Večje/manjše kot

Greater Than (or Less Than) Sudoku has no given clues (digits). Instead, there are "Greater Than" (>) or "Less Than" (<) signs between adjacent cells, which signify that the digit in one cell should be greater than or less than another.

Večje/manjše kot - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill a grid with digits so that each column and each row contain the digits only once.
  • Digits must obey the inequality signs.


Kakuro is played on a grid of filled and barred cells, "black" and "white" respectively. The grid is divided into "entries" (lines of white cells) by the black cells. The black cells contain a slash from upper-left to lower-right and a number in one or both halves. These numbers are called "clues".

Kakuro - pravilo:
  • The goal is to insert digits from 1 to 9 inclusive into the white cells in such a way that the sum of the digits in each entry matches the clue associated with it and that no digit is duplicated in any entry.


The grid is divided into heavily outlined cages (groups of cells). The numbers in the cells of each cage must produce a certain "target" number when combined using a specified mathematical operation (either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division).

Kalkudoku - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill a grid with digits so that each column and each row contain the digits only once.
  • Digits may be repeated within a cage as long as they are not in the same row or column.


Futoshiki is played on a grid that may show some digits at the start. Additionally, there are "Greater Than" (>) or "Less Than" (<) signs between adjacent cells, which signify that the digit in one cell should be greater than or less than another.

Futoshiki - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill a grid with digits so that each column and each row contain the digits only once.
  • Digits in adjacent cells with inequality signs must obey the greater than or less than signs.


Straights is played on a grid that is partially divided by black cells into compartments. Compartments must contain a straight - a set of consecutive numbers - but in any order (for example: 2-1-3-4). There can also be white clues in black cells.

Zaporedja - pravila:
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.
  • Each compartment, vertically or horizontally, must contain a straight.
  • Clues in black cells remove that digit from the row and column, and are not part of any straight.


The Skyscraper puzzle has numbers along the edge of the grid. Those numbers indicate the number of buildings which you would see from that direction if there was a series of skyscrapers with heights equal the entries in that row or column. For example: if the line has 4 cells and if the first number in the cell is 4, you will see only one skyscraper because the 4-floor skyscraper hides the 1-floor, 2-floor, and 3-floor skyscrapers.

Nebotičniki - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill in each cell with numbers from 1 to N, where N is the size of the puzzle's side.
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.

Nebotičnik s parkirišči

The Skyscrapers puzzle can have Parks (empty cells).

Nebotičniki s parkirišči - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill in each cell with numbers from 1 to N-(No. of Parks), where N is the size of the puzzle's side.
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.

Nebotičnik z vsoto

The numbers along the edge of the Sum Skyscraper grid indicate the sum of heights of the visible buildings.

Nebotičniki z vsoto - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill in each cell with numbers from 1 to N [or 1 to N-(No. of Parks) in Sum Skyscrapers with parks] where N is the size of the puzzle's side.
  • V vsakem stolpcu in vsaki vrstici nastopa vsaka izmed številk natanko enkrat.

Dvojiški sistem

Complete the grid with zeros (0's) and ones (1's) until there are just as many zeros and ones in every row and every column.

Binary - pravila:
  • No more than two of the same number can be next to or under each other.
  • Rows or columns with exactly the same content are not allowed.
  • When the line length has an odd number of cells, the number 1 exceeds the number 0.


Bricks is another type of Latin Square. Grid is divided into pairs and look like brick wall.

Opeke - pravila:
  • The goal is to fill a grid with digits so that each column and each row contain the digits only once.
  • Every brick contains an odd number and an even number.