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Arts: Visual Arts: Photography: Photo Cameras

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Result: 5 of 5
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
13540 Diafragma koko 7/28/15 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 431,036 85.17% 00:55:06
12147 Camera hertseltsur 7/31/13 (34+14)x(14+14)x5 2,780 72.26% 00:21:35
10474 Polaroid Camera jadespade 1/1/12 (21+24)x(19+23)x8 9,504 71.20% 00:29:19
2291 Camera GICaesar 3/19/06 (14+14)x(15+13)x7 2,057 51.64% 00:11:44
1033 Camera Ra100 1/29/05 (11+5)x(5+8)x2 525 62.27% 00:04:12
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Result: 5 of 5