Griddlers Kitapları

Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 15

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Bulmaca No Açıklama Hazırlayan Tarih Büyüklük Puanlar Çözülen
1183 Dove thorny77032 02.09.2002 25x25x2 f 54.632
1194 Kettle thorny77032 02.09.2002 50x34x2 f 459.484
1366 Scream kayray67 04.09.2002 35x35x2 f 5.315
1758 Deforestation zaphod 13.10.2002 25x25x2 f 5.796
1763 Gemini zaphod 13.10.2002 25x25x2 f 7.684
1773 Goniometer zaphod 13.10.2002 25x25x2 f 13.237
1776 Picasso Sight zaphod 13.10.2002 25x25x2 f 1.961
1781 Pot zaphod 13.10.2002 25x25x2 f 7.438
1943 Agent zandy 21.10.2002 32x32x2 f 35.540
1963 Kite zandy 21.10.2002 10x15x2 f 3.103
1979 MineSweeper zandy 21.10.2002 28x28x2 f 18.660
2003 Timelock zandy 21.10.2002 21x30x2 f 36.690
2089 Cowboy Janko 27.10.2002 20x25x2 f 2.562
2094 Projectionist Janko 27.10.2002 25x30x2 f 24.428
2100 Fork Lift Truck Janko 27.10.2002 25x20x2 f 6.522
2101 Nurse Janko 27.10.2002 30x25x2 f 18.222
2261 Monkey zaphod 10.11.2002 24x30x2 f 39.329
2268 Snowman zaphod 10.11.2002 17x20x2 f 1.490
2459 Beardman Misty 27.11.2002 40x50x2 f 103.608
2605 Simple House Misty 18.12.2002 50x35x2 f 256.538
2606 Bridge Misty 18.12.2002 40x30x2 f 22.145
2616 Jumbo JardaV 18.12.2002 45x30x2 f 292.567
2630 Inline rehak 19.12.2002 35x25x2 f 45.023
2632 Young Tiger rehak 19.12.2002 35x35x2 f 49.689
2649 Face iris 22.12.2002 35x40x2 f 31.109
2998 Happy Couple piranha 12.01.2003 40x30x2 f 9.971
3008 Castle arkiteta 13.01.2003 30x25x2 f 9.658
3127 Hot arkiteta 18.01.2003 40x30x2 f 9.920
3137 Shepherd arkiteta 23.01.2003 31x32x2 f 15.747
3155 Native American maarten001 24.01.2003 25x25x2 f 25.736
3181 Peacock arkiteta 28.01.2003 36x38x2 f 28.953
3279 St. Valentine tono 11.02.2003 20x25x2 f 7.433
3292 Skoda Car Logo tono 13.02.2003 25x25x2 f 12.623
3300 Truck tono 14.02.2003 25x20x2 f 4.285
3303 Bee tono 14.02.2003 25x20x2 f 7.178
3309 Tractor tono 14.02.2003 25x20x2 f 2.763
3311 Christian Bible on the Table tono 14.02.2003 25x15x2 f 765
3319 Cup of Tea tono 17.02.2003 25x20x2 f 3.152
3325 Kangaroo tono 17.02.2003 25x20x2 f 2.320
3328 Cobra tono 17.02.2003 20x20x2 f 16.552
3353 Supermarket Delvita tono 19.02.2003 25x20x2 f 690
3354 Camel's Head tono 19.02.2003 20x20x2 f 794
3370 Veteran Car tono 21.02.2003 50x25x2 f 19.549
3453 Winner tono 06.03.2003 20x25x2 f 18.181
3454 Swallow tono 06.03.2003 25x20x2 f 10.766
3458 Bodybuilder tono 06.03.2003 20x25x2 f 2.877
3459 Pinocchio tono 06.03.2003 25x25x2 f 20.299
3857 Fairleigh-Dickinson Knights TNT 19.04.2003 35x50x2 f 21.823
3963 Michigan State Spartans TNT 26.04.2003 45x50x2 f 51.481
4003 New Mexico Lobos TNT 28.04.2003 35x50x2 f 6.463
4032 Richmond Spiders TNT 30.04.2003 40x50x2 f 7.392
4538 Kangaroo TNT 16.05.2003 48x48x2 f 1.253.028
4576 Indian or Eskimo Looking in Cave TNT 18.05.2003 35x50x2 f 461.972
4639 Masks TNT 22.05.2003 32x32x2 f 34.987
4850 Love Me, Love My Cat laurel 05.06.2003 6x12x2 t 542
5652 Man elad 16.08.2003 50x50x2 f 166.412
5952 In Space guru7 09.09.2003 50x50x2 f 29.265
7775 Taurus JynxsMom 15.02.2004 40x30x2 f 108.934
8273 Pianist guru7 08.03.2004 50x50x2 f 23.917
8493 "I'll Be Back!" Makarios 17.03.2004 35x47x2 f 28.876
8664 Weight Lifting liri748 23.03.2004 45x28x2 f 7.577
8794 Skeleton liri748 30.03.2004 36x14x2 f 2.287
8795 Skeleton liri748 30.03.2004 36x14x2 f 720
8811 Race Car liri748 31.03.2004 28x14x2 f 85
8812 Race Car liri748 31.03.2004 29x14x2 f 278
9196 Silhuette1 maristone 13.04.2004 34x43x2 f 16.925
9402 Polar Bear carootje 23.04.2004 50x31x2 f 7.001
10090 Swedish Outdoor Toilet batseba 22.05.2004 40x50x2 f 55.317
10149 Godzilla macmoni 23.05.2004 50x30x2 f 8.964
10410 Chair AUTENTICARSE 30.05.2004 35x45x2 f 174.352
10732 Shark booglemonster 17.06.2004 50x49x2 f 91.035
10766 Fairy booglemonster 19.06.2004 37x50x2 f 114.751
19008 Groucho alibaba 10.03.2005 44x20x2 f 28.722
20509 Love elimaor 08.04.2005 40x25x2 f 186.498
21356 Girl Painting ireneh 26.04.2005 40x45x2 f 81.639
22505 Student's Silhouette elimaor 23.05.2005 36x50x2 f 35.063
23521 Mamba elimaor 27.06.2005 40x50x2 f 83.952
23522 Mamba elimaor 27.06.2005 40x50x2 f 1.179.898
24416 Helicopter netty 22.07.2005 45x20x2 f 5.887
26247 Woman dado 01.10.2005 13x32x2 f 842
27528 Man hibrahimozer 01.11.2005 8x12x2 t 555
37381 Street Light NOIRAUD 02.09.2006 10x15x2 t 206
37428 Juice RandomPerson 03.09.2006 8x10x2 t 102
38970 Sunglasses shadow2097 16.10.2006 47x23x2 f 3.931
39065 Ladybird Nicky 18.10.2006 8x11x2 t 108
40784 Flower fuatff 17.12.2006 5x10x2 t 267
41011 Monkey xiayu 28.12.2006 45x23x2 f 23.038
41520 Toothbrush marielle 12.01.2007 11x21x2 f 333
43502 Prison op1 11.03.2007 35x50x2 f 75.630
43863 Windmill rbeny 19.03.2007 6x12x2 t 369
46288 Sailboat mustafademirbas 27.05.2007 50x50x2 f 7.057.906
46364 Top of a Building Nicky 28.05.2007 35x50x2 f 104.847
47103 Eyes mustafademirbas 13.06.2007 35x12x2 f 3.768
50925 Birdhouse oko 27.09.2007 45x50x2 f 955.866
52925 Baseball oko 07.11.2007 40x50x2 f 817.785
61067 On the Mound arcadedweller 07.04.2008 6x24x2 f 89
67380 Digital Camera BitoFlu 31.07.2008 35x16x2 f 4.626
69455 Playground revi_levi 15.09.2008 40x20x2 f 61.705
73543 Almost Tomorrow goshenmike 23.12.2008 40x50x2 f 159.121
78380 Ninja galisand 13.04.2009 7x10x2 t 181
80307 Happy Chimp Glucklich 08.06.2009 45x50x2 f 156.127
90593 Ninja iugin 22.02.2010 10x15x2 t 248
109444 Comb mitulka 21.05.2011 10x30x2 f 468
114484 Antique Key ecebuy 06.10.2011 40x14x2 f 357
115379 Cathedral Kazan Russia steveo 01.11.2011 38x48x2 f 958.258
116294 Mermaid solo222 20.11.2011 10x25x2 f 2.283
116295 Cross Legged solo222 20.11.2011 10x25x2 f 2.216
116301 Deer solo222 20.11.2011 10x25x2 f 1.330
116415 Vase with Flowers solo222 21.11.2011 10x25x2 f 351
116443 Foghorn solo222 22.11.2011 10x25x2 f 1.330
118321 Winter Time blachim 15.01.2012 40x50x2 f 57.337
127125 Norwegian House (Tribute to Steveo) smallstuff 26.08.2012 45x50x2 f 57.903
129101 So Much for the Debate on Smoking in Public Places smallstuff 21.10.2012 40x50x2 f 223.953
130263 Mother and Child ball_juggler 02.12.2012 40x50x2 f 27.497
133309 Honi, Daughter of Hagar the Horrible smallstuff 05.03.2013 45x50x2 f 498.663
134038 Woodmill, Canada Rainbow15 31.03.2013 35x50x2 f 610.154
134614 Captain visto 25.04.2013 40x50x2 f 76.353
134615 Captain visto 25.04.2013 40x50x2 f 26.831
142827 Milk emergency112 05.06.2014 10x25x2 f 23.902
150689 Snake painter100 10.02.2015 10x25x2 f 539
150791 Going to the Prom painter100 11.02.2015 10x25x2 f 1.283
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