方格计数器:在每一个方格上用鼠标点击+按住Ctrl键。(或一次拖动多数方格)来计算方格 The Square Counter is located at the top-right side of the window. This feature is available only to subscribers.
The Info Bar 这将显示拼图的ID,描述和大小,并且您的拼玩用时,如果您选择“隐藏描述”模式,您将看不到拼图描述。
The Menu
使用 保存 (按Ctrl-S) - 可以在在线保存您的拼图
当地保存(按Ctrl+Shift-S) -为了在电脑上保存您的工作 This feature is available only to subscribers.
打印 -
为了把拼图直接从附属程序打印到您的打印机 您可以打印一个部分解决的拼图,或选择“清除”以打印一个空的拼图。 This feature is available only to subscribers.
清除所有 -
退出 - 可以关闭拼图窗口
撤消(按Ctrl-Z 或退格键) - 可以撤消前1至1000步。
重做(按Ctrl-Y)。 -
Use to redo the removed steps. This feature is available only to subscribers.
暂停(按Ctrl-P) -
自动暂停功能 -如果你在10分钟内没做任何动作,程序将自动暂停。 This feature is available only to subscribers.
The Drag Area allows you to move the Bar on the screen by pressing and holding down the mouse button while moving the mouse. You can drag the Bar out of the frame and make it a floating window. If you close the window (click on the X) the floating window goes back to its place. You can also move it to another location on the screen (left, right, bottom).
The Markers indicate the colors of your Left and Right Mouse Buttons.
If you Left-Click on a clue - the Left Marker will change to the color that you clicked on. The same happens with the Right Marker if you Right-Click on a clue.
In 2-color puzzles the Left Button designates the Clues and the Right Button designates the Background as the default.
线索颜色: 如果你想改变线索的颜色-在调色板盘区 上 双击线索或一个数字 。这将打开一个小窗口(如同图画上)。选择您想要的颜色,然后单击确定(或取消)以关闭“更改颜色”窗口。 背景颜色: 如果你想改变背景颜色- 在调色板盘区 上双击背景区或一个数字。 当拼图被解完了之后,所有颜色会变成作者的默认颜色。 “解决地区”颜色: 如果你想改变解决地区的颜色-在调色板盘区 上 双击一个数字 。 系统将设置此颜色为您的默认颜色。使用“复位颜色” (在浏览菜单底下)以返回系统的默认颜色。 This feature is available only to subscribers.