Griddlers Kitapları

Griddlers Extra Large - Black and White, Vol. 6
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Bulmaca No | Açıklama | Hazırlayan | Tarih | Büyüklük | Puanlar | Çözülen |
812 | Cash | woa | 30.07.2002 | 15x15x2 f | 2.517 | |
1757 | Disguise | zaphod | 13.10.2002 | 15x15x2 f | 1.139 | |
2245 | Bee | zaphod | 10.11.2002 | 15x15x2 f | 1.507 | |
2249 | Clown | zaphod | 10.11.2002 | 15x15x2 f | 1.123 | |
7187 | Minimalism: Note | elieli | 10.01.2004 | 5x5x2 f | 6 | |
8774 | Minimalism: Glasses | elieli | 29.03.2004 | 5x5x2 f | 7 | |
9247 | Rose | maristone | 14.04.2004 | 10x15x4 f | 549 | |
9378 | Minimalism: Try to Find the Key to this One... | jvloenen | 22.04.2004 | 5x5x2 f | 1 | |
10377 | Mickey Mouse | rafal24 | 28.05.2004 | 10x10x2 f | 101 | |
31942 | Black King | twoznia | 19.03.2006 | 10x10x2 f | 46 | |
41354 | Windsurfing | twoznia | 08.01.2007 | 10x10x2 f | 155 | |
45606 | Eagle | solo222 | 11.05.2007 | 10x10x2 f | 131 | |
45769 | Elephant | solo222 | 14.05.2007 | 10x10x2 f | 47 | |
48286 | Space Invader | Yankovicfan3125 | 16.07.2007 | 10x10x2 f | 83 | |
48904 | Duck | solo222 | 05.08.2007 | 10x15x2 f | 485 | |
57612 | Rugby | gneale | 30.01.2008 | 10x10x2 f | 41 | |
60044 | Smiley's Looking Fancy | Kairon | 18.03.2008 | 10x15x5 f | 307 | |
82801 | Monkey Scratching His Head | solo222 | 12.08.2009 | 10x10x2 f | 67 | |
86699 | House | Mravcok | 22.11.2009 | 10x10x2 f | 85 | |
90620 | Cardinal | BeaCards | 23.02.2010 | 10x10x2 f | 27 | |
111749 | Table | wink5 | 14.07.2011 | 10x10x2 f | 76 | |
124219 | Captain | solo222 | 20.06.2012 | 10x10x2 f | 108 | |
124220 | Flowerpot | solo222 | 20.06.2012 | 10x10x2 f | 79 | |
129381 | Baby Penguin | Nicky | 03.11.2012 | 10x15x4 f | 368 | |
131129 | Cactus | Nicky | 21.01.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 254 | |
131576 | Snowy Tree | DrPuzzles | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 173 | |
131577 | Waiter | DrPuzzles | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 166 | |
131580 | Ice Cream | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 133 | |
131582 | Boy | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 113 | |
131587 | Panda | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 91 | |
131588 | Matador | DrPuzzles | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 87 | |
131592 | Deer | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 54 | |
131594 | Iron | DrPuzzles | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 47 | |
131596 | Flower | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 42 | |
131600 | Motorbiker | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 37 | |
131605 | Toilet Sign | solo222 | 31.01.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 21 | |
131645 | Mouse Head | DrPuzzles | 01.02.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 73 | |
131647 | Web Cam | DrPuzzles | 01.02.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 69 | |
131653 | Camel | solo222 | 01.02.2013 | 10x10x2 f | 30 | |
131947 | Hello | solo222 | 05.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 250 | |
132003 | Flower | solo222 | 05.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 275 | |
132261 | Grapes | solo222 | 11.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 152 | |
132504 | Sunflower | DrPuzzles | 17.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 228 | |
132506 | Duck | solo222 | 17.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 136 | |
132511 | Fork and Knife | solo222 | 17.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 63 | |
132604 | Chick | solo222 | 18.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 661 | |
132605 | Lighthouse | solo222 | 18.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 591 | |
132617 | Soft Drink | solo222 | 18.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 354 | |
132623 | Skateboarding | DrPuzzles | 18.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 278 | |
132728 | Skyscraper | solo222 | 19.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 408 | |
132746 | Wine | solo222 | 19.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 273 | |
132757 | Apple | Emma2007 | 19.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 215 | |
132770 | Seahorse | DrPuzzles | 19.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 118 | |
132777 | Wrench | solo222 | 19.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 93 | |
132809 | Woman | Nicky | 20.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 270 | |
132814 | Tree | DrPuzzles | 20.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 208 | |
132817 | Profile | solo222 | 20.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 127 | |
132865 | Tree | solo222 | 21.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 331 | |
132869 | Flowerpot | solo222 | 21.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 276 | |
132870 | Girl | solo222 | 21.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 271 | |
132872 | Bunny | solo222 | 21.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 257 | |
132882 | Lollipop | DrPuzzles | 21.02.2013 | 10x15x2 f | 123 | |
133775 | Snow Puppet | Nicky | 21.03.2013 | 10x15x4 f | 86 | |
144256 | Alien | painter100 | 06.08.2014 | 10x10x2 f | 92 | |
153016 | Small House | deaglemann | 26.03.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 526 | |
160021 | Clock | nasa17 | 09.08.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 143 | |
160023 | Take a Flower | nasa17 | 09.08.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 105 | |
160024 | Projector | nasa17 | 09.08.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 56 | |
165273 | Make a Row | Joe6pack | 04.11.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 81 | |
165281 | Funny Fox | painter100 | 04.11.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 140 | |
165285 | Cat | painter100 | 04.11.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 110 | |
165289 | Creature | painter100 | 04.11.2015 | 10x10x2 f | 99 | |
174278 | Baby Rabbit | meszi | 22.04.2016 | 10x15x4 f | 489 | |
182686 | Ice Cream | solo222 | 12.03.2017 | 10x10x2 f | 206 | |
275863 | Basketball Shoe | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x40x2 f | 1.111.767 | |
275864 | Pagoda and Tree | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 1.021.702 | |
275866 | Palm Island | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 866.159 | |
275867 | Deers in the Forest | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 697.404 | |
275869 | Panda Bear | elad | 20.11.2023 | 65x65x2 f | 619.543 | |
275870 | Extreme Riding | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 411.450 | |
275872 | Couple in Love | elad | 20.11.2023 | 65x55x2 f | 213.793 | |
275873 | Bear | elad | 20.11.2023 | 65x65x2 f | 204.876 | |
275876 | Tropical Sunset | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 69.517 | |
275878 | Elk | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 54.958 | |
275879 | Jumping Horse | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 49.295 | |
275880 | City Lights | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 47.402 | |
275883 | Will You Marry Me? | elad | 20.11.2023 | 60x50x2 f | 43.667 | |
276087 | Tree in a Vase | elad | 20.12.2023 | 40x65x2 f | 170.266 | |
276090 | I Love u | elad | 20.12.2023 | 60x60x2 f | 60.448 | |
276092 | Skating | elad | 20.12.2023 | 40x60x2 f | 31.578 | |
276287 | Kingfisher | elad | 16.01.2024 | 30x65x2 f | 320.749 | |
276288 | Waiting Room | elad | 16.01.2024 | 35x85x2 f | 710.662 | |
276292 | Terrarium | elad | 18.01.2024 | 60x65x2 f | 2.088.594 | |
--- | Woman | jvc1177 | 08.09.2011 | 25x80x2 f | 13.588 | --- |
--- | Banded Linsang | Glucklich | 08.09.2011 | 90x45x2 f | 1.672.036 | --- |
--- | Skateboard | liri748 | 08.09.2011 | 30x70x2 f | 116.932 | --- |
--- | Girl and Needlework | mitulka | 08.09.2011 | 40x70x2 f | 96.228 | --- |
--- | Outrun | unhygenix | 08.09.2011 | 65x40x2 f | 249.952 | --- |
--- | Snail | dunsford | 08.09.2011 | 80x50x2 f | 3.106.358 | --- |
--- | Rodin: The Thinker | anebo | 08.09.2011 | 50x65x2 f | 1.803.774 | --- |
--- | Greek Goddess | stumpy | 08.09.2011 | 70x90x2 f | 860.967 | --- |
--- | Train | stumpy | 08.09.2011 | 40x60x2 f | 2.501.462 | --- |
--- | Rory Gallagher | nan2syl | 08.09.2011 | 40x60x2 f | 88.162 | --- |
--- | Girl | zgodliwy | 08.09.2011 | 50x60x2 f | 226.626 | --- |
--- | Iguana | marci 87 | 08.09.2011 | 45x80x2 f | 1.429.408 | --- |
--- | Tribal Woman | memnune | 08.09.2011 | 50x95x2 f | 1.940.711 | --- |
--- | Lion | Glucklich | 08.09.2011 | 50x100x2 f | 1.340.074 | --- |
--- | Car | kikiki | 08.09.2011 | 100x45x2 f | 341.835 | --- |
--- | Man | RianneV90 | 08.09.2011 | 50x90x2 f | 73.233 | --- |