Griddlers Kitapları
Griddlers Black and White, Vol. 17
Pages:108Puzzles: 90
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Bulmaca No | Açıklama | Hazırlayan | Tarih | Büyüklük | Puanlar | Çözülen |
4885 | Charlie Chaplin | tono | 09.06.2003 | 25x15x2 f | 7.180 | |
6573 | Address Book | Jaanannu | 21.11.2003 | 27x14x2 f | 7.377 | |
8170 | Aquarius | JynxsMom | 04.03.2004 | 40x30x2 f | 12.359 | |
11415 | Solving a Griddler | ailag | 24.07.2004 | 40x30x2 f | 214.007 | |
12232 | Night | michi3 | 17.09.2004 | 25x15x2 f | 756 | |
16027 | Fishbone | Lioone | 15.01.2005 | 25x10x2 f | 323 | |
21361 | Shark | alibaba | 26.04.2005 | 43x13x2 f | 645 | |
22374 | Sports Car | DOLFIJN33 | 18.05.2005 | 37x15x2 f | 7.666 | |
23109 | Snail | Vargflickan | 12.06.2005 | 39x12x2 f | 2.571 | |
29620 | Kissing | hero692ttr | 07.01.2006 | 39x14x2 f | 13.499 | |
39609 | Howling Wolf | Lupos | 08.11.2006 | 40x35x2 f | 20.969 | |
41651 | Ancient Discus Player | denksport | 16.01.2007 | 17x23x2 f | 1.851 | |
45102 | Phaeton | hibrahimozer | 27.04.2007 | 27x11x2 f | 1.188 | |
46759 | Monkey | starch | 07.06.2007 | 40x30x2 f | 10.774 | |
47145 | Eagle | hibrahimozer | 14.06.2007 | 40x15x2 f | 2.548 | |
47372 | Cat | JESlovesIVO | 21.06.2007 | 40x15x2 f | 15.513 | |
47739 | Swallow | starch | 01.07.2007 | 45x23x2 f | 10.045 | |
48897 | Rooster | Eilleen | 05.08.2007 | 40x35x2 f | 3.655 | |
48951 | High Jump | Rianne1992 | 07.08.2007 | 40x30x2 f | 382.936 | |
49092 | Wood | aramanda | 12.08.2007 | 15x25x2 f | 2.493 | |
49675 | Cat | oko | 27.08.2007 | 45x25x2 f | 5.598 | |
57674 | Cannon | starch | 01.02.2008 | 40x20x2 f | 1.948 | |
58558 | Dr. Girlfriend (The Venture Bros.) | njb | 20.02.2008 | 39x33x2 f | 39.039 | |
59529 | Bass Clef | AriLex | 11.03.2008 | 15x21x2 f | 4.525 | |
60857 | Sailing Boat | KOMC | 04.04.2008 | 18x27x2 f | 2.165 | |
69234 | Bird | hera | 10.09.2008 | 40x35x2 f | 29.995 | |
69407 | Princess Cruises Logo | luweewu | 14.09.2008 | 43x20x2 f | 2.849 | |
70304 | Whoooo? Me? | arcadedweller | 06.10.2008 | 39x30x2 f | 465.156 | |
70358 | Armadillo Puzzle | arcadedweller | 07.10.2008 | 43x24x2 f | 10.495 | |
72461 | Hourglass | vargben | 26.11.2008 | 13x24x2 f | 4.886 | |
74144 | Wizard | vargben | 10.01.2009 | 15x25x2 f | 2.392 | |
75879 | Rag Doll | poj | 09.02.2009 | 40x30x2 f | 20.392 | |
80434 | Jump | revi_levi | 15.06.2009 | 35x18x2 f | 16.545 | |
82631 | Car | Little95 | 10.08.2009 | 30x19x2 f | 2.851 | |
84398 | Backache | solo222 | 17.09.2009 | 15x25x2 f | 1.339 | |
84460 | Black and White | Miepf | 20.09.2009 | 40x33x2 f | 22.241 | |
86041 | Swimming Alone | solo222 | 01.11.2009 | 25x15x2 f | 1.990 | |
90250 | Cowboy | solo222 | 14.02.2010 | 15x20x2 f | 1.200 | |
93521 | Candle | solo222 | 03.05.2010 | 15x25x2 f | 2.520 | |
97042 | Hobby Horse | kirsikkkka | 02.08.2010 | 40x30x2 f | 23.469 | |
98087 | .475 Wildey Magnum | Pixel88 | 29.08.2010 | 40x20x2 f | 5.445 | |
109686 | Antarctica Architecture | steveo | 31.05.2011 | 35x15x2 f | 2.317 | |
111578 | Groucho | Monkey83 | 11.07.2011 | 19x21x2 f | 6.576 | |
113143 | Peaceful Existence | asnuggler | 17.08.2011 | 40x30x2 f | 33.657 | |
113695 | Mexican Frying an Egg (Bird's-Eye View) | smallstuff | 04.09.2011 | 40x20x2 f | 4.346 | |
114089 | Karhula Building Nakkila Finland | steveo | 15.09.2011 | 35x25x2 f | 88.610 | |
114159 | Estonia Log Home | steveo | 20.09.2011 | 39x22x2 f | 21.946 | |
114398 | Bibi Heybat Mosque Baku Azerbaijan | steveo | 02.10.2011 | 35x30x2 f | 25.454 | |
114415 | Istaravshan Monument Uzbekistan | steveo | 03.10.2011 | 35x20x2 f | 5.232 | |
114528 | The Toils of Life | asnuggler | 09.10.2011 | 40x30x2 f | 50.687 | |
116837 | Adrift | steveo | 06.12.2011 | 40x10x2 f | 1.252 | |
120895 | Fox in Spanish | Monkey83 | 20.03.2012 | 17x24x2 f | 1.995 | |
123080 | Cottage, Stevora USA | steveo | 21.05.2012 | 35x20x2 f | 4.679 | |
123844 | Old Train Car Elk City USA | steveo | 12.06.2012 | 40x20x2 f | 5.997 | |
124000 | Front Porch Durham USA | steveo | 17.06.2012 | 35x20x2 f | 2.659 | |
124726 | Key | rupsie | 03.07.2012 | 40x20x2 f | 7.434 | |
126712 | Casino Sandefjord Norway | steveo | 13.08.2012 | 35x30x2 f | 7.923 | |
129771 | Mushroom | solo222 | 13.11.2012 | 20x20x2 f | 4.380 | |
131118 | Dragonfly | solo222 | 21.01.2013 | 20x20x2 f | 2.800 | |
131200 | Twisted Heart | MartaPiotr | 24.01.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 1.052 | |
132191 | Tests Show: Lions ain't Afraid of Any Snakes | smallstuff | 10.02.2013 | 40x15x2 f | 9.525 | |
132319 | Homer in Black and White | Nicky | 12.02.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 16.265 | |
132362 | Traffic Lights | beren2005 | 13.02.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 2.085 | |
133118 | Lighthouse, Vyborg Russia | steveo | 26.02.2013 | 15x30x2 f | 2.225 | |
133239 | Mermaid | Nicky | 03.03.2013 | 40x20x2 f | 14.659 | |
133406 | Anchor | w4nder | 10.03.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 12.359 | |
134110 | Fourth Micro Butterfly in Platypus Land | jock | 02.04.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 12.462 | |
135283 | Pineapple | ariari1660 | 25.05.2013 | 15x25x2 f | 1.549 | |
137509 | Ranch, Foz, Spain | steveo | 21.08.2013 | 35x30x2 f | 40.157 | |
140561 | Hotel, Fao, Portugal | steveo | 19.01.2014 | 35x20x2 f | 2.873 | |
141790 | Poison | brkayd | 27.03.2014 | 17x25x2 f | 15.704 | |
141854 | Box Kite | steveo | 31.03.2014 | 15x20x2 f | 3.567 | |
144860 | Zombie: Nurse | banane4joy | 15.09.2014 | 15x25x2 f | 24.231 | |
146883 | Eiffel Tower | Udirf | 23.11.2014 | 15x25x2 f | 249 | |
147513 | Seahorse | soliro | 07.12.2014 | 13x28x2 f | 2.592 | |
149390 | I Need Carrot | painter100 | 14.01.2015 | 40x25x2 f | 30.402 | |
149431 | Look at Me | painter100 | 15.01.2015 | 40x25x2 f | 35.932 | |
149440 | They Put a Man on The Moon | solo222 | 17.01.2015 | 20x20x2 f | 620 | |
150680 | Friendly Visitor | painter100 | 10.02.2015 | 15x25x2 f | 4.257 | |
150827 | Cleaning | painter100 | 12.02.2015 | 40x25x2 f | 57.933 | |
150836 | Cuckoo Clock | painter100 | 12.02.2015 | 15x25x2 f | 16.766 | |
150851 | Abacus | painter100 | 12.02.2015 | 35x20x2 f | 3.046 | |
150863 | Rock Climbing | painter100 | 12.02.2015 | 15x25x2 f | 1.104 | |
153010 | What Does It Say? | mbrewer | 26.03.2015 | 39x21x2 f | 11.539 | |
156697 | Tractor Trailer, Tabou, Cote d'Ivoire | steveo | 24.05.2015 | 40x20x2 f | 4.852 | |
157235 | Airplane | kikiki | 08.06.2015 | 39x27x2 f | 9.365 | |
157852 | Store, Durban, South Africa | steveo | 25.06.2015 | 15x25x2 f | 3.684 | |
157914 | Casa Barry, Tofo, Mozambique | steveo | 28.06.2015 | 35x30x2 f | 62.481 | |
157915 | Church, Mtwara, Tanzania | steveo | 28.06.2015 | 35x30x2 f | 15.012 | |
160005 | Calligraphy: M | setenay | 09.08.2015 | 42x20x2 f | 238.080 |
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