Griddlers Kitapları
Triddlers - Black and White, Vol. 6
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Bulmaca No | Açıklama | Hazırlayan | Tarih | Büyüklük | Puanlar | Çözülen |
607 | James Bond in a Speedboat | Ra100 | 02.07.2004 | (40+10)x(10+18)x2 | 53.568 | |
1055 | Small Mouse | Mauz | 07.02.2005 | (5+5)x(5+5)x2 | 287 | |
1306 | Witch | Inbar_b_y | 07.04.2005 | (12+16)x(29+8)x2 | 42.415 | |
1405 | A Born Fighter | fineke | 27.05.2005 | (23+24)x(19+28)x2 | 64.785 | |
1446 | With Mom | dod | 26.06.2005 | (7+14)x(14+9)x2 | 1.513 | |
1527 | Rabbit | amsterdam | 19.09.2005 | (13+13)x(18+5)x2 | 15.895 | |
1748 | Ant | bilbobilbo | 20.11.2005 | (14+9)x(10+10)x2 | 4.390 | |
1764 | Bambi | amsterdam | 25.11.2005 | (24+5)x(25+21)x2 | 31.667 | |
1818 | Candle | bilbobilbo | 05.12.2005 | (0+23)x(21+9)x2 | 5.627 | |
1860 | Sharp Blade | bilbobilbo | 11.12.2005 | (21+3)x(24+0)x2 | 23.611 | |
1931 | Bow and Arrow | bilbobilbo | 19.12.2005 | (10+24)x(24+26)x2 | 43.443 | |
1984 | Kite | amsterdam | 24.12.2005 | (8+28)x(31+15)x2 | 94.491 | |
1985 | Donkey | amsterdam | 24.12.2005 | (31+17)x(14+19)x2 | 74.690 | |
2026 | Beaver | amsterdam | 10.01.2006 | (22+11)x(28+4)x2 | 21.954 | |
2050 | Pistol | bammie | 15.01.2006 | (6+1)x(4+2)x2 | 57 | |
2098 | Cable Car | amsterdam | 28.01.2006 | (15+8)x(14+11)x2 | 9.371 | |
2355 | Sax | koko | 05.04.2006 | (15+19)x(15+29)x2 | 25.292 | |
2374 | Light Bulb | Ne_Plus_Ultra | 14.04.2006 | (7+7)x(7+12)x2 | 1.498 | |
2406 | Rabbit | Teeaz | 25.04.2006 | (5+6)x(6+3)x2 | 112 | |
2490 | Dice | unknown | 03.06.2006 | (9+9)x(9+9)x2 | 567 | |
2529 | The Simpsons | amsterdam | 17.06.2006 | (11+17)x(30+19)x2 | 23.158 | |
2801 | Castle | carootje | 21.08.2006 | (14+13)x(12+11)x2 | 11.610 | |
2858 | Yoko Tsuno | amsterdam | 07.09.2006 | (16+19)x(30+19)x2 | 118.066 | |
2983 | Swimming | denksport | 23.09.2006 | (18+7)x(7+4)x2 | 1.744 | |
2985 | Weightlifting | denksport | 23.09.2006 | (17+10)x(10+4)x2 | 1.153 | |
3086 | Fire Hydrant | denksport | 08.10.2006 | (7+18)x(19+16)x2 | 22.335 | |
3157 | Tractor | shadow2097 | 17.10.2006 | (18+11)x(12+6)x2 | 1.707 | |
3161 | Mortal Kombat | arcer | 17.10.2006 | (15+15)x(15+12)x2 | 10.539 | |
3216 | Dice | Ytynke | 01.11.2006 | (10+10)x(10+10)x2 | 718 | |
3470 | Snoopy Silhouette | notnormalgirl | 21.12.2006 | (14+9)x(9+13)x2 | 2.364 | |
3664 | Performance | amai | 28.01.2007 | (7+10)x(17+10)x2 | 13.311 | |
3680 | Blub Blub | Curious | 31.01.2007 | (16+10)x(10+8)x2 | 22.272 | |
3682 | Burglar | amai | 31.01.2007 | (6+12)x(12+8)x2 | 3.325 | |
3694 | Faucet | bilbobilbo | 04.02.2007 | (6+10)x(22+11)x2 | 14.402 | |
3729 | House of the Mechanical Bird | bilbobilbo | 12.02.2007 | (9+21)x(23+22)x2 | 36.369 | |
3739 | Separate the Pieces | bilbobilbo | 13.02.2007 | (12+19)x(19+20)x2 | 2.405 | |
3813 | Movie on Wheel | bilbobilbo | 01.03.2007 | (13+7)x(25+9)x2 | 4.896 | |
3814 | Magnet | bilbobilbo | 01.03.2007 | (10+13)x(13+9)x2 | 4.103 | |
3961 | Dinner is Served | unwound | 29.04.2007 | (20+14)x(27+17)x2 | 60.980 | |
3971 | Goldfish | roi534 | 29.04.2007 | (3+1)x(1+1)x2 | 8 | |
4006 | Airplane | Rianne1992 | 07.05.2007 | (7+3)x(3+2)x2 | 96 | |
4046 | Bike | mmttvv1 | 20.05.2007 | (5+5)x(5+2)x2 | 283 | |
4208 | Polar Bear | ferloft101 | 12.07.2007 | (16+12)x(11+15)x2 | 12.955 | |
4216 | Soccer Shot | ferloft101 | 15.07.2007 | (10+26)x(22+24)x2 | 48.088 | |
4227 | Tae Kwon Do | ferloft101 | 16.07.2007 | (21+14)x(7+30)x2 | 31.003 | |
4261 | Boat | iremnur | 25.07.2007 | (3+3)x(3+3)x2 | 45 | |
4351 | Flamingo | Vargflickan | 26.08.2007 | (4+10)x(6+10)x2 | 382 | |
4354 | Snail | Vargflickan | 26.08.2007 | (7+5)x(2+4)x2 | 194 | |
4357 | Butterfly | Vargflickan | 27.08.2007 | (16+6)x(6+9)x2 | 2.767 | |
4541 | Hoopoe | ledka | 08.10.2007 | (28+9)x(28+2)x2 | 27.833 | |
4616 | Parrot | ledka | 29.10.2007 | (7+19)x(27+20)x2 | 12.274 |
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