Numerično-logične uganke - pravila
Brez notranjih kvadratov (Latinski kvadrat)
Latinski kvadrat je polje velikosti n×n, pri čemer je n celo število, ki se v vsaki vrstici in vsakem stolpcu pojavi natanko enkrat. Latinski kvadrat - pravilo:
Z notranjimi kvadrati
Najpogostejša omejitev so notranji kvadrati. Kvadrat 9x9 ima 9 notranjih kvadratov, kot lahko vidite na sliki. Notranji kvadrati - pravila:
Nepravilni kvadrati (Sestavljanka)
Sestavljanka se rešuje enako kot sudoku, le da so notranji kvadrati nepravilnih oblik, imenovani tudi liki. Nepravilni kvadrati - pravila:
Diagonalne variante
Omejitve se običajno dodajo pri postavitvi številk, ki presegajo običajne vrstice in stolpce. Ena od teh omejitev je diagonalna varianta. Diagonalne variante - pravilo:
Kombinirane variante
Variante so lahko kombinirane. Na primer: kvadrat ima notranje kvadrate in diagonali. Lahko sta tudi več kot dve diagonali. Notranji kvadrati in diagonalne variante - pravila:
Prekrivajoče variante
Prekrivajoče variante so sestavljene iz več ugank. Skupna polja so obarvana z drugo barvo. Tukaj je nekaj primerov prekrivajočih sudokujev:
Mreža killer sudokuja je prekrita z liki (skupinami polj), omejenimi s prekinjenimi črticami. Vsak lik obkroža 2 ali več polj. Vsota mora biti enaka številki, ki je zapisana v levem zgornjem delu tega lika. Killer sudoku - pravila:
Večje/manjše kot
Greater Than (or Less Than) Sudoku has no given clues (digits). Instead, there are "Greater Than" (>) or "Less Than" (<) signs between adjacent cells, which signify that the digit in one cell should be greater than or less than another. Večje/manjše kot - pravila:
Kakuro is played on a grid of filled and barred cells, "black" and "white" respectively. The grid is divided into "entries" (lines of white cells) by the black cells. The black cells contain a slash from upper-left to lower-right and a number in one or both halves. These numbers are called "clues". Kakuro - pravilo:
The grid is divided into heavily outlined cages (groups of cells). The numbers in the cells of each cage must produce a certain "target" number when combined using a specified mathematical operation (either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division). Kalkudoku - pravila:
Futoshiki is played on a grid that may show some digits at the start. Additionally, there are "Greater Than" (>) or "Less Than" (<) signs between adjacent cells, which signify that the digit in one cell should be greater than or less than another. Futoshiki - pravila:
Straights is played on a grid that is partially divided by black cells into compartments. Compartments must contain a straight - a set of consecutive numbers - but in any order (for example: 2-1-3-4). There can also be white clues in black cells. Zaporedja - pravila:
The Skyscraper puzzle has numbers along the edge of the grid. Those numbers indicate the number of buildings which you would see from that direction if there was a series of skyscrapers with heights equal the entries in that row or column. For example: if the line has 4 cells and if the first number in the cell is 4, you will see only one skyscraper because the 4-floor skyscraper hides the 1-floor, 2-floor, and 3-floor skyscrapers. Nebotičniki - pravila:
Nebotičnik s parkirišči
The Skyscrapers puzzle can have Parks (empty cells). Nebotičniki s parkirišči - pravila:
Nebotičnik z vsoto
The numbers along the edge of the Sum Skyscraper grid indicate the sum of heights of the visible buildings. Nebotičniki z vsoto - pravila:
Dvojiški sistem
Complete the grid with zeros (0's) and ones (1's) until there are just as many zeros and ones in every row and every column. Binary - pravila:
Bricks is another type of Latin Square. Grid is divided into pairs and look like brick wall. Opeke - pravila: