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The Animal Kingdom: Birds: Song Birds: Swallows

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Result: 4 of 4
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
13538 Hirundo Rustica koko 7/27/15 (25+25)x(25+25)x7 11,072 91.92% 01:08:39
9441 Swallow Lenchik 5/19/11 (29+20)x(14+20)x5 110,748 72.61% 00:18:05
4052 Swallow koko 5/27/07 (25+25)x(25+25)x3 364,225 83.10% 01:00:08
1761 Swallow koko 11/25/05 (25+25)x(25+25)x4 206,536 83.72% 01:38:07
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Result: 4 of 4