Μαθήματα Griddlers - Λύνοντας Παζλ
Παράδειγμα 1: Λύνοντας ένα Απλό Παζλ
(Χρησιμοποιώντας SLS - Single Line Solving)
Το λύσιμο ενός παζλ είναι μια διαδικασία αποκλεισμού. Υπολογίζουμε πού πρέπει να είναι χρωματιστά τετράγωνα και πού δεν μπορεί να είναι. Καθώς το κάνουμε, άλλες γραμμές και στήλες γίνονται επιλύσιμες.
Αυτό είναι το παζλ που θα λύσουμε. Είναι ένα παζλ τριών χρωμάτων. Δύο χρώματα θα σχηματίσουν την εικόνα (μαύρο και κόκκινο) και το τρίτο χρώμα θα είναι το λευκό φόντο. Θα λύσουμε το παζλ χρησιμοποιώτνας την μέθοδοSLS (Single Line Solving) , που σημαίνει ότι θα επεξεργαζόμαστε μία γραμμή κάθε φορά. | |
Αρχικά, κοιτάζουμε για στήλες ή γραμμές που έχουν στοιχεία με μεγάλα νούμερα. Σε αυτό το παζλ υπάρχουν 3 γραμμές που έχουν το στοιχείο 10, που σημαίνει - 10 συνεχόμενα μαύρα τετράγωνα. Αφού το πλέγμα είναι πλάτους 10 τετραγώνων, αυτά τα μαύρα τετράγωνα καλύπτουν όλη τη γραμμή του πλέγματος. | |
Next, we look for obvious clue sets, which in this case are the 2 red cells needed horizontally. Notice that there are only 2 columns running down that have red squares in them, therefore the 2 red cells running across must be placed in those 2 columns. | |
We can fill in the two black blocks of 4 which go on either side of the block of 2 reds since there are exactly 4 squares either side of it. An alternate method for solving that row would be to look at the clue row, and notice that 4+2+4=10 and fill in the row. | |
Look at the row that has clue 6. The images show that there are five possible locations for a block of 6 blacks. No matter which one of the five possibilities is correct, the 2 squares marked with green X's will be black because they are black in every different case. | |
An alternate method for solving such clues is overlapping counting: Count 8 squares across from the left and blacken the 8th one. Then, count 8 squares across from the right and blacken the 8th one. Finally, blacken the squares between those two. | |
Using the theory explained above, we can color in 2 black squares of clue 6 in both the top and bottom rows. We can also blacken 6 of the required 8 squares of clue 8 on the second row. | |
Let’s look at clue 6 on the first column. For the block to be consecutive, there must be a black square where the green X is. | |
We now have 5 of the 6 squares required for that clue. This means that there is only 1 more black needed. The top square and the bottom 2 squares must be white because that block of 6 will not reach that far at either end. | |
Η τελευταία στήλη είναι ίδια με την πρώτη. Μπορούμε να επαναλάβουμε την διαδικασία στην στήλη αυτή. | |
Look at the row with the clues circled in green. Blocks of the same color must have at least one space between them, so all 10 squares across the grid are accounted for and can be filled in. 2black+1white+4black+1white+2black=10 | |
This completes the required block of 6 blacks in both the first and last columns, so we can whiten the 2 squares marked with green X's. | |
The second row has 8 squares available that can be filled with a color. Since that row needs a block of 8 black, both the gray squares at either end must be black as well. | |
Let's look at the fourth column. The clues are 3, 4 and 1. Notice that there is already a block of 4 blacks between B and C. Since there is only one clue 4 and there must be at least one space at each end of it, B and C must be white. Below clue 4 there is clue 1. Since D is the only available square, D must be black. Similarly, there needs to be a block of 3 blacks at the top, and since B is white, A must be black. | |
Παρατηρήστε την ταυτόσημη στήλη με τον πράσινο κύκλο. Μπορούμε να επαναλάβουμε ό,τι κάναμε στο προηγούμενο βήμα. | |
In this row we need three blocks of 2 blacks. We already have single black squares at either end of the row, and since they need to be 2's, A and F must be black. This leaves only one other place in this row where a block of 2 blacks can go, so C and D must also be black. We now have three blocks of 2 blacks, so B and E must be white. | |
All the required clues have been filled in both of these columns, so the one gray square left in each must be white. | |
The clues in this row are 2 and 2. There are only 2 locations available for these blocks. Fill them in with black. | |
Και οι δύο στήλες τώρα έχουν τα απαιτούμενα 8 μαύρα τετράγωνα, οπότε τα εναπομείναντα γκρι τετράγωνα πρέπει να είναι άσπρα. | |
This leaves us with 2 gray squares at the top and 2 gray squares at the bottom. Whether we use the side or top clues, all these squares must be black. | |
Όλο τοπλέγμα είναι τώρα συμπληρωμένο. Πώς γνωρίζουμε ότι λύσαμε σωστά το παζλ; | |
Εάν ένα παζλ έχει λυθεί σωστά, όλα τα στοιχεία και οι γραμμές πλέγματος θα εξαφανιστούν, παρουσιάζοντας την εικόνα. Καλή διασκέδαση! |