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The Plant Kingdom: Flowers: Types: Pansies

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Result: 7 of 7
ID Description Author Date Size Points Popularity Mid Time Solved
9768 Pansy Lenchik 7/21/11 (14+30)x(32+18)x5 97,009 74.06% 00:54:07
8101 Summer Flower Jogksu 6/6/10 (12+18)x(20+16)x8 822 67.06% 00:15:02
4608 Pansy GICaesar 10/25/07 (23+22)x(18+31)x5 2,574 88.86% 01:05:55
2441 Pansy elimaor 5/13/06 (21+21)x(21+21)x8 2,950 87.20% 00:53:36
702 Flowers spisula 9/17/04 (4+6)x(6+4)x7 230 64.32% 00:06:22
495 Flower HSpring 5/22/04 (7+7)x(7+7)x5 408 59.17% 00:06:35
468 Pansy ulka 5/11/04 (4+6)x(4+6)x6 146 72.48% 00:02:45
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Result: 7 of 7